Resident Evil 4 still comes to people's minds when discussing the greatest games of all time. As new re-releases of the classic 2005 title hit modern consoles, new legions of fans are discovering the seminal horror game. For newcomers reading this, the following guide will help prepare for the foes they come across. Despite Resident Evil 4's action focus, the enemy designs are still intimidating.

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The weapons listed for each enemy also take into account ammunition, otherwise, we would just recommend using the most powerful guns for every enemy. Unlike many other Resident Evil games, in Resident Evil 4, ammo is more plentiful and the variety of weaponry is staggering, giving players plenty of choices.

Updated July 20, 2022 by Jason Wojnar: Capcom has been on a winning streak when it comes to Resident Evil. Not only are the main entries like Resident Evil 7 and 8 hitting it out of the park, but the recent remakes of Resident Evil 2 and 3 are also adored. One hopes the company keeps the ball rolling so successfully with the Resident Evil 4 remake.

Part of what makes this one different is just how good it still feels to play Resident Evil 4 today. After all, the last two remakes borrow heavily from the gameplay established in the 2004 title. There is still plenty of time to play the original classic before the remake comes out, which makes it the perfect time to revisit this list, as it helps players find the best weapon for each threat the game throws at them.

10 Ganado (Handgun/TMP)

re4 cultists
  • While the Red9 is more powerful than the default Handgun, the Handgun's final upgrade makes critical headshots extremely common. Ultimately, it is up to personal preference which one is better.

When there are only two or three enemies coming at Leon, there is no reason to use anything other than a Handgun or Red9. When a bigger group starts coming in close, use the TMP. The TMP is small, but don't let its size fool you. It is an extremely effective friend from when Leon first gets it until the end of the game. Keep upgrading its power and stats to make sure it does not fall behind as enemies get stronger.

Later in the game, they carry wooden shields, in which case use a shotgun to break it before switching to another gun. Early in the game we also recommend knifing Ganados when they are incapacitated on the ground and if Leon is facing only one of them. While ammunition is more plentiful than in earlier games of the series, it is always good to conserve bullets when possible.

9 Chainsaw Man (Shotgun)

Resident Evil 4, aimiang at the chainsaw weilding enemy
  • The first shotgun is in a building in the village.
  • The Riot Gun is bought after reaching the castle, but it is recommended not to upgrade it since Striker is the best gun Leon can buy later on.

The first tough enemy introduced in Resident Evil 4is the Chainsaw Man. Variations of this enemy also come into play later on, such as the Bella Sisters. The first of these shows up in the famous sequence early in the game when Leon is defending himself against a whole horde of enemies in a village by a church.

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The Shotgun is the best defense against these menacing foes. It always knocks them back, which is a big help considering they can kill Leon in one hit. The one drawback is they have to get in close for it to be effective, so players should make sure they do not miss. We recommend getting killed by them at least once, however, because it is a gnarly kill.

8 Colmillos (TMP/Shotgun)

colmillos RE 4 Jumping at enemy
  • These dogs are only found in the hedge maze and in the graveyard of the village chapter.
  • Regardless of their power, shotguns always temporarily incapacitate the enemy.

These pesky dogs are not at fault for their predicament, but nonetheless, Leon needs to put them down. Their sporadic movements make the TMP and Shotgun the ideal weapon against Colmillos.

While these enemies are troublesome, at least they are only encountered in two spots throughout the whole game, the hedge maze, and the graveyard. Dogs are an iconic facet of the Resident Evil franchise, and even the changes Resident Evil 4 makes to the franchise's formula cannot get rid of the K-9s.

7 Garrador (Rifle)

resident evil 4 garrador
  • The semi-automatic rifle is the best for this type of enemy, but any rifle will do.
  • A shotgun or magnum can serve as useful alternatives.

The Garrador is blind and senses Leon through sound. If Leon is still, he will walk around trying to find him. The best way to take him out quickly is to either shoot the bells in the battle arena or dodge him at the last second so he gets his claw stuck in the wall.

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When the Garrador is trying to get his nail out of the wall, use the rifle and shoot the exposed Plagas on his back. Grenades also are not bad at staggering him. Later in the game, an encounter pits Leon against a Garrador and Ganados at the same time. Constantly being on the move, flash grenades, and strategic use of the bells in the room are all necessary to leaving this encounter alive.

