With Remnant: From the Ashes, it's all about blasting bosses away with all sorts of unique guns, bows, and other magical firearms. For players trying to experience every little thing that this game has to offer, it's going to take a lot of time (and re-rolls) to encounter all 35+ bosses found within the game's four different Worlds.

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Once players actually encounter these boss battles, it's just a matter of figuring out tactics for taking them out, what rewards they drop, and if there are any alternative ways to take this boss out for different rewards. In Remnant: From the Ashes, bosses don't drop weapons from their bodies, but rather the player takes some important part of the boss such as their Heart, and brings it back to McCabe in Ward 13 so she can craft it into a Weapon or Weapon Mod. With all that in mind, let's go over each boss players can stumble upon in Remnant: From the Ashes, what they drop, and what their alternate kill (if they have one) entails.

Updated December 28th, 2023 by Jacob Buchalter: Remnant: From the Ashes and Remnant 2 are now on Xbox Game Pass, and a lot of new players are checking these games out. And, those that are new to the Remnant franchise may be surprised to find out just how many bosses both of these games have. Each boss in both games will drop a material on death (sometimes multiple), and each material is then brought back to Ward 13 to be turned into a new Weapon or Weapon Mod for the player to use. With that in mind, let's take a look at every single boss that you'll encounter in Remnant: From the Ashes (including both DLCs), what they drop, and where to find them.

Disclaimer: These Boss listings are separated by Realm, starting from Earth then Rhom, Corsus, Yaesha, and finally Resium.

38 Shroud

Earth: The Hidden Sanctum


Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments and Shadewood

McCabe can turn Shadewood into the Rattle Weed Weapon Mod.

For those wandering the sewers of Earth (not the railway), there are only a couple of different Dungeon Bosses that could be waiting for them at the end, Gorefist or Shroud. As such, Shroud is likely the first boss players will fight in Remnant. And, it's a pretty simple encounter, as far as bosses go.

Look out for its attack where it bombards the player with explosive arrows, as unaware Wanderers can easily get stun-locked by this onslaught of projectiles.

Additionally, fans of Shroud may be happy to know that there's a very similar boss in Remnant 2 by the name of Shrewd. It's a cute reference to Shroud from the first game, and Shrewd really improves upon the Shroud battle in just about every way.

37 Gorefist

Earth: the Sunken Passage

Gorefist ready for a fight

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments and Flesh Barb

McCabe can turn Flesh Barb into the Mantle of Thorns Weapon Mod

The other boss that might spawn instead of Shroud in the sewers of Earth is a lumbering creature called Gorefist. This is the “boss” variant of the massive enemies with large greatswords players will encounter often on Earth, only this one summons Rot Warts whenever it feels like it.

Because of these infuriating summons, the fight is much more hectic than it is against Shroud, so be prepared. Sadly, there isn't any sort of cute clone of Gorefist to be found in Remnant 2 like there is with Shroud and Shrewd. Though if it does come in a future DLC, let's hope they go for something like Morefist.

36 Brabus

Earth: The Depot

Remnant From The Ashes

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Reward Explanation


Glowing Fragments, Shrapnel Shard, Bandit Set, and Cold as Ice Trait

McCabe turns Shrapnel Shard into Explosive Shot Weapon Mod

Shrapnel Shard is only obtainable from killing Brabus. Bandit Set reward requires Pocket Watch from Mud Tooth to give to Brabus. The Cold as Ice Trait is only obtainable in co-op by killing the co-op partner when Brabus demands it.

Brabus is a unique case, as he is a Dungeon Boss who has three potential drops. These drops depend on if he's killed outright, if he's given the Pocket Watch from his father (Mudtooth), or if two players in co-op enter his arena without the Pocket Watch in their inventories.

Brabus actually returns in Remnant 2 as a permanent NPC in Ward 13 whom players can buy all kinds of weapons from.

If players choose not to give him the Pocket Watch, a fight ensues with Brabus and his gang, where he uses his shotgun to stun the player while continuously summoning Bandit mobs to serve as ammo refills for the player. As it turns out, the 'canonical' ending for his boss battle is the Wanderer giving him the Pocket Watch, and Brabus takes that Pocket Watch, reconnects with his father Mudtooth, and the both of them settle down in Ward 13.

