While the Resident Evil 2 remake was a mostly faithful recreation of the original game, it sounds like the upcoming Resident Evil 3 remake will have a bit more changes to the story. Capcom has teased that the Resident Evil 3 remake story will have some different beats than the original game, and it will also feature some changes to certain characters.

Specifically, Capcom is going to be giving an expanded role to Dario Rosso in the Resident Evil 3 remake. For those that don't remember Dario, he is a tragic character from the original release that Jill Valentine encounters early in the game. Rosso has just witnessed his daughter being killed by zombies by the time he meets Jill, and so he's not exactly in the right state of mind. How exactly Dario's role will be expanded in the Resident Evil 3 remake is unclear, but fans will find out when the game released in April.

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Jill Valentine, meanwhile, should still be basically the same character that fans remember from the original release. The biggest change to Jill in the Resident Evil 3 remake won't have to do with her personality, but rather her looks. Jill is getting an updated look for the Resident Evil 3 remake, which makes sense as the game features vastly improved graphics compared to the last game that featured the character.

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Capcom also touched on how it will be changing Carlos in the Resident Evil 3 remake. While it didn't mention specifics, it did say that Carlos will be more mature this time around. Again, specific details are unavailable at this time, but fans should find out more when the game itself launches in April.

Human characters aren't the only ones getting an update in the Resident Evil 3 remake. Nemesis has a new look as well, which has already proven to be a source of controversy among fans. There are those who feel that Nemesis's new look makes him even scarier, whereas others prefer the original design. Besides Nemesis, Hunters will also be different in the Resident Evil 3 remake, said to be "reimagined" for the new game, though we haven't seen any in action yet.

With the Resident Evil 3 remake set to launch in about four months, fans can expect more information on the game sooner rather than later.

Resident Evil 3 launches on April 3, 2020 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Everything We Know So Far About Resident Evil 3 Remake