Amidst a slew of remasters and remakes that have dominated the video game market recently, Resident Evil 3 Remake seems to stand a cut above the rest. Considered one of the better games in the franchise, it is obvious why fans are so excited about the remake of the game. Pair this with the great yet faithful redesigns given to the game's many characters and it's shaping up to be something truly special. Of course, Resident Evil games are just as much about its zombies and monsters as it is about the playable characters, but how do these monsters stack up against their original incarnation?

For those unaware, Resident Evil 3: Remake isn't just a remaster with better graphics, but a completely reimagined version of the game. As with any remake, it is important that developers reinvigorate the beloved game with new and more modern ideas and mechanics, but equally important that they avoid changing too much so as to step on the toes of the original. So far, Resident Evil 3 Remake seems to be doing this well, as is evidenced by the spot-on recreations of its many, harrowing monsters.

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Resident Evil 3 - Remake VS. Original


It's worth noting that the remake is going to have better graphics and more clear resolution. Rather than focusing on that, notice key differences or similarities in the designs of each monster. Modern technology has the capability to make some truly horrifying stuff on screen, but conversely, sometimes showing too much can take away a sense of mystery and terror from something. This balance is what Resident Evil 3 Remake designers were tasked with finding, and they did a pretty solid job.

Nemesis - RE3 Remake VS. Original

Nemesis Resident Evil 3 Remake Comparison

What better place to start than with the game's namesake itself? Nemesis is a truly deadly force which relentlessly hunts the player down throughout the entirety of the game. His new design has been the topic of much discussion, and it is clear that developers felt the pressure to get this one right. Between the two designs, there are many similarities which are easily recognizable. Skulls adorn the monster's trench coat, and his face is quite similar, if not even more gruesome.

There are some key differences though which seem to complement the monster quite nicely. For one, the trench coat itself is darker and bulkier, and seems to be made out of some kind of stretched leather. Nemesis is much more top heavy in the new version as well, featuring an even more towering physique than before. And although this is less of a change and more just improved graphics, the extra detail of Nemesis' face and the way the flesh seems pulled over adds to the overall fear factor of the beast. If Nemesis is going to strike fear into players the same way he did in the original game, it is vital he looks the part.

Zombies - RE3 Remake VS. Original

Zombies from Resident Evil 3 Remake

As cool as Nemesis is, it wouldn't quite be a Resident Evil game without zombies, and Resident Evil 3 Remake is full of them. Taking place in Raccoon City after the outbreak, it is no wonder that Jill and the player run into their fair share of zombies during the game. Visually, there's not much to talk about here; a rose by any other name is still... a zombie. That said, the image of a zombie has been modernized compared to the original. The image below shows zombies as they were for the original game, with full heads of hair and bloody, pale faces. Compared to the much more rotted corpses seen above, the difference is quite profound.

Resident Evil 3 Zombies Original

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Hunter Betas - RE3 Remake VS. Original

resident evil 3 remake hunter beta

Hunters are a deadly monster made through combining reptilian DNA to a human embryo, a process which only is successful with the help of the T-Virus as a bonding agent. The result is both mammal and reptile, and usually not very happy. The Hunter Beta was a modification on the Hunter Alpha, and features better reaction time but less power and hindered eyesight.

The negative effects of the virus can be seen much more clearly on the original design, as almost the entire upper half of the monster is covered in mutant growths. In size the two seem to be mostly the same, although it is somewhat difficult to gauge due to the different angles of the two. Although the creature features much more reptilian skin now, a more unexpected change comes in the form of an additional claw. The original appears to have only four claws while the new one has five like a human, as if it needed more ways to shred through players.

Hunter Beta Resident Evil 3 Original

Hunter Gamma - RE3 Remake VS. Original

hunter gamma remake

Like the Hunter Beta, the Hunter Gamma is made by combining human DNA with something else, but this time, amphibian DNA was used resulting in this frog-like monster. This design is perhaps the most different, for although the angle makes it difficult to see the new version, it seems that the beast is bipedal with no arms. It also looks much more fleshy than the original, and just plain scarier. This design is a clear example of why some creatures had to be redesigned, as the original Hunter Gamma looks kind of silly.

Original Hunter Y Gamma RE3

Drain Deimos - RE3 Remake VS. Original

Drain Deimos Resident Evil 3 Remake

The Drain Deimos is yet another terrifying creature which is now confirmed to appear in the remake. Although the new version seems more quadrupedal, it is very likely that it is capable of standing upright. Overall the beast looks more monstrous, and if it's able to do what the original Drain Deimos was, then players have good reason to fear it. The bug-like aspects of this monster have also been amped up in the remake's rendition of the Drain Deimos, invoking images of a giant preying mantis or something of the sort.

Drain Deimos

Grave Digger - RE3 Remake VS. Original

Grave Digger Resident Evil 3 Remake

Resident Evil 3 Remake's version of the Grave Digger has changed quite a bit too. The creature's mouth is now much larger than it was previously, but actually seems to sport fewer teeth. Though that may seem like it would make the Grave Digger less scary, in reality the fleshy interior of this beast and the way its entire face unfolds is the stuff of nightmare. Not much has been shown of this experiment gone wrong aside from this one screenshot, though, so it is difficult to say what else about the creature developers might have changed.

Grave Digger original

There are bound to be other creatures returning to Resident Evil 3 Remake, and more images may well pop up in the near future, but so far it seems developers are doing well redesigning creatures to make them more scary to modern audiences without compromising the integrity of the creature itself.

Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Remake is set to release on April 3, 2020 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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