
  • Selling items to NPCs in Remnant 2 allows players to indirectly trade with their friends, making it easier to help each other out with resources or upgrades.
  • Players can sell certain crafting materials, such as the Shining Essence Echo and unused boss materials, for a decent chunk of Scrap.
  • As players accumulate excess upgrade materials, like Iron and Lumenite Crystals, they can sell them to free up inventory space and earn extra Scrap.

Scrap is not an easy thing to come by in the 'Soulslike with Guns' game that is Remnant 2, at least not at first. For the first long stretch of the game, players are going to find themselves constantly scraping up against the edges of their hypothetical wallets when it comes to their Scrap savings.

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Thankfully, there are a lot of different items worth selling in this game. On top of that, players can also usually just buy back whatever they sell to an NPC later on once they're rolling in Scrap again. So, with that in mind, let's go over some of the best items to sell in Remnant 2, hands down.

Updated November 24th, 2023 by Jacob Buchalter: The Scrap Economy hasn't really changed much in Remnant 2 between the game's initial release and the time of writing this. Scrap is absolutely more of a 'rare resource' in the sequel than it was in the first game, Remnant: From the Ashes. But, as time passes, players get even further and further into the postgame and full completionist grinding of Remnant 2. And, once they reach this point in their playtime, they'll start to notice a lot of items piling up that would be much better to convert into Scrap. So, let's go over even more of the items in Remnant 2 (of which there are hundreds) that players might want to sell for a couple of bucks.

10 Anything You Want To Trade To A Friend

Just Use A Middleman Salesperson

Remnant 2 - Cass's Inventory Menu

There's no 'direct trade' system in Remnant 2 for players to pass Amulets, Rings, or other gear between them. However, there is a roundabout method of giving items, materials, and so on to an online companion, and that's by selling it to an NPC. Items that are sold to NPCs (Cass in particular), will then show up in their shop for everyone in the lobby. This is basically how it worked in Remnant: From the Ashes, and it's good they kept this method in the game for the sequel.

This way, if a friend is just a few Iron to get their weapon to the Upgrade Level they want, a player can just sell that Iron (be it Forged, Galvanized, or Hardened Iron) and have their friend buy it from her Store. This works for everything that can be sold and is even a neat way for players to 'technically' trade Scrap too.

9 Shining Essence Echo

You're Going To Get This Item More Times Than Necessary

Remnant 2 - Inspecting Shining Essence Echo

Item Name


Selling Price

Shining Essence Echo

Crafting Material

1,000 Scrap

Next up is a type of Crafting Material, which players will be seeing a lot of on this list. But, this one is so unique that we felt it deserved its own entry. Players are going to be going through each of the 'worlds' of Remnant 2 multiple times, even more so if they're planning on collecting everything. And, for those who have already done a few 'tours' of N'Erud, they're likely already familiar with the Shining Essence Echo item. This item drops from beating either version of Tal'Ratha and is used for two different items.

One, players can take it to the Custodian to get the Siphon Heart Relic in exchange. Or two, they can use it at the Dryzr Replicator (found underneath the Custodian) to get the Void Idol. However, once they've done those two things, there's not really anything else to use this on. So, for every Tal'Ratha kill after this, just sell this Echo as it serves no real purpose, it seems to stay in the player's inventory even after they reroll the N'Erud Adventure Mode, and it actually sells for a decent chunk of Scrap.

8 Corrupted & Regular Lumenite Crystals

Mutator Upgrades Don't Take 'That' Many Crystals

Remnant 2 - Corrupted And Regular Lumenite Crystals Side By Side

Item Name


Selling Price

Lumenite Crystal

Upgrade Material

150 Scrap

Corrupted Lumenite Crystal

Upgrade Material

250 Scrap

To start, let's talk about Lumenite Crystals. There are two versions of these Crystals, the default ones that are used primarily for weapon upgrades, and the Corrupted Lumenite Crystals that are used in Mutator upgrades.

