
  • In Remnant 2, gathering Scrap is intentionally more difficult than in the previous game, discouraging players from easily farming a large amount of currency.
  • Some items, such as the Worn Admiral's Ring, Timeworn Unguent, and Purified Salve, may not be worth spending Scrap on due to their limited usefulness for the average player.
  • It's not recommended to spend Scrap on basic melee weapons or upgrade materials, as there are better options to prioritize, such as purchasing other equipment or saving Scrap for more impactful upgrades like Mutators.

There are a lot of different things in Remnant 2 that players are likely going to feel 'torn' spending their hard-earned Scrap on. The currency of this game, known as Scrap, was a lot easier to come by in the last game, Remnant: From the Ashes. In this previous title, using breakable pots, crates, and barrels to farm Scrap that popped out of it was the tried and true method (besides clearing areas, of course)

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But, in Remnant 2, gathering Scrap is a lot more difficult by design, as the developers obviously weren't huge fans of how easily their players could farm a dragon's hoard of Scrap in their previous game. With that in mind, let's go over the items across the multitude of NPCs and sources that players should hold off putting any Scrap toward.

7 Worn Admiral's Ring: Equipment

Remnant 2 - Highlighting Worn Admirals Ring In Reggies Shop-1

This first item is likely the earliest 'bait' item players will encounter, and Reggie sells it in Ward 13. This item is one that easily tricks players who think they're better at the game than they actually are. They'll buy this ring, think 'All I have to do is not get hit', then take one decent hit from a basic enemy and they'll die.

Granted, for players who can actually dodge everything, this ring is one of the best purchases in the game, but across the entire player base of Remnant 2, those types of players are few and far between.

6 Timeworn Unguent: Curative

Remnant 2 - Buying Timeworn Unguent In The Dryzr Replicator-1

The Suppression Status Ailment in Remnant 2 is assuredly one of the more 'vague' ones the game has to offer. There's a lot of incorrect info out there about the different Ailments in this game, and Suppression is the one that players seem to be the most confused about, on average.

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When a player is afflicted with Suppression, their Mod Power Generation is severely hampered, but that's about it. For some builds, this can be a huge disadvantage in a boss fight, but for the average build, it's not all that bad. So, spending precious scrap at the Dryzr Replicator on N'Erud to get some Timeworn Unguent just doesn't seem worth it, especially when Rings like the Suppression Ward exist that ignore the Ailment altogether.

5 Purified Salve: Curative

Remnant 2 - Purified Salve Over Image Of Cursed Status Effect

Much like how players shouldn't spend Scrap on Timeworn Unguent to get rid of Suppression, the same applies to Purified Salve when it comes to Curse. The Cursed Status Ailment, while much more noticeable than Suppression (as it reduces Max HP) is really only a serious concern during one boss fight, that being the Red Prince.

And, like with Timeworn Unguent, there's a better method of ignoring this Curse mechanic of the Red Prince boss fight entirely by just crafting the Hex Ward Ring at Nimue for a measly 5 Lumenite Crystals, as that Ring prevents the player from getting Cursed at all while equipped.

4 Any Basic Melee Weapon: Equipment

Remnant 2- Looking At The Knukcle Dusters In Brabus' Shop

Buying most of the Long Guns, Hand Guns, and Melee Weapons in Brabus' shop within Ward 13 is usually something players hold off on until they're at the phase of the game where they're trying to collect every single item or they didn't like the gun their Archetype started with. Yes, players may purchase a gun or two from him every now and again to try something else out, but upgrading Guns costs too much Scrap and Materials in Remnant 2 to really switch weapons all that often. And, one of the worst choices players can make with Brabus' Shop when it comes to their Scrap is buying the 'Starter' Melee Weapons from him AKA the Melee Weapons that the starting Archetypes begin the game with.

This includes the Challenger's Iron Greatsword, the Handler's Rusted Claws, the Gunslinger's Scrap Hatchet, the Hunter's Steel Sword, and the Medic's Steel Flail. Unless the player is going for a melee build in the early game and doesn't have access to the Corruptor in Yaesha or Sha Hala in N'Erud, who both have kill methods that grant melee weapons, there's no reason to squander scrap on something like Scrap Hatchet.

3 Meteorite Shard Ring: Equipment

Remnant 2 - Doing A Flop With Leto Armor On With Meteorite Shard Ring

For a very specific group of people, the Meteorite Shard Ring will be the most impactful Ring for their build. But, for the wide variety of Remnant 2 players, the Meteorite Shard Ring will never be used and is ultimately a gigantic waste of Scrap to purchase.

This is obviously a ring meant to help players recreate a very popular 'comedic' build in Remnant: From the Ashes where they would use the 'flop' dodge that the evade turned into when at the highest level of Encumbrance (usually while wearing the Leto Armor Set) to deal the majority of of their damage, essentially belly flopping to their way through the game.

2 Upgrade Materials: Material

Remnant 2- Looking At Iron In Cass' Shop

While it might seem like a good investment at the time to buy upgrade materials from Cass when she offers them, there are so many other things to spend that Scrap on before throwing it into a Material fund. This isn't to say that buying things like Iron, Galvanized Iron, and Lumenite Crystals from Cass is a bad thing, just that it should be relatively low on the purchase priority list.

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Sure, once players buy all the Rings they want from NPCs, Amulets, Weapons, Mutators, Relics, and even Weapon Mods, then it's much more acceptable to use surplus Scrap to build up a sizeable collection of all types of Iron. Players should also remember that Cass' Shop is also the method by which they can 'trade' items with their friends.

1 Mutator Upgrades 2-9: Item Upgrade

Remnant 2- Looking At Dwell's NPC SHop

And finally, let's cap things off with Mutators, Mutators are another level of depth added to builds in Remnant 2 that the last game, Remnant: From the Ashes didn't have. A lot of these Mutators are weaker or slightly altered versions of the Armor Set Bonuses from R: FtA, and they can each be upgraded to level 10 where they'll also gain an additional bonus effect on top of their default function.

But, before Level 10, there's not much of an incentive to upgrade Mutators, at least not if players can only do a single upgrade or two per trip to Ward 13. The increase in effect per Upgrade Level is usually only a couple percent at most, and while that does have an effect, it's much better overall to spend Scrap on something else until players have enough Corrupted Lumenite Crystals stocked up to go from level, say, 2 to max all in one big purchase. Doing so will have players feeling like their Double Barrel Hand Gun with Bandit +10 suddenly unlocked the ability to get even stronger.

Remnant 2 is available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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