35 World Boss: The Root Mother

Earth: Church of the Harbinger

Remnant From The Ashes: The Root Mother Still Hooked Up To The Root Hivemind

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

The Root Mother

Mother's Blessing Trait and the Root Mother NPC moves to Ward 13

After moving to Ward 13 Root Mother becomes the NPC that players use to upgrade Dragon Heart charges with Simulacrum

The Root Mother isn’t exactly a standard 'boss fight'. In all honesty, it’s more of a tower-defense mini-game where players have to defend the Root Mother from a hoard of Root chumps invading her Church while she disconnects herself from the Root Hivemind.

Sadly, in the time between Remnant: From the Ashes and Remnant 2 , the Root Mother has passed away, but not before teaching Wallace everything she knew, which is why he functions as the new Relic upgrade NPC.

On the first run, this boss can be laughably easy, but if players go for a second campaign or even Hardcore mode, they might find that this encounter is way more difficult than previously expected, so don't underestimate it.

34 The Mangler

Earth: The Tangled Pass

Remnant From The Ashes: The Mauler Coming Out Of A Roll In Its Intro Cinematic

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

The Mangler

Glowing Fragments and Hollow Seed

McCabe turns Hollow Seed into Seed Caller Weapon Mod

The Mangler is another simplistic Dungeon Boss in the Earth Realm. Basically, it’s a larger variant of the Hollow-type enemies that Remnant 2 players will recognize as the summons from the first Summoner Archetype ability. And, like those infuriating rolling Hollows in Yaesha (in Remnant 2), the Mangler's rolling attack is no joke. But, as long as players carefully avoid this attack and keep an eye out for when it summons more mobs, the boss is a cakewalk.

33 Riphide

Earth: Leto's Lab

Riphide ready for a fight

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments and Displacement Crystal

McCabe turns Displacement Crystal into Flicker Cloak Weapon Mod

Riphide is a Dungeon Boss many players might not have even known was in the game, considering it only spawns at the end of Leto’s Lab. For those who never encountered in their playthroughs of Remnant: From the Ashes, it's where the Leto's Armor can be found as well as a whole lot of lore about Leto himself. In any case, Riphide is a boss with three simple attacks it cycles through; a melee strike, throwing the 'knives' it holds as a projectile, and a shockwave-type AoE attack.

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While that may sound simple, there's a central 'gimmick' for Riphide that makes this a bit tougher. After taking a certain amount of damage, Riphide then splits itself into two, creating another copy of itself that has the same attack patterns. Again, this may not sound that bad, but Riphide keeps cloning itself the longer the player takes to kill it, and this can get pretty overwhelming pretty quickly. To put it in simple terms, it's a DPS-check sort of boss battle.

32 World Boss: The Ent

Earth: The Choking Hollow

Remnant From The Ashes

Boss Name

Item Drops

Item Explanations

Alternate Kill Information

The Ent

Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Spore Gland, Twisted Heart, Quick Hands Trait, Cheer Emote

McCabe turns Spore Gland and Twisted Heart into Sporebloom (Long Gun) and Petrified Maul (Melee Weapon).

Spore Gland is only obtainable by killing Ent without destroying its legs. Twisted Heart is only obtainable by destroying its legs before killing it.

Next up is the Cthulhu Tree, otherwise known as the Ent, which is one of two possible World Bosses that spawn for the Earth Realm.

And, according to the developers, The Ent is just a newborn, which means a fully-grown version would be much bigger.

The size is pretty imposing at first, but after players realize it has incredibly simplistic attack patterns, this thing is a lot less scary. In any case, as long as players keep on the move and quickly clear any mobs that spawn, the Ent is relatively easy to handle.

31 World Boss: Singe

Earth: The Ash Yard

Remnant From The Ashes: Singe Looking Imposing In Its Intro Cinematic

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Kill Explanation


Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Blazing Heart, Dragon Links, Quick Hands Trait

McCabe turns Blazing Heart and Dragon Links into Spitfire (Hand Gun) and Smolder (Melee Weapon)

Blazing Heart is only obtainable by killing Singe without destroying its tail. Dragon Links is only obtainable by destroying the tail before killing Singe.

This tree dragon that Chronos: Before the Ashes players might actually recognize (every Remnant/Chronos title seems to have a dragon of some sort) is the second World Boss of Earth that players may encounter instead of the Ent.