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After players upgrade their first one or two Mutators to max level, they're likely going to stick with those for a significant portion of time unless they happen to stumble upon the 'dream Mutator' that works perfectly in their build. So, while waiting to find a better Mutator, why not sell those Crystals and buy them back later as needed? Lumenite Crystals are a lot more difficult to part with since they're used in such crucial weapon upgrades, but once players have their weapons of choice upgraded to 10 or 20, depending on the type of weapon, then it's a bit easier to part with a few Lumenite Crystals here or there.

7 Unwanted Boss Materials

Sometimes A Player Just Knows When They'll Never Use A Certain Weapon Mod

Remnant 2 - Soul Sliver Inspect Next To Image Selling It To McCabe

Category Name

Selling Price

Example Names

Crafting Materials

750 to 1,000 Scrap

Hex Wreath, Agony Spike, Tormentor's Pommel, Wretched Skull, & Occult Vessel

While most gamers these days tend to default to the 'completionist' playstyle where they try and collect 100 percent of the items and experience everything in their first playthrough, that's not really incentivized in every game. In fact, in Remnant 2, players are likely going to be fighting a lot of bosses multiple times either to grind Scrap or to help a friend in co-op.

So with that in mind, if players find or harvest a Material from a boss that they then bring back to McCabe to make into a Weapon Mod/Weapon only to find out they're not interested in what that Material becomes, then just sell it for now. Again, it can be bought back later if needed, and it's not like they'll never encounter that boss again. That said, these Materials won't drop again if players already have the item the Material is crafted into in their inventory, they'll just get a chunk of Scrap handed to them instead.

6 Weapon Upgrade Materials

Not Every Gun Needs To Get The Max Upgrade Treatment

Remnant 2 - Iron Crafting Material Image

Item Name


Selling Price


Upgrade Material

10 Scrap

Forged Iron

Upgrade Material

15 Scrap

Galvanized Iron

Upgrade Material

20 Scrap

Hardened Iron

Upgrade Material

25 Scrap

Now this one might seem absurd to players who have only upgraded their weapons a few times so far in Remnant 2, but selling upgrade materials is actually totally viable later on. Players who have put 20+ hours into Remnant 2 will suddenly find themselves with a whole lot of one type of Iron, and barely any of another type.

This is because they used all that Iron of that tier to upgrade weapons from +1 to +5 or +5 to +10 and so on. And now that they've done that, they're not going to need that type of Iron (be it regular, Forged Iron, or Galvanized Iron) for quite a while. So, in the meantime, players should just sell the Iron that they have in abundance to Cass, as they can just buy it back from her later. Granted, thanks to the Upgrade/Downgrade system that Gunfire Games eventually added, testing out new guns is easier than ever, but this is still a viable route for making a bit of extra Scrap.

5 Relic Dust

After All Those Relic Fragments Become Mythical

Remnant 2 - Inspecting Relic Dust

Item Name


Selling Price

Relic Dust

Upgrade Material

15 Scrap

And for the last of the 'Upgrade Materials' that are worth selling, let's take a look at Relic Dust. Granted, for a large portion of a player's time with Remnant 2, they should hold on to their Relic Dust. This item is not only used when buying new Mutators from Dwell, but it's also used to buy a randomized Red, Blue, or Yellow Relic Fragment.

However, after about 50+ hours with the game, players will have already bought all the Mutators from Dwell and their Relic Fragments will likely almost all be at the 'Mythic' level of quality. So at that point, Relic Dust really doesn't serve much of a purpose anymore. And, while it doesn't sell for much when players have 300+ stacks of it, that 15 Scrap per Dust 'pile' really adds up.

