With a Metacritic score of 96, Resident Evil 4 is considered to be one of the greatest games of all time. Along with the excellent gameplay mechanics and series-changing over-the-shoulder camera angle, the game's bonus content is a big reason for its score. Still, the main campaign has its share of extra content and challenges, too, many of which focus on the now iconic tradesman known as the Merchant.

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Players have multiple ways to earn pesetas, the game's currency, which can be spent on weapons, items, and upgrades from the Merchant. They are predominantly obtained by killing strong enemies, but can also be earned by selling treasures. These treasures are either complete pieces that can be sold for a quick profit, or alternatively, treasures with spaces for players to add more pieces to increase the treasure's overall value. Despite being a linear game, some of the Resident Evil 4 treasure locations are tough to track down.

Updated on October 23, 2021, by Jack Pursey: Somehow, Capcom are still managing to find new ways to re-release their magnum opus, Resident Evil 4, despite it already being available on a whopping 12 different consoles. The latest iteration of the iconic horror game hit stores on October 21, 2021, and features a first-person perspective of the game with VR support via the Oculus Quest 2.

Resident Evil 4 isn't inherently as scary as Resident Evil 7 or Resident Evil Village, but with the unsettlingly immersive VR perspective, it suddenly becomes one of the most frightening experiences in the entire series. This added fear factor will likely see many players picking up the game for Halloween, particularly after its impressive critical reception.

Although it seems hard to believe at this point, there will be a huge number of picking up the new VR version of the game, that will be experiencing Resident Evil 4 for the first time. For such players, or for returning fans, it may be worth knowing how to find the game's most well-hidden treasures.

13 Mirror w/ Pearls & Rubies

Mirror with description

The Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies can be found in the Castle, during Chapter 3-3. It's simple to find for those who already know where to look, but very easy to miss for those who don't.

The Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies sits inside an inconspicuous wardrobe that many players will walk straight past. Moreover, the Merchant is in the same room, so plenty of first-time players will dash straight to him, relieved that they can finally make some much-needed purchases. However, it's a mistake to pass this treasure up, as the Mirror w/Pearls & Rubies is worth 12,000 pesetas.

12 Elegant Headdress (Village)

Elegant Headdress with description

The Elegant Headdress isn't too tricky for players to find on their second playthrough, but it can be very easy to miss for those on their first playthrough for two reasons. Firstly, the headdress is in a dingy cave, which initially seems certain to contain an enemy or possible jump scare, so treasure hunting won't be at the forefront of most players' minds.

Secondly, players first need to shoot down the room's lamp to reveal where the headdress is in the room. The lamp is an obvious target for experienced players, but will seem as though it's just part of the scenery for most first-timers. The Elegant Headdress is worth 10,000 pesetas​​​​​​.

11 Pearl Pendant (Farm)

Pearl Pendant in Resident Evil 4

The first of two Pearl Pendants in the game is the more difficult one to obtain. The pendant isn't too tricky to find, as it shines above the farm's well, catching the eye of many players. However, before shooting down the pendant, players first need to shoot a piece of wood to close the well, otherwise, the pendant will fall into the well and turn it into the Dirty Pearl Pendant, which is less valuable.

The farm's Pearl Pendant is the first treasure in the game. Because of this, many first-time players will instinctively shoot the shiny object before assessing the situation. The Pearl Pendant is worth 10,000 pesetas, whereas the Dirty Pearl Pendant is worth 1,000 pesetas.

10 Brass Pocket Watch (Village)

Brass Pocket Watch with description

The Brass Pocket Watch is obtained in a very similar way to the Pearl Pendant. Like the pendant, players need to shoot a piece of wood to close the well, ensuring that the Brass Pocket Watch doesn't drop into dirty water, which significantly lowers its value.

Despite being obtained in virtually identical ways, the Brass Pocket Watch is harder to obtain than the pendant. This isn't because it's tucked away in some sort of secret passage, it's simply because of an intentional camera constraint. The well where the Brass Pocket Watch hangs is to the player's immediate left when they enter a new area, just out of sight of the camera's starting position, making it frustratingly easy to miss.

Like the Pearl Pendant, the Brass Pocket Watch is worth 10,000 pesetas, while the Dirty Pocket Watch is only worth 1,000.

9 Elegant Chessboard

Chessboard in Resident Evil 4

The Elegant Chessboard isn't too difficult to find but is often unintentionally ignored. The chessboard is in a room reached after players escape from a chasing vehicle. This adrenaline-pumping moment will likely put player's in no mood to treasure hunt, making the inconspicuous cupboard that houses the chessboard easy to miss.