6 Armadura (Magnum)

Armadura RE 4
  • The first magnum, the Broken Butterfly, is found in the castle and doesn't have to be bought. After finding Ashley again in the castle Leon can give her a boost to get her past a locked door.
  • Killer 7 is the best magnum, bought in 5-1.

These nightmarish knights in rusted armor are tough enemies to best. The player usually has Ashley in tow when fighting them, so he has to protect her while also dealing damage. Use the Broken Butterfly against them to deal with them quickly.

When the Plagas bursts out of their head, use a flash grenade to end them. Even though players are encouraged to always save magnum ammunition, don't be afraid to indulge when these enemies show up.Otherwise, save the ammunition for boss battles.

5 J.J. (Rifle)

RE 4 J.J. during assignment ada
  • The semi-automatic Rifle is particularly effective against J.J.
  • A headshot incapacitates J.J. temporarily, giving Leon time to do more damage or run.

J.J. is like the upgraded version of the Chainsaw Man. Instead of the deadly power tool, J.J. wields a giant mini-gun. When he shoots, he stays still and sprays an almost 180-degree radius in front of him.

Get too close and he smacks Leon with it, but stay in his sights from afar for too long and Leon takes a bunch of bullets and is knocked on his back. With this in mind, just take out the rifle and go for a headshot right away. It will stagger him, robbing J.J. of any opportunity to unleash a hail of bullets.

4 Regenerador (Rifle)

Resident evil 4 regenerador
  • Leon will have the semi-automatic rifle at this point.
  • Players should keep their distance when fighting these enemies.

Regeneradors are intimidating at first. The first couple Leon fights are particularly difficult. Shortly afterward, be sure to collect the infrared scope inside the freezer. Where most enemies in Resident Evil 4 are bullet sponges, Leon needs to be precise with his shots to kill these foes.

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With this, players can now aim and see the Plagas on its body that regenerates its limbs. Shoot these to inflict damage against the Regeneradors. Even when this enemy's legs are gone, it can jump at Leon if he gets too close.

3 Novistador (Shotgun)

Novistador RE 4
  • In addition to shotguns and the TMP, Flashband Grenades are also helpful.
  • They are invisible sometimes, but if the player stands still it is easy to see them coming toward the protagonist.

Novistadors look like giant bugs and come in two different forms. At first, they are found in the castle's sewers and turn invisible. Even when invisible, they are easy to spot. Players just have to keep their eyes peeled for the distorted outline and the lights on the eyes when they are camouflaged. When they leap, shoot and it will be hard to miss.

They attack quickly, so use the Shotgun to immediately knock them back before they have a chance. Later on they fly, and though they have less health, they are more plentiful. Use the shotgun here too, though the TMP will also help out.

2 Iron Maiden (Rifle)

RE 4 Iron Maiden guarding ashley
  • They are killed in the same way as the Regeneradors.

Not to be confused with the legendary heavy metal band, these enemies will certainly not grace players with sick, heavy guitar riffs. Instead of sweet music, these monsters attack with spikes on their bodies. The name appropriately comes from a sadistic medieval torture device.

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Don't even think about getting close to them unless players like seeing Leon getting impaled. Fortunately, they are disposed of in the same way as the Regeneradors. Sometimes a Plagas is on their back too.

1 Plagas (Flash Grenades)

Residnt evil 4 plaga
  • The Handgun's special upgrade is also extremely helpful since a critical hit is a one-hit kill.

Shortly into Resident Evil 4, certain Ganados will sprout a Plagas from their head and continue attacking Leon. Three types of these exist. The general rules of engagement remain the same, however. Players should always keep their distance since the tentacle can hit Leon from mid-range.

Shooting the plagas requires some accuracy, and Resident Evil 4's aiming is not as precise as modern games. Flash Grenades eliminate these enemies immediately and can be especially great at getting Leon out of a jam when they crowd him, making them the ideal alternative. Fortunately, the exposed Plagas is more gross and unsettling than it is difficult to kill.

Resident Evil 4 Remake launches March 24, 2023 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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