Resident Evil 4 had some of the most memorable bosses in the series. The remake takes some of those boss sequences and makes them even better in some regards. There are a lot of changes in the remake and not all of them are good.

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The bosses, at least for the most part, are one of the best things in the Resident Evil 4 remake thankfully. From mini-bosses to the final boss, let’s go through the best and hardest ones. For those that have never played the original game before or the remake, there will be spoilers for this boss breakdown.

Spoilers Ahead

7 A Savage Colmillo

Fighting a Colmillo in the Resident Evil 4 remake

A Savage Mutt is one of the earlier requests players can tackle via the Merchant. A Colmillo is one of the mutant dogs that torments Leon and Ashley throughout the game. This mini-boss version appears in the village and is vicious. Its dodge speed is incredible not to mention how fast it can whip its tentacle around.

The trickiest part of this fight is keeping Ashley alive since players can’t send her to hide anywhere. Unload the best ammunition into this thing and get those sweet, sweet Spinels in the Resident Evil 4 remake.

6 The Two Chainsaw Women

Fighting Chainsaw Women in the Resident Evil 4 remake

The various chainsaw boss fights can be tricky especially the first one as ammo can be scarce. However, the boss fight involving the two chainsaw women is a struggle and a half. Players can tell Ashley to lock herself in the locker upstairs, but she will inevitably join the fray anyway.

This makes it tricky because the room the boss fight is in is cramped. One touch from either of these women will result in an automatic death for either Ashley or Leon. The best course of action is to attach some mines to bolts on the Bolt Thrower.

5 Chief Mendez

Fighting Chief Mendez in the Resident Evil 4 remake

Chief Mendez is a menacing foe in the Resident Evil 4 remake and in the original game. There is a section right before the true boss fight wherein he will chase Leon and Ashley through the village like Mr. X in Resident Evil 2 or Nemesis from Resident Evil 3.

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It’s hard to dodge through all the villagers on the way to the barn. Once inside the barn, players will be treated to a small cramped area as well with fire everywhere. The W-870 shotgun, which players can obtain in the village in the Resident Evil 4 remake, is the best weapon to use against Chief Mendez.

4 Two Garradors

Fighting Garrador in the Resident Evil 4 remake

Similar to the chainsaw foes, the first encounter with the Garrador in the Resident Evil 4 remake is tricky but not impossible. Fighting against one supremely fast opponent is nothing, but adding two to the mix is almost impossible. They will absorb a lot of damage if players don’t hit their parasites in the back.

Having to deal with random cult members while trying to attack them from behind makes it an even more stressful experience. Ringing the bells will help, but players have to time it right. Sniping them in the back is a good idea, or players can use the mine trick with the Bolt Thrower instead.

3 Verdugo

Fighting Verdugo in the Resident Evil 4 remake

The boss fight with Verdugo in the original game was one of the coolest as it paid homage to the Alien franchise. Verdugo looked a lot like a Xenomorph which couldn’t have been a coincidence, especially with that whip-like tail. The boss fight is a bit easier in the remake because it gives players an infinite amount of freeze zones to halt Verdugo in its tracks.

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These stations have to recharge, but at least players won’t screw themselves over by knocking down a canister like in the original. That doesn’t mean the Verdugo boss fight in the Resident Evil 4 remake is a piece of cake though because it is faster, more aggressive, and smarter. Using a magnum after it freezes is ideal but running away until the elevator arrives isn’t a bad idea either.

2 Ramon Salazar

Fighting Salazar in the Resident Evil 4 remake

Ramon Salazar may have been a goofy, small character in the original game, but his boss fight was tricky. Players had to hit an eye that would then reveal the little imp inside a cocoon-like flower. Players had to dodge tentacles and one attack that could instantly kill Leon. The reimagined boss fight against Salazar in the Resident Evil 4 remake is easier on paper. He is always in the open, giving players more chances to hit him.

However, he might be the fastest enemy in the game so sniping him, for example, is a hard thing to do. Salazar will spit acid and leave little cocoon bombs that will absolutely destroy Leon’s Body Armor if players purchased it from the Merchant. The best thing to do is blast him in close range with the shotgun unless players have really good aim with any of the sniper rifles. Patience, overall, is a strong virtue to have in this encounter.

1 Krauser Round 2

Fighting Krauser in the Resident Evil 4 remake

The first fight with Krauser ditches the QTE mechanics for a real knife fight. It’s fun, but not too hard as it won’t last long. The second encounter with Krauser in the Resident Evil 4 remake is like a marathon and mirrors a lot of Metal Gear Solid fights.

Krauser will set up traps everywhere from bear traps to bombs. He’ll snipe from a distance and close in the gaps when players least expect him. He’s much stronger after he transforms but at least he stays still for the most part. A watchful eye is needed for this fight along with a good understanding of the parry system in the remake.

The Resident Evil 4 remake was released on March 24, 2023, and is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, and Xbox One.

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