The Resident Evil franchise is one of the most popular and renowned series of all time. One of the most popular and critically acclaimed titles in the series is Resident Evil 4. With its remake now out into the world, millions of fans will finally be able to re-experience this awesome title from 2005.

Major fans of the game will surely play the remake with sharp eyes and laser focus. Not only because the game's polished graphics are a visual treat, but they'll also scour the game for Easter eggs that may reference the original title or some of the games within the franchise. Players might also find secrets in this remake that was present in the original game. However, many of these Resident Evil 4 Remake Easter eggs are not that easy to spot.

9 Kendo

Leon's SG-09 handgun with a "Kendo" engraving on it.

Leon's default handgun, the SG-09 R, has the word "Kendo" engraved on it. It's not easy to spot and only those who are highly eagle-eyed or have heard it from others will truly spot this engraving. Those who have played Resident Evil 2 will find this name familiar.

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This is a reference to the gun shop called Gun Shop Kendo and its owner, Robert Kendo. The Gun Shop Kendo is a place where players can buy weapons in Resident Evil 2. It also alludes to the idea that Leon bought the gun he wields at the beginning of the game from Robert Kendo six years prior.

8 Shooting The Lake

The Del Lago monster jumping out of the lake from Resident Evil 4.

If the player shoots the lake where the Del Lago monster resides, they'll be greeted by a secret death animation. After a couple of shots, the monster will jump out from the lake and swallow Leon whole. This is a secret event that was also in the original and Capcom decided to put it in the remake as well.

The player won't get anything out of this like a trophy or achievement, but it's a cool scene nonetheless. The fact that it was a secret that was in the original only adds to how iconic the scene is. It's undoubtedly one of the things players of the old game checked out when they played through this remake.

7 Striker Affecting The Movement Speed

Acquiring the Striker charm from Resident Evil 4.

In the original game, a glitch was discovered by a player who goes by "Ditman" online, who then decided to share the glitch on a forum. Ditman discovered a way to make Leon's movement speed faster by aiming the Striker shotgun and quickly opening the inventory to switch to a new weapon before the Striker's laser pointer appears on the screen.

This trick will increase Leon's movement speed by about 1.5 times. It has since become a staple trick within the Resident Evil 4 speedrunning community. The remake commemorated this through a charm called Striker, which increases the player's running speed by 8%.

6 No Thanks, Bro!

Leon looking at The "No Thanks, Bro!" trophy Resident Evil 4 Remake

The player will receive the trophy/achievement called "No Thanks, Bro!" after defeating Ramon Salazar. It's an odd name for a trophy, but those who have played the original will no doubt recognize this line. One of the changes in the remake is Leon's overall demeanor. He's much more serious in the remake whereas he was quirkier and brash in the original.

In the original game, after meeting Salazar for the first time, Leon remarks the now iconic line, "No thanks, bro!" after Salazar makes a long-winded introduction. It's a hilarious response and perfectly makes sense with Leon's old characterization. However, in the remake, Leon is somewhat more serious. He doesn't mention this line anymore, but Capcom decided to honor the line anyway by using it as a trophy name.

5 Sitting On The Throne

Leon sitting on a throne in Resident Evil 4.

In the original game, players can return to the Throne Room in the castle and sit on the throne. This reveals a quick cutscene showing Leon getting comfortable and feeling right at home on the throne. It's one of the secrets from the original that many players of the game hoped the remake would include.

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Thankfully, this is indeed included in the remake. Players can do the same here and pretty much get the same scene. After sitting on the throne for a few seconds, a text then appears on the screen that says, "There's no time for resting."

4 Jill Valentine Reference

Ashley saying she's the master of unlocking and a screenshot of Billy and Jill from Resident Evil.

Ashley Graham channels her inner Jill Valentine with this fun Easter egg. During Chapter 14, Leon gives Ashley a boost so she can open a locked gate from the other side. After which, Ashley then jokingly comments, "I'm pretty much a master of unlocking."

It's a fun little comment that's meant to be a reference to one of the silliest lines ever said in the series. This line goes as far back as the original Resident Evil game when Barry handed over a lockpick to Jill as he says, "It might be handy if you, a master of unlocking, take it with you."

3 Gun Names

Killer7 and Matilda references from Resident Evil 4.

There are two guns in Resident Evil 4 that are references to other titles. One of them is the Killer7 magnum gun, which is one of the best weapons players can use. What many may not know is that it's named after another shooter game, also named Killer7, that was also made by Capcom (and Grasshopper Manufacture).

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Another gun that references another title is the Matilda handgun. This gun's name is a reference to the main character of a movie called Léon: The Professional. The main character, played by a young Natalie Portman, is named Matilda.

2 Merchant's Humming

The merchant from Resident Evil 4.

In the original game, purchasing items from the merchant or going into a safe room is often accompanied by music. It's since become a memorable original soundtrack for the biggest fans of the original title. Sadly, the OST doesn't play anymore when Leon buys things from the merchant in the remake.

However, every so often, the merchant can be heard chanting the notes of the OST. What's hilarious is that he tries to hum the song, only to break into coughing after a few seconds, unable to carry on. Players may not get the original theme anymore, but this is somewhat of an acceptable alternative.

1 Where We Go Our Separate Ways

Leon separating from Ada in Resident Evil 4.

At the end of the game, Ada offers to escape the island with Leon on a helicopter. Leon declines, stating, "We both know this where we go our separate ways." This interaction between Leon and Ada plays differently in the original. It's a new line of dialogue Capcom may have purposely added to reference a game mode from the original title called "Separate Ways."

Resident Evil 4 has a mode where the player can play through the game as Ada Wong. Although "Separate Ways" isn't in the remake as of release, the line may just be a little nod from Capcom for those who enjoyed the option.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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