For the past several years now, it appears that Resident Evil remakes are remaking Capcom itself especially now after the successful release of Resident Evil 2 last year and Resident Evil 3 just a few weeks ago. For quite some time after the launch of Resident Evil 3 remake, the plans of Capcom for the Resident Evil franchise remained unclear until a a new report shocked the online community when it revealed that the studio is reportedly working on a remake of 2005's Resident Evil 4.

Resident Evil 4 remains one of the most beloved game entries in the franchise, which is why many Resident Evil fans were delighted with the unconfirmed news. However, some fans were disappointed, especially those who were looking forward to a remake of Resident EvilCode Veronica. It's worth mentioning that, without any official confirmation from Capcom itself, a Resident Evil 4 remake should still be just considered a potentially wrong report. Assuming that Capcom is really developing RE 4 remake, what does this mean for Code Veronica?

RELATED: 5 Reasons Code Veronica Should Be The Next Resident Evil Remake (& 5 Reasons It Should Be RE4)

Resident Evil Code Veronica May Not Get a Remake

code veronica remake

Ever since Capcom started making Resident Evil remakes, the company has been consistent in releasing these reimaginings in chronological order. First was the 2002 remake of the original Resident Evil, followed by Resident Evil 2 in 2019, and then Resident Evil 3 this year. While some fans who are not so familiar with the series would think that Resident Evil 4 should be the next remake, it is worth remembering that Code Veronica's story takes place in-between Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4.

Many people claim that Resident Evil Code Veronica is even the true sequel to Resident Evil 2, and that Resident Evil 3 which revolves around Jill Valentine's escape from Raccoon City, was initially intended to be the spin-off. Nonetheless, even though Code Veronica is not a numbered title, its events remain crucial to the franchise's canon, given that the game reunited the Redfield siblings and revealed that Albert Wesker is alive and did not perish in Resident Evil 1.

With that being said, if RE 4 remake is actually in development, then Capcom's decision to skip Code Veronica could mean that the company has no intentions of remaking the game. Of course, looking at it closely, it is more logical for Capcom to remake Code Veronica rather than Resident Evil 4, given that the latter already employs the advanced controls that were introduced in the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3. Additionally, RE Code Veronica has more outdated graphics than Resident Evil4, especially since Resident Evil 4 has been ported and remastered countless times and still holds up quite well today.

Resident Evil Code Veronica May Come in 2023 or Later

On the positive side of things, it is still possible for Capcom to remake Resident Evil Code Veronica after Resident Evil 4, especially since there is a significant amount of demand for a reimagining of the game. However, as the report claims, Resident Evil 4 will likely be released sometime in 2022 after the rumored Resident Evil 8. This means that the earliest that fans should expect Resident Evil Code Veronica remake is sometime in 2023. But of course, it is still pretty baffling to think as to why Capcom would remake Resident Evil 4 before Code Veronica. One possible explanation is that Resident Evil 4 is more popular than Code Veronica. Capcom is probably trying to capitalize on the current popularity of its remakes, especially since a reimagining of Resident Evil 4 would likely sell more copies than a Code Veronica remake.

At this point, Resident Evil fans should know all too well that Capcom does not like to be predictable. Maybe the company will remake Resident Evil 4 first to spice things up. But without any official confirmation from Capcom on what it plans to do with the Resident Evil franchise in the future, it is difficult to predict which Resident Evil game Capcom will remake first. Will it go with the more popular game? Or will it remain consistent and work on the title that is the direct sequel of the highly successful remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3? Only time will tell.

Resident Evil 4 remake is reportedly in development.

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