Throughout Resident Evil's long history, the survival-horror franchise not only introduced players to a list of heroes and villains that have since become icons in the video game industry, but also to a wide variety of monsters that haunted the nightmares of players. Now, Resident Evil 3 remake is merely days away from release and Capcom has already revealed the monsters that are confirmed to appear in the upcoming game.

However, will Resident Evil 3remake only stick to monsters that were seen in the original 1999 title? Or will it introduce new monsters from other Resident Evil games or even creatures that were never seen before? Although there is no way to know until Resident Evil 3's release to know for sure, here is a list of some monsters that we think would be great additions to Resident Evil 3 remake.

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Crimson Head Zombies

Resident Evil Crimson Head

The first three monsters on this list are existing creatures from other Resident Evil games, and headlining it are Crimson Head Zombies which were introduced in 2002's remake of Resident Evil. Although these creatures started as plain old zombies, Crimson Heads are mutations of zombies and are faster, deadlier, and imposes a greater threat to players. In the Resident Evil remake, Crimson Heads are made when players take down regular zombies but are unable to decapitate their heads or burn their bodies. As a result, these zombies would resurrect once again but with sharp claws and the ability to run after the player. In terms of gameplay, the Crimson Heads made resource management even more difficult in Resident Evil given that taking down zombies doesn't just cost players bullets, but also gasoline, which is required to burn the corpses of zombies. It is currently unclear why Crimson Heads did not make further appearances after the Resident Evil remake. While it would be cool to see them again in Resident Evil 3, their appearance in the game is unlikely.


A Licker in Resident Evil 2

Ever since their introduction in Resident Evil 2, Lickers became one of the most feared and most popular enemies in the Resident Evil franchise. Similar to Crimson Heads, Lickers are mutations from severely injured zombies, but this mutation is caused by a separate t-Virus strain. Lickers are known for their large exposed brains and extremely long tongue. Although these creatures do not have the ability to see, they are extremely sensitive to sound and are able to hunt their prey just by listening to their movements. Although Lickers were present in Raccoon City during the Outbreak, Jill Valentine wasn't able to encounter them, but it will be interesting to see whether these monsters will be present in the remake, especially inside the police station.

Giant Moth


Another creature that made its debut in Resident Evil 2 is the giant moth. This monster is a bio-organic weapon that was developed by Umbrella, and its research was conducted in the NEST Underground facility. During the Raccoon City Outbreak, the Giant Moth escaped the Umbrella facility and used the air conditioning system's main shaft to hunt down prey all over the facility. The Giant Moth also made an appearance in Resident Evil Outbreak and Resident Evil Survivor.

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Now, the subsequent creatures that are featured on this list are monsters that were developed by Capcom for other Resident Evil games that did not make the final cut. Headlining this list is the ultra-creepy Spider-Man, which is a monster design that was rejected during the development of the Resident Evil 0. The monster appears to be a giant tarantula spider that is taking over a human host. The monster design surfaced during the Developer Diary video of Resident Evil 0 Remaster, and while unlikely, it is interesting to see this design come to life in Resident Evil 3. 


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The Wildcat was a scrapped monster that was supposed to appear in the original Resident Evil 3 game. These creatures were supposed to be the ones hunting in the Raccoon City park but were replaced by the Hunter Gammas instead. The origins of the Wildcat is still unknown but it appears that the monster is not a product of the Umbrella Corporation, and is probably an escaped zoo animal that was infected with the t-Virus. As of the moment, gameplay videos of Resident Evil 3 remake appear to suggest that the Hunter Gammas will be located in the city's sewers, which begs the question of whether the city park will now be populated by this scrapped monster.

Licker Zombie

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The Licker Zombie appears to be a regular zombie with a Licker's head and iconic tongue. This creature is shown in concept art that can be unlocked in Resident Evil 2 remake where the licker zombie was supposed to appear in. The origins of the Licker Zombie remains unclear, but it is possible that these monsters are Lickers that still haven't fully transformed. Another popular theory surrounding these monsters is that they are the result of Lickers infecting a zombie host. It is also unclear why this monster never made it to Resident Evil 2 remake given that its appearance alone looks terrifying, but it would be awesome to see this monster come to life in Resident Evil 3. 

Resident Evil 3 will launch on April 3, 2020, for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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