Singe is no doubt the more difficult boss fight of the two, which may seem surprising given the size difference between Singe and the Ent, but it's true. However, the rewards that come from it are the Blazing Heart or the Dragon Links, depending on how it's killed, which are made into weapons that, on average, players seem to like more than the options the Ent offers.

30 Scourge

Rhom: The Iron Rift

Remnant From The Ashes: The Scourge Close-Up

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments and Radioactive Skull

McCabe turns Radioactive Skull into Breath of the Desert Weapon Mod

The most common of Rhom’s potential Dungeon Boss spawns, fighting Scourge is different than fighting most other bosses, as it seems to have been designed as more of a battle of attrition than one of pure strength. This fight feels like a test of endurance given how much HP Scourge seems to have, and will most likely require players to stock up on Ammo Boxes beforehand.

The constant radioactive projectiles Scourage spawns and the non-stop Ghast mob summons can be a lot to deal with as well, but as long as solo players keep a wall close behind them and co-op players communicate well, Scourge is actually a pretty fun encounter overall.

29 Shade & Shatter

Rhom: The Ardent Temple

Remnant From The Ashes: Shade & Shatter And Their Forehead Sigils

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Shade & Shatter

Glowing Fragments and Black Tear

McCabe turns Black Tear into Veil of the Black Tear Weapon Mod

These two, Shade and Shatter, found in the Ardent Temple of Rhom, are a pair of Dungeon Bosses who fight the player simultaneously. Shade typically fights at long range, and Shatter specializes in melee combat. Players need to defeat both, obviously, to win the fight.

It can be hard to keep track of which is Shade and which is Shatter, so make sure to use the symbols floating above their heads as reference.

The easiest strategy is just to fight Shatter while keeping peripheral vision on Shade’s projectiles, then focus them both down when they group up for their force field attack. In co-op it's a bit easier to burst one down or split their focus, thankfully.

28 Raze

Rhom: Lair Of The Eyeless

Remnant From The Ashes: Raze Hovering Above The Radioactive Pond

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments and Sentinel Shard

McCabe turns Sentinel Shard into Beckon Weapon Mod

Located in the Lair of the Eyeless, Raze is a forgettable Dungeon boss that summons a swarm of Wasteland Skulls by screaming at the player constantly during their fight, as well as peppering them with fireballs off and on. Honestly, it feels like the 'boss battle variant' of a basic mob similar to the Mangler, but the Sentinel Skulls, the mob Raze is built upon, show up so rarely that it feels more Raze is the higher variant of a Wasteland Skull instead.

27 Maul & The Houndmaster

Rhom: The Burrows

Remnant From The Ashes: The Houndmaster Just Chilling By His Sleeping Dogs

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Reward Information

The Houndmaster & Maul

Glowing Fragments, Control Rod, and Hound Choker

McCabe turns Hound Choker into Howler's Immunity Weapon Mod

The Control Rod (which activates the Ancient Construct) is only obtainable after breaking the Houndmaster's 'horn' with gunfire. Once it glows, Maul will attack its owner and the Control Rod will be automatically given upon Maul's defeat.

One of Rhom’s rarest boss spawns is the Houndmaster and his canine companion Maul, which is basically the Rhom version of the Handler Class that appears in Remnant 2. If players sneak into the arena while the hounds sleep, they can talk to Houndmaster and even buy jerky from him.

Once they're ready to fight, focus on the Control Rod in the Houndmaster's eye first, as breaking it is what grants them the Rod after the fight is over and is also what keeps Maul (and the other hounds) under the Houndmaster's control. As soon as the Rod is gone, these pups will immediately turn on their master.

26 The Ancient Construct

Rhom: Wud's Shop

Remnant From The Ashes: Putting The Control Rod In The Ancient Construct

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

The Ancient Construct

Glowing Fragments and Ancient Core

McCabe turns Ancient Core into Iron Sentinel Weapon Mod

Outside Wud's shop, a merchant that has a chance to spawn in Rhom, there’s an 'Anointed' buried in the ground with a hole in its chest, as these lifeforms (otherwise known as Vyr) are just as much bionic as they are organic.

Finding the Control Rod that fits into the chest hole of the Ancient Construct requires players to get lucky and 'roll' an iteration of Rhom that has both Wud's Shop and the Houndmaster encounter in it.

