Resident Evil 3 puts more than just a new coat of paint on the classic PlayStation game. The writing and acting, in particular, take a significant leap forward in the remake, with performances that make the characters really feel alive, upping the dire situation's stakes.

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Of course, some roles are better than others, as the following list will show as it details all the characters in the survival horror game from worst to best. A couple of these are bit parts or cameos of characters from Resident Evil 2, but they all come together to create a finely-woven narrative, something extremely surprising for a series known for comedically atrocious voice acting and wonky writing.

WARNING: Spoilers ahead!

10 Nathaniel Bard

Resident Evil 3 Nathaniel Bard

A small portion of the game sees Carlos track down and rescue Dr. Nathaniel Bard, a scientist working for the Umbrella Corporation. The player will be hard-pressed to conjure any enthusiasm for this rescue mission because all evidence points to him being a sleazy, corrupt, and arrogant doctor. One voice recording found in the hospital sees him berating a nurse as lowly compared to his high status in the profession.

9 Brad Vickers

resident evil 3 remake ps4 theme pre-order bonus

Brad always gets the short end of the stick. He receives no screen time in the first Resident Evil game, appears as a zombie in the sequel, and then is only in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis for a few short moments before the titular monster obliterates him. He does not fare much better in the remake, either. He sacrifices himself to buy Jill some time to escape, only to come back later and infect Marvin. He'd probably be higher on this list if he didn't infect one of the best characters from Resident Evil 2.

8 Carlos

resident evil 3 carlos

Carlos may be a hero, but that doesn't mean we have to like him. His early interactions with Jill are filled with corny dialogue one would expect to come from a high school jock, and not a well-trained soldier in the middle of a life and death situation. Fortunately, he changes his ways during the course of the story and Jill warms up to him more. Players still have to deal with his cheesiness upon replaying the campaign, however.

7 Marvin

Resident Evil 3 Marvin

Marvin would be higher on the list if he had a bigger part, but his role in Resident Evil 3 is only a cameo showing how he became infected. He goes on to play a significant role in Resident Evil 2 assisting Leon and Claire. In his brief appearance, he is running away from a zombified Brad Vickers and is about to put a bullet through the monster's head before it says "sorry," which gives Marvin pause. This small delay lets the zombie take a bite out of the cop's stomach.

6 Mikhail Viktor

Resident Evil 3 Mikhail Victor

Mikhail is a solid juxtaposition to Nicholai. Both hail from Eastern Europe, but Mikhail is a helpful hand who ultimately sacrifices himself to save Jill from Nemesis during a botched evacuation from the city. Nicholai locks Jill and Mikhail in a train car, and the monster grabs the latter.

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While in Nemesis' grip, Mikhail takes out a detonator and triggers explosives, derailing the train and saving Jill from certain death by at the monster's hand.

5 Nicholai

Resident Evil 3 Nicholai

Players want a villain they hate so bad, they cannot wait until the moment they are able to take them out. Unfortunately, players never directly kill Nicholai, but he certainly fits the bill. All the mercenary cares about is money, putting cash above other people's lives. While Jill doesn't get to pull the trigger on him, it is equally as satisfying to abandon him in Raccoon City before the city explodes.

4 Kendo

Resident Evil 3 kendo

Kendo shows up again in Resident Evil 3. Jill heads into his gun shop and tells him about the plan to leave the city. He refuses the offer with no real explanation, but anybody who played Resident Evil 2 knows he is going through one of the worst agonies a parent can experience. His daughter is infected and will soon turn into a zombie. The actor deserves special credit in both games for delivering a riveting, albeit small, performance.

3 Tyrell

resident evil 3 patrick tyrell

Tyrell sticks it out with Jill and Carlos through thick and thin. He could have just as easily decided to find his own way out of Raccoon City - and he is more than capable of fending for himself based on all the time he travels alone in the campaign - but he stays with the two heroes and assists them when he can.

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If it wasn't for his technological know-how, Jill and Carlos would have been zombie food when the monsters descended upon the hospital. And what does he get for his good deeds? A brutal death at the hands of Nemesis.

2 Jill

jill valentine subway

It is a pleasure to see Jill again after a fairly long absence from the spotlight. Her last chronological appearance was in Resident Evil 5, though she starred in Resident Evil: Revelations in 2012. She underwent a redesign, but she's still recognizable as the member of S.T.A.R.S. all fans know and love. If there's one downside to Resident Evil 3, it is the short length, meaning fans spend little time with the classic hero. Perhaps she'll make a comeback in Resident Evil 8 and fans can see what she has been up to since Resident Evil 5.

1 Nemesis

re3r nemesis

While he only says one word, Nemesis is the presence pushing all the characters forward throughout the campaign. Without the monster on their tails, the game would be significantly less stressful, and also less exciting. Seeing Nemesis's transformations just makes it scarier with each appearance. The titular beast is one of the most iconic monsters in the medium, and the remake makes it more frightening than ever.

Next: 10 Major Differences Between The Resident Evil 3 And Resident Evil 2 Remake