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The Resident Evil 4 remake has a varied range of weapons to pick, including new weapons like the Bolt Thrower, a cross-bow-style weapon. However, when weapons in Resident Evil 4 cost thousands of Pesetas to buy and storage case space is limited, players may wonder whether the Bolt Thrower is worth the investment and how well it performs.

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Some of Resident Evil 4 Remake's best weapons include powerful shotguns like the Riot Gun plus explosives like the Rocket Launcher, as might be somewhat expected. However, players may want to consider purchasing the Bolt Thrower for its advantages compared to other weapons, particularly as a weapon that unlocks quite early on in the game. However, it does have drawbacks.

Where To Get Bolt Thrower And When Best To Buy It

Resident Evil 4 remake merchant

Players can unlock and buy the Bolt Thrower from the merchant at the beginning of chapter 3 when it becomes available. The Bolt Thrower is a quiet projectile weapon that costs 8,000 Pesetas at this point in the game with its 20% discount. However, if players buy the Bolt Thrower in later chapters, they may need to pay the full price of 10,000 Pesetas.

Resident Evil 4 Remake bolt thrower weapon merchant inventory

Players can also buy the Bolt recipe for 6,000 Pesetas, which enables players to craft bolts using collectible resources and a knife. Like other Resident Evil 4 Remake weapon upgrades, players can upgrade the Bolt Thrower's power, ammo capacity, reload speed, and rate of fire.

Resident Evil 4 Remake bolt thrower recipe

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Is The Bolt Thrower Worth It?

Resident Evil 4 Remake bolt thrower weapon

The Bolt Thrower is worth it for some players who prefer stealthy play styles and like to have other explosive weaponry options. However, for most players, the Bolt Thrower is not worth it, and handling can feel frustrating. The Bolt Thrower's main advantages are its retrievable bolts from enemy corpses to save ammo and effectively somewhat get Resident Evil 4 Remake's infinite ammo early on. However, bolts can get lost, and accuracy is often tricky.

The Bolt Thrower is sometimes handy for stealth tactics, as it makes no noise and doesn't draw the attention of nearby enemies. However, players can equally perform stealth takedowns with Leon's knife. It's also possible to add attachable proximity mines to bolts. Attachable mines are handy when players might run out of other high-powered weapon ammo. They can take down groups of Resident Evil 4's Ganado enemies or even set explosive traps for more challenging enemies like Chainsaw Wielding ones or Bull-head Brutes. Additionally, if players shoot a Ganado in the head with a bolt once, they can follow up with Leon's kick for a finishing blow.

Resident Evil 4 Remake bolt thrower weapon attachable mines

However, although it is upgradeable, the Bolt Thrower has low damage, limited ammo capacity, and is pretty slow to reload. Unless players are following-up single shots with Leon's finishing moves, it can sometimes take longer to kill enemies, so it's often not the best in close-combat situations. Therefore, most players might prefer to invest their hard-earned cash into buying and upgrading other high-powered weaponry like shotguns and rifles rather than get the Bolt Thrower and leave it gathering dust in Leon's case.

The Resident Evil 4 remake is available now on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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