After Capcom's run of recent remakes on their Resident Evil franchise, with the most notable and critically acclaimed being Resident Evil 2, expectations from fans have been at a high standard. With Resident Evil 3's remake, many fans of the franchise were left with disappointment, especially when compared to the original Resident Evil: Nemesis, and the huge success of the Resident Evil 2 Remake.

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As Resident Evil 4's remake edges closer to its release, it is expected that fans will have greater expectations given the original title's high regard, and maintain the hope that Capcom will make massive improvements and create a faithful reimagining of a classic title amongst survival horror games.

6 Cutting Content

Jill gameplay

One of if not the biggest complaints fans held regarding the Resident Evil 3 remake, was the amount of content that was left out from the game based on its original title. Most infamous amongst the cut content was the omission of the "Clock Tower" with its puzzles and spider enemies. While it is still there for players to see, it is impossible to get inside along with the fight with Nemesis taking place on the outside, unlike the original.

Many fans who are aware of this are concerned about what this could potentially mean for Resident Evil 4's remake. While it is known that the "Castle" section of the game or at the very least its enemy types will be present after the game's first reveal, it is unknown whether content will be cut or replaced.

5 Lack Of Suspense

Carlos punch

Considering the survival horror genre and aspects within each Resident Evil iteration, a lot of controversies have usually stemmed from the implementation of the overabundance of action. These criticisms were first present after the release of Resident Evil 4 in 2005 lasting up to the sixth installment but remained present in Resident Evil 3's remake.

While in control of Carlos Oliveira, players will be aware of the mass amounts of ammo at their disposal along with the ability to strike punches on enemies once timing dodges well. Despite this not being overpowered, it can often be an immersion breaker for players or destroy any sense of anxiety or fear. Given the enemy types in Resident Evil 4, this may potentially work but must also not become a prominent feature of gameplay.

4 Annoying Stalker Enemy


Many of the franchise's titles contain enemies that hunt the player down throughout the game or within a specific section. Fans have had high praise for this, particularly for Jack Baker in Resident Evil 7. Despite Capcom's successful efforts in making Nemesis in Resident Evil 3 as terrifying as possible, running at players rather than walking at a slow pace, can lead to a frustrating experience for some.

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This can frustrate players' wishes to explore or clear areas to their fullest extent due to the constant aggressive encounters with these enemies. If Capcom wishes to retain the feature of a stalker enemy in Resident Evil 4's remake, it would be beneficial for fans if it was created uniquely.

3 Plot Armor Cutscenes


There are a plethora of cutscenes and sequences in Resident Evil 3 that contain moments fans would consider being plot armor, considering the amount of chances Nemesis has to neutralize Jill Valentine. While almost all stories contain levels of plot armor in one way or another, players feel that this happens far too many times, which results in a complete break of immersion.

From Jill surviving the initial onslaught of attacks, staring in the barrel of Nemesis' flamethrower on multiple occasions, to surviving explosions, Capcom's revisit of their third installment fell short in this aspect. In efforts to improve on this, cutscenes in Resident Evil 4 should come with much more suspense and evoke the feeling of Leon S. Kennedy or Ashley Graham barely escaping dangerous scenarios.

2 Too Short


As a result of Capcom's decision to cut content from the game, the shortened runtime for players to beat the game only took just six hours for the main story. Many players had hoped for a longer runtime or at the very least a replacement for some sections removed.

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Fans who are aware will know that Resident Evil 4 contains a much longer runtime, which is also heavily dependent on the player's playstyle or the difficulty mode selected. Leaving out some of the iconic moments and sections in the remake could very well lead to more backlash from fans, so Capcom should keep this in consideration.

1 Basic Boss Fights


As all of the boss fights within the game are against Nemesis, some players found frustration in the aspect of these gameplay sequences not requiring any further action other than shooting and running endlessly. This was common throughout each battle, as players would be left to pick up any remaining ammo while watching out for oncoming attacks.

Players felt as though Nemesis was a "bullet sponge," who required so much ammo to ultimately defeat. Fortunately for fans who prefer variety in boss fights, the original Resident Evil 4 contained multiple engaging battles which could be a positive for fans, as it opens the door for improvement with the remake on the horizon. Capcom now has the opportunity to reinvent and modernize these scenarios in-game to the best of their potential.

Resident Evil 4 Remake releases March 24, 2023 on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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