It would be hard to name a game with more iconic moments, characters, and plot beats than Resident Evil 4. With rumors of an RE4 remake gradually growing, plenty of fans have been revisiting the classic title in all its glory. As the Resident Evil franchise has continued growing since the release of the game in 2005, many of its unresolved plot elements have had payoffs in the later installments. However, one thread has been left hanging ever since the game came out: what happened to Ashley Graham after the credits rolled?

Among the most iconic characters of Resident Evil 4 are Leon Kennedy and Ashley Graham. After all, the pair spend most of the game's runtime together, however, Leon has gone on to star in other games in the franchise, but Ashley hasn't made another on-screen appearance since riding off into the sunset on a jetski with Leon at the end of RE4. Unfortunately for those looking for concrete answers about Ashley following her time in Spain, Capcom hasn't provided many.

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What Happened to Ashley?

resident evil 4 ashley cosplay

As stated above, Ashley never makes another on-screen appearance in any of the Resident Evil games following RE4. She's mentioned in both Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6, but only briefly in a pair of collectible documents that don't provide any further information on what might have happened to her. There were hopes that she might make an appearance in this year's Resident Evil Village, but while there is some pretty major connective tissue that binds Village to the rest of the RE universe, Ashley isn't a part of it.

The unfortunate and perhaps unsatisfying answer is that no one really knows where she officially ended up. There are hopes that she's meant to make another appearance in a future RE game, but it seems like if a Resident Evil 4 remake truly is in the works, that might be the only time she reappears. Capcom could throw a bone to the Ashley fans in the form of adding her as a playable character in the upcoming multiplayer shooter Resident Evil Re:Verse, but since she never wields a weapon during RE4, it seems unlikely that she'd be added to the roster.

Where Could Have Ashley Ended Up?

The Resident Evil 4 Remake Has a Big Opportunity With Ashley

Because Capcom hasn't provided any substantial answers about Ashley's fate, fans have tried putting the pieces together on their own. She was a 20-year-old college student when the plot of Resident Evil 4 happened so it's likely that, after taking some time off to recover from the horrors she witnessed, she returned back to school to finish her degree.

Additionally, the entire reason she was kidnapped by Los Iluminados was because of her status as the president's daughter. However, once his term ended, she likely moved with her family out of the immediate political spotlight. Some have speculated that the zombified president that Leon is forced to kill at the start of his campaign in Resident Evil 6 is Ashley's father, though this is unlikely. RE4 is set in 2004 and Leon's section of RE6 is set in 2013, so there's really no way that he would still be in office if the presidential term restrictions that the real U.S. government uses were still in place.

Because she hasn't gotten any sort of major spotlight in the rest of the Resident Evil series, it's likely that Ashley's life just wasn't very interesting following Resident Evil 4. Despite the city-destroying zombie outbreaks featured in games like Resident Evil 2, 5, and 6, it seems like the world has settled into some sort of general normalcy by the time Resident Evil 7 starts. Assuming she survived the various outbreaks and chaos, Ashley is likely living a simple life as the daughter of the retired president.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Resident Evil 4 Fan Shows Off Incredible Ashley Cosplay