Fans of Capcom's Resident Evil know that Resident Evil 3 and Resident Evil 4 had become two distinctly different entries in the franchise. After all, RE3 highlighted Resident Evil's signature fixed-camera format in a sprawling survival-horror game in the middle of a city-wide outbreak. Meanwhile, RE4 took a more action-oriented route in a mysterious village. Lore-wise, the two games highlight significantly-different events.

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In RE3, players explore and escape Raccoon City hours before its destruction. Meanwhile, RE4 tasked Leon Kennedy - another Raccoon City survivor from RE2 - to save the US President's kidnapped daughter from a mysterious village. However, these two incidents seem to be more connected than what people realize. Key events may have happened in the span of time between the two entries.

10 Going Viral

Journalist Alyssa Ashcroft - Events Between RE3 and RE4

Players of Resident Evil Outbreak remember the tale of eight other survivors of the Raccoon City Destruction Incident aside from Leon Kennedy, Claire Redfield, and Sherry Birkin. One of them, Alyssa Ashcroft, serves as an investigative journalist. In an unfortunate turn of events, Ashcroft's investigation on illegal drug-testing on patients led her to experience a full-blown zombie outbreak in Raccoon City.

However, Ashcroft immediately got to writing as soon as the incident ended. She wrote an expose titled: "What is a B.O.W.: Blowing the Lid Off this Horrifying Secret Project" that revealed the horrors of bio-organic weapons like the ones Umbrella Corporation created. Despite being shut down as rumors by the government, Ashcroft's article did help bring Umbrella Corporation to the mainstream public.

9 The Sheena Island Incident

Resident Evil Survivor zombie close to player

Despite the catastrophic calamity that struck Raccoon City in 1998, yet another incident occurs in Sheena Island in Europe almost two months later. Unbeknownst to its public, Sheena Island's Tyrant Plant serves as one of Umbrella Corporation's advanced bio-weapons laboratories. It took the efforts of Ark Thompson, as instructed by Leon Kennedy, to stop their operations.

Ark's efforts to stop Umbrella Executive Vincent Goldman occurs in Resident Evil Survivor. However, Goldman planned to rid all evidence against him by releasing T-Virus into the city. While Ark got to stop the growing threat, the irreparable damage and deaths in the city made the public dub Sheena Island as "the Second Raccoon City."

8 The Search For Chris

Steve and Claire in Code Veronica - Events Between RE3 and RE4

Despite the horrors she experienced throughoutt RE2, Claire still resumed her search for her brother Chris. In Resident Evil CODE: Veronica, Claire's search ends up becoming a globe-trotting journey in December 1998.

She begins her trip by infiltrating a Paris-based Umbrella facility. Unfortunately, Claire gets captured and sent to another facility in Rockfort Island in the South Pacific Ocean. Claire becomes friends with Steve Burnside, an inmate, as they face yet another T-Virus outbreak. Claire also earns the ire of siblings Alfred and Alexia Ashford, both of which serve as Claire's primary antagonists in their journey.

Despite their escape, Claire and Steve end up in an Antarctic Umbrella facility and, after escaping there, tried to make their way to an Australian research outpost.

7 From Antarctica, With Love

Claire Chris and Steve in Code Veronica - Events Between RE3 and RE4

Leon's news of Claire's search prompted Chris to come out of hiding as a STARS member in order to search for his sister. When he reaches Rockfort Island, Chris is surprised to see Albert Wesker - their traitorous STARS senior - alive and well. Despite Wesker's antagonizing statements, he does share that Claire is currently in an Umbrella facility in Antarctica.

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Thankfully, Chris catches up with Claire in time to rescue Steve, who dies while saving Claire from an attack from a powerful BOW. Soon after, the Redfield siblings eliminate the virus-empowered Ashford siblings and destroy the Antarctic Umbrella Base once and for all.

6 Operation Javier

Leon and Krauser in The Darkside Chronicles - Events Between RE3 and RE4

Despite the middling reception of Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, the on-rails shooter does shed light on characters approaching Resident Evil 4 - from an action-packed perspective. For instance, the game's Operation Javier happens in 2002, six years after the Raccoon City Incident. Leon, now an investigator, gets partnered with Jack Krauser as they search for an ex-drug lord in South America. This drug lord, named Javier Hidalgo, has shown interest in Umbrella Corporation and its experiments.

