Capcom has done an amazing job of putting a lot of detail into the remake of Resident Evil 4, some of which could easily go unnoticed, and fans have gathered to discuss their favorite examples. Now the second-fastest selling game in the Resident Evil series, the recent reimagining of the iconic 2005 release has impressed fans and critics alike, proving that modern takes on classic games, including horror ones, are still popular.

With Resident Evil 4's Mercenaries mode now out, players have another excuse to dive into this world, not that they really need one to begin with. Taking some of the best bits of the OG RE4 and updating it for contemporary audiences, Capcom has really nailed nostalgic appeal retention while generating new interest. On top of everything else the developer got right, the recent remake has a lot of little details, which has inspired a recent discussion among a few people.

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As spotted by The Gamer, a thread on Reddit started by user Bworm98 asks what small detail in the Resident Evil 4 remake is one that "doesn't really get talked about" a lot. Some examples in the thread include the fact that Ashley's pantyhose become more worn as the story progresses, although her hair remains perfectly intact. User stefan714 mentioned the fact that a bullet gets loaded into the chamber when a magazine that's not empty gets reloaded, hence the +1 on the ammo counter. Others have talked about the animations in the game, such as Leon getting a stitch in his side if he sprints for too long.

Another comment discussed the fact that there's a Don Quixote reference during a scene with Luis Sera, while Spookyfan2 has noticed that Lord Saddler spits out bullets when he gets shot during cutscenes. While this last one is something that can be seen in the original as well, all these examples and more show the changes that have been made in the Resident Evil 4 remake. It must have been difficult for the team at Capcom to take such a beloved entry in the series and give it a fresh coat of paint, strip away some of the filler, and modernize it to make it feel almost like a new game, all without losing what made the 2005 release so special.

While it's not the scariest Resident Evil game ever made, the remake does put a bit more focus on horror. The original RE4 went for more action, which eventually led to the rather lackluster fifth and sixth installments, but upon release back in the day, the fourth entry in the influential survival horror series immediately became one of the most beloved titles in the franchise.

Resident Evil 4 is out now for PC, PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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Source: The Gamer