The story in Remnant 2's The Awakened King DLC centers around the One True King, and it ends with that powerful character presenting a choice. Specifically, players that reach the DLC's conclusion must decide if they will pursue the One True King's plan and kill Nimue, and their choice will determine the rewards that they ultimately receive. This guide is here to elaborate upon that statement, and it will help players determine if they should kill Nimue in Remnant 2.

To note, players must fight and kill the One True King at the end of Remnant 2's The Awakend King DLC regardless of the method that they use to address the choice that he presents. As such, fans need not worry that siding with the One True King will prevent them from receiving the rewards that are associated with slaying him, as they will fight him even if they see his plan to fruition.

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Remnant 2: Nimue or King Choice

There are three ways that players can approach the choice presented by the One True King. Here are details on all those approaches and the rewards that are associated with each of them:

Beat One True King without Visiting Nimue

The most straightforward option is simply to fight and defeat the One True King without putting any effort toward pursuing his plan to kill Remnant 2's Nimue. This is done by selecting the "sounds like a lot of hassle" dialogue option during the preliminary conversation with the One True King, and fans should visit Nimue when the boss is slain to claim the Jewel of the Beholden Ring(On Relic Use, increase Mod Damage by 15% for 10s).

Kill Nimue

An alternative approach is to agree to the One True King's plan and then go through with it. This requires visiting Nimue and selecting the "it's time to die, lady!" dialogue option when it appears, and Remnant 2 players will receive the Broken Heart Relic(Innate 50% Use Speed Bonus. On use, sets current Health to 50% of max Health over 0.25s.) when the job is done. Fans should then return to the One True King, tell him what has occurred, and defeat him in battle.

remnant 2 kill nimue or king

Spare Nimue

The final possible approach is to pursue the One True King's plan but ultimately opt to spare Nimue. This is done by selecting the "you win" dialogue option when conversing with the goddess, and it will cause her to award the Nimue's Vow Quest Item. With that item in hand, players should return to the One True King and slay him to transform Nimue's Vow into Nimue's Blood-Marred Vow. Fans should then take that new Remnant 2 Quest Item back to Nimue to receive the Gift of the Unbound Amulet(Disables negative effects of Burden Rings. Restricts Maximum Health gained by 20% per effect disabled.).

Remnant 2 is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.