One of the standout games from E3 2018 was Resident Evil 2 as the upcoming horror remake received high praise from fans and critics, even winning the Best of Show award. However, the developers have revealed that remaking the game, which first released in 1998, almost resulted in controversy.

In an interview, Capcom producers Tsuyoshi Kanda and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi revealed the toughest part of developing the remake. Kanda explains that because graphics weren't photorealistic 20 years ago, the developers were able to "get away with...a lot of things." But as so many improvements have been made in terms of visual quality, the developer has to take a much more careful approach with Resident Evil 2.

In particular, Kanda describes remaking the game's giant alligator as a "real challenge." Adding that into a game that has "scanned faces, motion-captured actors, photorealistic environments" is "really, really hard," says the developer. Hirabayashi echoed these comments, noting that, "To make that convincing in any way was really tough" and that the team even considered cutting the alligator from the game altogether. Though, the developers knew there would be backlash from fans and so opted to keep the fan favorite moment in the game after all.

Leon attacked by zombie in Resident Evil 2

The Resident Evil 2 remake already makes some key changes in other areas. The developers have also confirmed that the remake's story won't be exactly the same, for example. While the changes to the narrative will make it "deeper," and offer greater interactions with certain characters in a way that will stand to improve the game, these are already differences that fans will not have been expecting. Leaving out something as significant as the alligator would risk rocking the boat too much.

The decision to keep this intact at least will be good news to those fans worried that the changes in the remake would go too far. Capcom has also suggested that the Resident Evil 2 remake is far more significant than a remake, even calling it a "new game" that merely uses the original as a foundation.

This may have left some with concerns that iconic scenes and moments would be cut or changed to fit a modern vision of what the game should be like but positively it doesn't sound as though that will be the case. Kanda, Hirabayashi and co. seem to be well aware of fans' expectations and will hope that the game is embraced by die-hards and newcomers alike when it releases early next year.

Resident Evil 2 is currently scheduled to release on January 25, 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Daily Star