4 Blood Moon Essence

For When You Already Have All The Summoner Gear

Remnant 2 - Blood Moon Essence In Inspect Menu

Item Name


Selling Price

Blood Moon Essence

Crafting Material

125 Scrap

This is probably the item most players didn't even think about selling, since it's such a precious resource when players are looking for it and such a useless resource once players don't need it. But, once these same players see how much each Blood Moon Essence sells for, they'll be hunting down Bloodmoons in Yaesha as if they were trying to unlock the Summoner all over again.

To elaborate a bit for those unaware, during a Blood Moon event on Yaesha, players will see these purple 'Root Wisps' flying around. Shooting them causes the player to automatically get 1 Blood Moon Essence, which is typically used at a Bloodmoon Altar as a sort of currency. But, once players buy everything they care about from the Altar, there's little to no reason to hold on to these Essences, so they're just collecting dust the longer the player holds off on selling them. Plus, if a friend ever joins their game and needs Blood Moon Essence for their own Summoner items, they'll then be able to ones that the other player sold to Cass.

3 Unused Or Unloved Concoctions

Who's Using Tranquility Font Over Muthooth's Tonic Anyway?

Remnant 2 - Selling Sacred Lakewater To McCabe

Category Name


Selling Price




250 Scrap

Mudtooth's Tonic, Mudtooth's Stew, Strong Drink, Sanguine Vapor, Xenoplasm, & Chilled Steam

Out of everything on here, selling unused Concoctions is probably the thing that players will be selling the least. After all, Concoctions are just long-duration temp buffs, so why wouldn't a player just keep them around to use instead of selling them for a meager amount of Scrap? Still, there are obviously some Concoctions that players prefer over others, and there are even a couple of Concoctions that most players have likely already forgotten even exist in the game at all.

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So, this is just an option for when the Traveler is only a couple hundred (or thousand) Scrap short of an item/upgrade they want, and once players talk to Mudtooth with those Concoctions in their inventory, he'll start selling them from his shop at that point anyway.

2 Consumables Of All Types

There Are A Lot Of Them That Players Forget To Use

Remnant 2 - Three Random Consumables In Inspect Menu Worth Selling

Category Name

Selling Price


Consumable Items

50 to 125 Scrap

Gul Serum, Confidence Booster, Black Tar, Rocket Fuel, Ethereal Orb, Brightstone, & Bandage

There are a ton of different Consumables players will randomly pick up as they're trekking across worlds like Losomn or N'Erud. Items like Bandages, Antidotes, Rocket Fuel, and more are all one-time use items that buff very specific stats for a time or cure very specific ailments.

But, a lot of players find themselves never actually using (and especially buying) most of these Consumables, and typically just unintentionally hoard more and more of them over time. And while most Consumables don't sell for much individually, Scrap will always be worth more in the long run than an item a player never actually plans on using. Just make sure to check out both Dr. Norah's and Reggie's shops before selling any Consumables players may need later, as both of these NPC Merchants also have a similar gimmick to Mudtooth where they'll start offering certain Consumables/items the player has in their inventory.

1 Poisoned Ambit Ember Capsule

An Entirely Useless Item Anyway

Remnant 2 - Ambit Ember Capsule Inspect Up Close

Item Name


Selling Price

Poisoned Ambit Ember Capsule


125 Scrap

And lastly, let's end things with probably the most niche usable item in the game, the Poisoned Ambit Ember Capsules that the Custodian gives the player when Tal'Ratha is their World Boss in N'Erud. These capsules have one singular purpose, to stagger/stun Tal'Ratha for a few seconds (if used correctly) and that's it. It's funny how Tal'Ratha actually has two separate items that players will primarily sell after receiving them.

Essentially players are meant to throw these into Tal'Ratha's mouth when he's doing that vacuum attack to suck players in. However, most of the time the Capsules explode in the player's hand, somehow 'miss' entirely, or connect with its mouth but don't trigger the stagger effect, so it's clear these things aren't working as intended most of the time. With that in mind, players should just sell these things every time the Custodian hands them over on each subsequent N'Erud run.

Remnant 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
July 25, 2023
Gunfire Games
Gearbox Publishing