A fan has modded Resident Evil 4 to include Red Dead Redemption 2’s Arthur Morgan throwing spears at the Kyogre from the Pokemon series. With the recent release of the Resident Evil 4 remake on PC, fans have been doing what they do best by turning the beloved game into an absurdist mashup of various video game franchises. The Resident Evil series has reinvented itself several times to keep up with modern gaming trends and gamer tastes. The remake of Resident Evil 4 was no exception, as it kept intact much of what made the game a classic while feeling like it could have been released for the first time today.

Resident Evil 4 was initially released to widespread acclaim in 2005 for the Nintendo GameCube. It quickly achieved legendary status. Capcom released a series of ports over the years for various systems, including a VR version. In March 2023, Capcom released a remake that not only modernized the classic game’s visuals but remixed Resident Evil 4’s formula to add a hint of freshness to a game many of its fans have played several times over.

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TikTok user mike_breeeee often shares videos of moments in video games that, thanks to a series of mods, look like surreal alternate universe versions of the games players know and love. They turned a play-through of the Resident Evil 4 remake into a wild mash-up three completely different yet hugely popular games: Resident Evil 4, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Pokemon. Somehow, mike_breeeee found the perfect moment to combine all three franchises, Resident Evil 4’s iconic lake monster fight.

One of Resident Evil 4’s most memorable moments has the player controlling lead character Leon Kennedy in a small boat on a lake as he tries to fend off a large mutated creature using harpoons. Mike_breeeee modded Resident Evil 4 to replace Leon with Arthur Morgan from Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2. The terrifying lake monster was swapped out for the cute, brightly colored Kygore from the Pokemon franchise. The result is a brief but surreal sight where the video game multiverse has collapsed into a singularity of intellectual properties.

Resident Evil 4’s remake has quickly become a favorite among modders, especially those with a penchant for contrasting the game’s grim dark tone with iconography from happier, less serious games. For instance, one fan replaced Leon with Mario and Luis with Luigi. Like The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim before it, it seems as though mods will keep Resident Evil 4's remake in the minds and hearts of gamers for a long time.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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