Furthermore, first-time players will likely have their attention diverted by a treasure chest that sits next to the room's exit. The Elegant Chessboard can be sold for 13,000 pesetas.

8 Elegant Perfume Bottle

Perfume in Resident Evil 4

Escort missions in video games are usually a nightmare for gamers, with players being constantly frustrated with having an extra health bar to monitor. Resident Evil 4 is one of the few games that made escorting a character an enjoyable mechanic.

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This is partially because Ashley can help Leon reach some previously inaccessible areas. One of these areas is a hidden room on the outskirts of the Castle. Along with a Broken Butterfly gun, the room contains an Elegant Perfume Bottle. The bottle can be sold for 10,000 pesetas.

7 Staff of Royalty

Staff in Resident Evil 4

The Staff of Royalty is found in an Underground Ruin sarcophagus. The sarcophagus is in a small cave that is easily missed. To find the cave, players need to counterintuitively double back on themselves in a room that is filled with numerous enemies, meaning treasure finding will likely be on the back of their minds.

The Staff of Royalty is the most valuable treasure in the game that has no slots for extra treasures to be added. It is worth 20,000 pesetas.

6 Antique Pipe

Bird's nest in Resident Evil 4

The Antique Pipe is found in one of the last places that players would expect. In a large area filled with enemies and bombs is a bird's nest sat inconspicuously in a tree.

Many players will understandably just assume that the bird's nest scenery and move on. Doing so would be a big mistake, however, as shooting it out of the tree will reward players with the Antique Pipe. What exactly a bird is doing with a pipe is unclear; what is clear, however, is that it's worth 10,000 pesetas.

5 Butterfly Lamp W/ Jewels

Butterfly Lamp in Resident Evil 4

There are two Butterfly Lamp's in the game, with the second being the more difficult one to find. Behind a broken window lies a secret path to a treasure chest.

This treasure chest contains a Butterfly Lamp that has three empty slots. These slots can be filled with Red, Blue, and Green Eye jewels that are dropped by Novistadores, one of the toughest non-boss enemies in the game. The Butterfly Lamp is worth 4,500 pesetas on its own, and 32,000 pesetas with all fittings.

4 Elegant Mask W/ Gems (Village)

Elegant Mask location in Resident Evil 4

The first of two Elegant Masks appears to be impossible to obtain when looking at the map. However, a breakable wall can be found, providing a way in. Obtaining the mask is just the first step though, as players also need to find three gems to get complete the mask and get the maximum value.

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Due to two Elegant Masks being in the game, there are also two sets of gems to collect. Having two chances to obtain each gem makes it considerably easier to complete at least one Elegant Mask than some of the other fillable treasures. The Elegant Mask is worth 3,000 pesetas on its own, and 20,000 pesetas with all the gems.

3 Beerstein W/ Catseye's

Beerstein in Resident Evil 4

To obtain the Beerstein, players must get into a small caged area. With going through or going under not possible, players need to drop down from above. Thankfully, a ledge on the outside of a house provides the perfect vantage point to do so.

The Beerstein can be filled with three Catseye's. The Green Catseye is locked behind a puzzle, Yellow is in a hidden treasure chest, and the Red Catseye is another item that needs to be stolen from the nest of a treasure collecting bird. The Beerstein is worth 3,000 pesetas on its own, or for 20,000 with all Catseye's.

2 Golden Lynx W/ Stones

Explodable Barrel in Resident Evil 4

Hidden behind a wall of boulders is a Golden Lynx. To clear the path, players need to shoot an explodable barrel that conveniently sits just in front of the collapsed rocks. The lynx can be filled with the Red Stone of Faith, the Blue Stone of Treason, and the Green Stone Judgment.

The Golden Lynx is worth a sizeable 15,000 pesetas on its own, or a tantalizing 35,000 pesetas with all three stones added.

1 Salazar Family Crown

Crown in Resident Evil 4

The Salazar Family Crown is the most valuable treasure in the game. Coming in at a whopping 48,000 pesetas, it could almost buy players two Rocket Launchers. Indicative of its value, the Salazar Family Crown is difficult to obtain. Players must first get the Crown, which is worth an impressive 9,000 pesetas on its own, then fill it with the Crown Jewel and the Royal Insignia.

The Crown Jewel in particular is tough to obtain, as it is dropped by the boss Verdugo. Killing Verdugo is optional, causing many players to opt to escape the boss via an elevator rather than killing it. The Crown, Crown Jewel, and Royal Insignia are all worth small fortunes on their own, making obtaining the Salazar Family Crown a test of players' patience, as they will often be tempted to cash in early on their treasures if they're in a difficult spot.

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