Remnant 2 is far from a typical RPG. To thrive in this incredible world and step on the gas, players must take various factors into account, with traits being a crucial component of their progression. When players start their journey in Remnant 2, they have access to only four basic traits. However, as the adventure continues, they can unlock additional traits to gain the upper hand in facing deadly creatures. Furthermore, unlocking these traits also aids players in enhancing their survival in this treacherous world. Here is how players can unlock these traits in Remnant 2.

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How to Unlock New Traits

trait points remnant 2

It is important to understand that not all traits can be unlocked in Remnant 2, as there are more than 30 traits, divided into three categories.

  1. Core Traits
  2. Archetype Traits
  3. Unlockable Traits

Core traits are the basic sets of traits that players get when they kick off the game, and they're pretty basic. However, archetype traits depend upon the archetype players pick. Lastly, as the name implies, players can only access unlockable traits as they progress. Here are some ways to unlock new traits in the game.

  • Defeating Bosses
  • Completing Quests
  • Completing Events
  • Answering Questions asked by NPCs

Trait points can be used to max traits in Remnant 2 .

Unlockable Traits in Remnant 2

The table below displays all the unlockable traits in Remnant 2, how to unlock them, and the effects they bring.


How to Unlock



Get rid of the enemies in Labyrinth

Increases area of effect

Arcane Strike

Get the better of Harvestor's reach of enemies.

Strengthens mod power generation


Select the answers from Doe’s Eye for Meidra's questions.

Reduces incoming damage

Blood Bond

Conquer the Root Nexus boss battle in Yaesha.

The Archetype Summons soaks up damage for the caster


Acquire the Ravenger's eye from Miedra in Yaesha.

Enhances grey health regen


Successfully navigating the Vault of the Formless in N'Erud

Increases evade distance


Participation in the Train Horde battle in Terminous Station on N'Erud.

Boosts the movement speed.


Joining the Feast event in Multiplayer

Enhances the rate of using consumables and relics.


Get rid of the dungeons on Root earth.

Decreases weapon recoil


Rescue the Dran Childs and interact with Oracle

Speeds up stamina regeneration.


Trigger the purge to kill the protagonist in Dormant N'Erudian Facility.

Enhances aura size


Revive teammates more than 10 times.

Speeds up the reviving process


Rescuing the NPC in the Forgotten field on Yaesha.

Enhances Summon's health.


Defeat the final boss.

Strengthens Experience gain.


Wrap up the Losomn burning event before the man catches fire

Boost the capacity to withstand elemental status damage.


Beat hordes of enemies at Dorman’t N’Erudian Facility.

Strengthens the lifesteal.


Get rid of the boss in Corrupted Harbor.

Strengthens traversal movement.

remnant 2 game
Remnant 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Gunfire Games
Gearbox Publishing
Soulslike , Third-Person Shooter
Unreal Engine 4