Their search for Javier leads them to a remote village where a girl named Manuela has "brought devils." As it turns out, these "devils" are various forms of BOWs employed by Javier. In all-stakes Resident Evil fashion, the game ends when Leon and Krauser, together with Manuela's T-Veronica-empowered form, defeat a gargantuan BOW-fied Javier.

5 A Turn To The Dark Side

Krauser in The Darkside Chronicles - Events Between RE3 and RE4

A secret story in The Darkside Chronicles reveals Krauser's turn to the dark side. In the game, Krauser loses his arm in one of the battles there. Unfortunately, this dismemberment causes Krauser to question his value as a military professional. It didn't help that Krauser found himself sympathizing with Javier's kidnapping of children for BOW experiments as a way of finding a cure for Manuela's illness.

Krauser makes his full turn after seeing the full extent of the virus' augmentations on Javier, which leads Krauser to search for Wesker. This story explains Krauser's loyalty to Wesker in RE4.

4 Spencer Rain Outbreak

The Spencer Rain ship - Events Between RE3 and RE4

Despite the poor reception of Resident Evil: Dead Aim, the game does entertain with its action-centric story. While Leon and Krauser conduct Operation Javier, USSTRATCOM's Bruce McGivern infiltrates an Umbrella Corporation cruise ship, the Spencer Rain. As it turns out, ex-Umbrella employee Morpheus Duvall and his followers captured Spencer Rain and its stash of T-Virus samples. He plans on releasing the virus unless the United States and China pay a USD 1-billion ransom. Bruce had to reclaim the ship and recover the T-Virus stash.

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Interestingly, the Chinese Ministry of State Security also sent Fong Ling, a Chinese agent, for the same reason. Bruce and Fong Ling form an uneasy alliance as their journey takes them killing BOWs from Spencer Rain to a remote island with an Umbrella facility. In the end, both of them take down Duvall and his splinter group.

3 From Russia, With Zombies

Chris and Jill in the Prelude to the Fall Manga - Events Between RE3 and RE4

In The Umbrella Chronicles, Chris and Jill assault the last remaining Umbrella stronghold in Russia's Caucasus region in 2003. However, their journey towards the facility intersects with a trip to a small village, as detailed in the manga Prelude to the Fall. In there, Chris and Jill rescue a girl named Anna from BOWs, eventually encountering Wesker in the process. In the manga, Wesker reveals to be in search of information, which culminates in the Caucasus base.

This cat-and-mouse game plays out in the "Umbrella's End" chapter. Chris and Jill eventually reach the base, now overrun with zombies and BOWs. It seems Sergei Vladimir, head of the stronghold, released the T-Virus in anticipation of an attack. Unfortunately for Chris and Jill, Wesker gets to Vladimir first and kills him. He then steals all of Umbrella Corporation's data in the facility's Red Queen supercomputer. Meanwhile, Chris and Jill eliminate T-ALOS, Umbrella's most powerful BOW at the time.

2 Umbrella's End

Former Umbrella employee Yoko testifies against Umbrella - Events Between RE3 and RE4

After the Caucasus incident, a ruling finally charged Umbrella Corporation as guilty of causing the Raccoon City virus outbreak. This victory was finally reached after years of Umbrella arguing its innocence and putting blame on the United States' efforts of covering up the incident, despite testimonies from ex-employees and other survivors. Thanks to an anonymous yet supposedly-credible witness, the nail to the coffin was delivered to Umbrella's losing battle.

Umbrella Corporation finally meets its end, and organizations started to pop up that focus on anti-BOW efforts. These include the Federal Bioterrorism Commission of the United States Government, the Private Anti-Biohazard Service, and the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance.

1 Wesker's Rise

Albert Wesker in RE5 - Events Between RE3 and RE4

The prosecution in Umbrella's investigations didn't reveal its primary source of incriminating data. However, players soon realize that Wesker implicated Oswell Spencer with the previously-acquired Red Queen's data. In turn, Wesker's revelation started a global manhunt for Spencer while shattering Umbrella's reputation.

As it turns out, Wesker's data retrieval mission served as part of his scheme to bring Umbrella down once and for all. Moreover, Wesker plans to use his stolen data and acquired assets to reforge a new Umbrella in his own image. He eventually reveals this goal in RE4.

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