When players happen to get the perfect 'roll' of Rhom, they'll need to beat the Houndmaster, get his Control Rod, and pop it into this buried Anointed to start the battle against The Ancient Construct. Sadly, after all the work to get it moving, the Ancient Construct is actually one of Remnant’s worst-designed bosses, as it is just a tanky Anointed Enemy who constantly summons a pair of turrets that melt the player's health bar before they can really do anything at all. Most, if not all players that win against this thing end up 'cheesing' the fight in some way or another to do so.

25 World Boss: Claviger

Rhom: Loom Of The Black Sun

Claviger on the verge of attack

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Kill Explanation


Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Stone of the Guardian, Void Sliver, Howling Key, Recovery Trait, Laugh Emote

McCabe turns Stone of the Guardian and Void Sliver into World Breaker (Melee Weapon) and Particle Accelerator (Long Gun). Howling Key is required to reach the Undying King

Stone of the Guardian is only obtainable if the player allows Claviger to absorb at least one of its own minions or a player-summoned minion. Void Sliver is only obtainable if the player prevents Claviger from absorbing any minions.

Claviger can be found in The Spindle, so if players can't find this location in their roll of Rhom, then they likely got the Harrow instead. Players will need to beat this thing to get through Rhom at all, as it drops the Howling Key, which is mandatory for making it into the chamber where the Undying King resides. Thankfully, Claviger is a pretty unique fight for a couple of reasons. One, it's a rare example of a boss that's gigantic but doesn't resort to a lot of the stereotypical gimmicks giant-sized bosses seem to always have.

Secondly, the alt kill for it is even more convoluted than most other alternate kills in Remnant: From the Ashes and most players who happen to get the Void Sliver without looking it up do so without even realizing they got the alternate reward. And thirdly, it has the whole mechanic where players need to destroy the orbs powering its defensive forcefield before they can actually deal damage.

24 World Boss: The Harrow

Rhom: The Bunker

Remnant From The Ashes

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Kill Explanation

The Harrow

Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Thermal Geode, Lost Harpoon, Howling Key, Recovery Trait, Fail Emote

McCabe turns Thermal Geode into Defiler (Hand Gun) and the player obtains the Lost Harpoon (Melee Weapon) by pulling it out of The Harrow. Howling Key is required to reach the Undying King.

Thermal Geode is obtained if the player kills The Harrow without removing the Lost Harpoon. The Lost Harpoon is only obtained by shooting The Harrow in the legs enough to make him stagger to his knees, and then going behind to rip the Lost Harpoon out.

Located in The Bunker and the second option for the Howling Key, AKA the second of two potential Rhom World Boss spawns, it's The Harrow. This boss is much more simple in its attack patterns compared to Claviger, but a lot of players find it to be more deadly and/or frustrating.

Basically, The Harrow swings around wildly at anything in sight until enough damage has been done to it, then it runs away and summons multiple waves of Ghasts and Lurkers, only coming back after they're defeated to start swinging again. This whole process can seem a bit 'cheap', especially with how high the Harrow's damage output is, but once players internalize the patterns it's a very simple fight to get through.

23 The Undying King

Rhom: The Undying Throne

Remnant From The Ashes: Meeting With The Undying King

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Reward Explanation

'Ezlan' The Undying King

Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, The Undying Heart, Kingslayer Trait, Labyrinth Key, Gravedigger Emote

McCabe turns The Undying Heart into Ruin (Long Gun). The Labyrinth Key is required to access Corsus and also opens access to Yaesha

If the player agrees to get the Guardian Heart for the Undying King, and then actually gives it to him, they'll receive the Riven (Melee Weapon) and won't have to fight him. Doing so prevents the player from giving the Heart to the Iskal Queen.

The Undying King is, technically, just an optional World Boss of Rhom that players can find in the Undying Throne Room (now accessible thanks to the Howling Key from Claviger/Harrow). As one would expect with an 'optional' boss, players will have the option to just talk to him instead of fighting, which involves agreeing to his request for the Guardian of Corsus' Heart, letting him open the portal to Corsus, and hopping through.

If the player doesn't bring the Guardian’s Heart back to the Undying King , they'll find themselves stuck, since they need to either give him the Heart or kill the King to get the Labyrinth Key leading to Yaesha.

