For the past year, Resident Evil 3 has been one of the most highly anticipated games of 2020. Now that the game is only five days away, Resident Evil fans have grown increasingly excited. However, a question that has been on a lot of people's minds as of late is how long will it take to beat the game?

Resident Evil is considered by many to be one of the greatest horror franchises of all time. Along with the Clock Tower series, this franchise pioneered the survival horror genre and was largely responsible for making it a mainstream genre of gaming. Following the release of the Resident Evil 3 demo, fans of the series are incredibly hyped for the release of the new Resident Evil 3 remake.

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Though, as time goes on and the game's release date draws closer, more details have started to be made public regarding the full game. This includes not only difficulty settings and other in-game features, but also the length of the game itself. The amount of time that it will take to beat the remake of Resident Evil 3 is roughly six hours.

This does not include the additional time it will take to gain all the in-game collectibles and secrets. That will likely take an additional five hours to accomplish. With this being said, this also opens the door for all kinds of Resident Evil speed-runners to tout their skills online and pull off some crazy stuff in their respective runs.

jill valentine and carlos oliveria

For most people who are unfamiliar with the Resident Evil franchise, the fact that it takes only six hours to beat a game that's priced at sixty dollars might come off as insulting. However, the integral point of Resident Evil games is that there is plenty of additional content to discover on subsequent playthroughs and multiple variations of the same story. So much so in fact that there is a sizable chunk of content from the original game that wasn't included in the Resident Evil 2 remake.

If this remake is in any way similar to the Resident Evil 2 remake, then there will likely be a cacophony of additional content for the player to enjoy. This will also likely come in the form of downloadable content as well. Though, with the release of the main game just five days away, fans already have a lot to be excited about.

Resident Evil 3 is set to release on April 3rd, 2020 for Windows, PS4, and Xbox One.

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Source: Gamespot