UPDATE: A representative has reached out to Game ZXC, and it appears that Nemesis will not actually be able to enter safe rooms. The original story follows.

One of the most terrifying things in Resident Evil 2 is being chased by Mr. X, a relentless Tyrant monster that pursues players at random points throughout the game. With the upcoming Resident Evil 3 remake, Capcom is looking to top Mr X.'s scare factor with Nemesis, and one way it will accomplish that is by letting the famous monster break the franchise's "safe room" rule.

This information comes from the latest issue of OXM, which was reported on Reddit by AestheticGamer. According to the information, if Jill Valentine is being chased by Nemesis in the Resident Evil 3 remake, a safe room won't save her. Nemesis will simply smash into the safe room and keep pursuing Jill, which is a stark contrast to how Mr. X behaved in the Resident Evil 2 remake when it comes to safe rooms.

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Since players aren't able to hide from Nemesis in safe rooms, it completely changes the way players will have to deal with him in the game. They will have to escape and hide from him some other way, or attack him until he leaves. The latter strategy is always risky, though, as Nemesis is well-equipped to kill Jill in Resident Evil 3, and fighting him can waste resources that are better spent on monsters that can actually be killed.

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Letting Nemesis break into safe rooms will no doubt make him significantly scarier than he was in the original Resident Evil 3, but it's easy to see how this might potentially frustrate more casual players. Needless to say, it will be interesting to see how fans react to the significant threat of Nemesis when the Resident Evil 3 remake drops next month.

Of course, there will be plenty of other threats in the Resident Evil 3 remake for players to worry about, though they apparently won't be able to break the safe room rule. These threats include the series mainstay zombies, as well as Hunter Gamma monsters, Grave Diggers, and a variety of other disturbing creatures that are sure to keep players up at night.

The Resident Evil 3 remake's multiplayer component, Resident Evil: Resistance, will likely feature even more monsters than the single-player game, as it's able to pull from all corners of the Resident Evil franchise. It's unclear if any monsters from the multiplayer mode can break the safe room rule, but fans will find out next month.

Resident Evil 3 launches on April 3 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Every Other Time Resident Evil 3 Was Remade

Source: OXM (via Reddit)