Now, it's pretty unanimously agreed upon that this is one of the harder fights in the game, so many players will get through this fight in their first campaign, but then choose to 'accept' his request and then just never talk to him again in every subsequent run to avoid dealing with this boss battle multiple times, especially on Apocalypse Mode.

22 The Thrall

Corsus: The Capillary

The Thrall, ready for a fight

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

The Thrall

Glowing Fragments, Swarm Tusk, Catalyst Trait

McCabe turns Swarm Tusk into Swarm Weapon Mod

Moving on to the sweaty and swampy world of Corsus, this first example of a Dungeon Boss is pretty similar to fighting Shroud back on Earth. While their appearances and patterns are vastly different, both bosses tend to stay at long range while constantly trying to lob projectiles at the player, and will also run/teleport away when the player does get close. This is likely where players will first start getting infected with the 'Corroded' Status Effect, so make sure to have a couple of Greenleaves on hand for when that happens.

21 Canker

Corsus: The Drowned Trench

Remnant From The Ashes: Canker Screaming At The Camera In Its Intro Cinematic

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information


Glowing Fragments, Slime Vessel, Catalyst Trait

McCabe turns Slime Vessel into Corrosive Aura Weapon Mod

Found in The Mire Hollow just inside the Drowned Trench, Canker is one of the most stereotypical "monster" designs and is also pretty boring in terms of the actual boss battle's mechanics. Essentially, the whole arena is bogged down with swamp water, making it difficult for players to move around or dodge much while fighting Canker.

And, considering most of its attacks seem to take advantage of the terrain such as when it makes waves, summons mobs to overwhelm the player, or charges back and forth through the arena, there aren't many players who have fond memories of this encounter. However, if players just stay on the small patch of land on the other side of the 'fog gate' and do the whole battle from here, it's much less frustrating to get through.

20 World Boss: The Unclean One

Corsus: The Shack

Remnant From The Ashes: The Unclean One Looking Your Way

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Kill Explanation

The Unclean One

Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Unclean Heart, Hammerhead's Ore, Glutton Trait, Exhausted Emote

McCabe turns Unclean Heart and Hammerhead's Ore into Devastator (Long Gun) and Butcher's Flail (Melee Weapon).

Unclean Heart is the standard reward for defeating the Unclean One. Hammerhead's Ore, however, requires sneaking upon entering the Shack, going down the stairs to the right to the basement, and ignoring the boss to hide in one of three interactable pots until a cutscene plays. Defeating The Unclean One after this sequence will drop the Hammerhead's Ore instead.

Corsus is a unique Realm in Remnant: From the Ashes simply because both of its World Bosses spawn 100 percent of the time during the main campaign, rather than players only getting one or the other. These two World Bosses, for reference, are The Unclean One and Ixillis, the Guardian of Corsus.

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Compared to something like the Canker, The Unclean One may be one of the most well-designed fights in the game, with clear attack patterns and without much of a focus on mob spawns. That said, it still does need to spawn mobs every now and again to give players a chance to get more ammo.

19 World Boss: Ixillis

Corsus: The Grotto

Remnant From The Ashes: Ixillis Coming Down From The Roof Of Its Cavern

Boss Name

Item Drops

Further Information

Alternate Kill Explanation

Ixillis XV & Ixillis XVI

Glowing Fragments, 1x Simulacrum, Hivestone, Guardian Tentacle, Executioner Trait, Guardian's Heart, Confused Emote

McCabe turns Hivestone and Guardian Tentacle into Hive Cannon (Hand Gun) and Guardian Axe (Melee Weapon). The Guardian Heart is a key item in both the Iskal Queen's and Undying King's questlines.

Hivestone is only obtainable by letting the surviving Ixiliis become enraged over the other's death. The Guardian Tentacle is only obtainable by killing both Ixillis XV and XVI in quick succession before either enrages.

Moving on to Corsus’ Guardian Ixillis, located in The Grotto, this boss fight is situated on a rather long and narrow bridge, and the fight against this 'majestic' Guardian involves a lot of dodging spectral orbs and laser beams.

It's one of the fights in the game that truly feels designed to be intentionally overwhelming, as players will need to keep constant track of attacks from all sides, as well as manage both the bosses' HP bars. If anything, a fight like this is one of the rare things Remnant 2 is missing, as there's not really any example in that game of a boss battle thats comparable to Ixillis.