
  • General Co-Op Stability & Bugfixes: While multiplayer in Remnant 2 is great, there are some occasional disconnects, connection issues, and dodge timing delays that need fixing.
  • Some Form Of Actual In-Game Communication: There is no text or voice chat in Remnant 2 for players to communicate with each other, which can make certain situations challenging.
  • A Filter & Sorting System For Inventory Items: As players gather more items, it becomes tedious to browse through them all without a filter and sorting system.

At the time of writing this, Remnant 2 is still relatively new, as it hasn't been all that long since its launch on July 25th, 2023. And, with the current state of the game, there are some general issues players have noticed that the team at Gunfire Games will almost assuredly fix, but until they are fixed it's worth talking about them.

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That said, just to bring a bit more attention to these small problems as well as make sure players are aware of them regardless of their progress in Remnant 2, let's go over some of the small fixes this game needs, whether they're quality-of-life fixes, bug fixes, or overall balance fixes.

8 General Co-Op Stability & Bugfixes

Remnant 2 - Mockup Of Connecting Please Wait Screen To Show How Infinite Connecting Glitches Can Be Annoying

While, for the most part, the multiplayer in Remnant 2 works great, and in some ways even better than the original Remnant​​​​​​, there are some general kinks to iron out with it over time. In fact, those familiar with some of the online issues with Remnant: From the Ashes will likely notice the similarities, as both games suffer from occasional disconnects, connection issues, and a delay in dodge timing based on connection to the Host.

But, what feels a bit more individual to Remnant 2 is the amount of bugs that players have seemingly been experiencing in co-op that they weren't in single-player. For example, just in our multiplayer sessions alone, there have been issues of falling through terrain, enemies suddenly both aggroing and then attacking the party while the party is on the Worldstone, getting stuck in NPC dialog, and many more. All of them are relatively non-intrusive or small bugs, not including stuff like the PS5 invite bug of course, but obviously, the experience would still be better overall without them.

7 Some Form Of Actual In-Game Communication

Remnant 2 - Example Of Trying To Help Someone With Puzzle But Can't Communicate

Again, this was a complaint in the first game, Remnant: From the Ashes, so the fact that it's still present in Remnant 2 almost assuredly means it's a conscious design decision on the part of Gunfire Games. Basically, other than by using emotes, pings, or a third-party app like Discord, players joining parties, both random and with their friends, have no method of communicating with each other in-game.

There's no text chat, no voice chat, and nothing in between. Granted, the lack of these tools makes trying to help players solve puzzles through the use of emotes all the more rewarding when it turns out to be successful. But, it can also lead to players not being able to warn each other about boss patterns or accidentally grabbing rewards when the host isn't nearby to see where they were found for the next time their world is procedurally generated, and so on.

6 A Filter & Sorting System For Inventory Items

Remnant 2 - Relic Fragments Menu With Sort and Filter Questions On Top

When players first start out in Remnant 2, it probably doesn't seem like the various inventory systems in the game would really 'need' a sorting system. But, as they progress more, gather more guns, more rings, more armor, and a ton of Relic Fragments, having to browse through 20-30+ rings to find the right one can get really annoying. This is exactly why a filter/sorting system would go a long way.

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Yes, players can use the 'Favorite' function to sort of make their own sorting system with gear, but that doesn't work for Relic Fragments, and it's only a stopgap solution. Rather, there should be a way to sort items in each inventory tab in a number of ways based on the item's effect, the order the items were obtained, and so on.

5 More Tools While Dead & Spectating

Remnant 2 - Example Of Spectating Someone And The Only Option Being To Leave

When players die in a multiplayer session of Remnant 2, they're basically stuck spectating the other player(s) until they interact with the next Worldstone. And this would normally be fine, except for the fact that the dead players can't do anything else while spectating but switch between player viewpoints.

They can't go into their inventory, switch items, spend Trait Points, switch Skills, or even go into the options menu. Again, not a huge offense, but it's just odd the feature isn't there. And, more often than not, it leads to a bit of extra awkwardness when those dead players do respawn and have to switch their Archetypes, Weapon Mods, or Skills, as they'll have to ask the other players to sit at the Worldstone again in order to bring everything off cooldown.

4 General Performance & Upscaling Concerns

Remnant 2 - Hovering Over Nvidia DLSS Setting In Options Menu

Now let's state up front that Remnant 2 is made in Unreal Engine 5, and there's no developer quite yet who is truly 'experienced' working in this engine. So, the performance issues that both the PC and Console versions of Remnant 2 are experiencing (while small overall), are likely just due to their inexperience with the engine in terms of optimization, though this is just speculation.

Still, a game being 'designed for upscaling' on modern-day hardware is a bit silly, players should be able to have DLSS off and still play the game with at least 60+ fps if they've got up-to-date hardware. Hopefully, some future patches will improve overall optimization so that the full visual fidelity of this game can be experienced in higher resolutions, because players can clearly tell, even with downscaled resolution, that some of the texture work on the enemies and gear in Remnant 2 is top-class.

3 NPCs In Ward 13 With Memory Loss

Remnant 2 - Dwell Acting Like They haven't Seen the player before

Out of everything on here, this might be one of the smallest complaints, but it's also the one players will probably run into the most. Basically, a lot of players (ourselves included) are having a lot of repeat conversations with NPCs back in Ward 13 after using Adventure Mode, joining a random lobby online and coming back, or just returning from one of the worlds in Campaign Mode.

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And, it's not like these NPCs are just repeating their standard lines but with different wording, it's more like they're acting as if the Traveler just walked into Ward 13 for the first time, and it's their first meeting with them. Again, not a big intrusion, but on NPCs who have a lot to say before showing their shops, such as Reggier or Mudtooth, it can get really irritating over multiple instances of this bug occurring.

2 An Answer To The Trait Point Cap

remnant 2 traits menu

Probably the biggest overall 'complaint' that people have been making about Remnant 2 across different forums and Steam Discussion boards is the fact that there's a 60 Trait Point Cap in the game currently. This means that players will stop receiving any Trait Points from Books after 60, which is still much worse than if players could still stockpile these Trait Points but couldn't 'use' any more than 60. This means that, not including equipped Archetype Traits (as unlocked-but-unequipped Traits from Archetypes still need real Trait Points to level) players can only max out 6 Traits.

It's clear that Gunfire Games designed the game so that players' builds really came across more with the extra ring slots and Trait Point restrictions, but at the moment it feels a bit too limiting, especially on some of the harder Difficulties like Nightmare and Apocalypse.

1 A Way To Pause The Game In Offline Mode

Remnant 2 - Mockup Of Pause Option Once Game Is Offline

And finally, let's go over one last small thing the developers of Remannt 2 could stand to fix, the lack of any way for players to 'pause' their game in-game. Of course, players on a console can use the PS or Xbox button to 'suspend' the game as it returns to the console's home screen, but PC players don't have that luxury, at least not without some third-party software.

Of course, it's not like players can pause in a lot of other Soulslike games either, but with the amount of time Gunfire Games expects players to spend in Remnant 2, it would be nice if there were some option to do so but maybe only when players had their lobbies set to 'Offline' or something similar.

Remnant 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.

MORE: Remnant 2: References To The First Games Only True Fans Would Get