Among Remnant 2's plethora of secrets, the Misty Step dodge modifier is perhaps the most unique one. Instead of being tied to just one item, players need to wear a specific combination of gear in order to trigger it.

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Naturally, such a cool secret doesn't come easy. Quite a bit of effort is required to get Remnant 2's Misty Step dodge, and not everyone will be able to get all of them in one run. Here's the complete list of gear needed to unlock this fancy dodge roll replacement.

Remnant 2: How to Get the Misty Step Dodge

The Ring of Omens in Remnant 2

Players will need to teleport to Yaesha and pray that they have the Cathedral of Omens dungeon somewhere in the open-world zones. This is because the first necessary item for the Misty Step, the Ring of Omens, can only be obtained from here.

To get the Ring of Omens, players will need to enter the Cathedral of Omens during a Blood Moon. Go to the dungeon's entrance, enter it, then exit it again. This will cause Yaesha's time of day to change, which means there's a chance for there to be a Blood Moon as soon as players step out of the cathedral.

Once the Blood Moon is up, go back into the dungeon and step into the main puzzle chamber. Pull the lever in front of the entrance once, then pull the lever to the right of the entrance four times. A door will open, revealing three chests, with one of them containing the Ring of Omens.

Red Doe Sigil in Remnant 2

Next, players will need to find one of the following amulets:

  • Ravager's Mark
  • Red Doe Sigil
  • Talisman of the Sun
  • Death's Embrace
  • Full Moon Circlet

The Ravager's Mark is the easiest to obtain. If players side with the Ravager and kill the Doe in Yaesha, then they will receive this amulet for free. Players don't need to use this one, however, and they're free to choose whichever fits their build best.

With both the Ring of Omens and an amulet of choice equipped, players will then be able to use the Misty Step dodge in place of their normal dodge roll. Players will be able to cover more ground with Misty Step, and they'll evade at a fixed speed, effectively negating the effect of armor encumbrance on dodging. However, instead of consuming stamina, using Misty Step will convert 15% of Max HP into Grey Health due to the Ring of Omens' effect.

Remnant 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.