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The MP60-R SMG is the earliest non-starter weapon players can find in Remnant 2. It is once again tucked away in a secret spot near the beginning of the game, and players can grab it as soon as they finish the tutorial.

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In Remnant 2, getting the SMG is much easier and far less complicated. However, just stumbling into this weapon is pretty much impossible for players who don't explore much or aren't curious enough about the items they get.

How to Get The SMG in Remnant 2

The Cargo Control Key in Remnant 2

Just like in the first game, the SMG is locked away in a hidden part of Ward 13—specifically, inside the derelict cargo ship by the harbor. Players can't just walk up to it, however, since it's behind a locked door.

The chest inside Ford's office actually holds the Cargo Control Key used to unlock this door, but Ford's chest itself is also locked by a number code. The code is 0415, but given how Remnant 2 likes to shake things up, this might be different for each player. To see this code, open the Inventory screen and inspect the flashlight given by Ford during the delve into the inner ward. The code is etched on the bottom of the flashlight.

Next, open the chest and follow the path shown above. It's a very short trip to the hidden room, and all players need to do is use the key to open the door. The SMG is on the table to the left.

Is The SMG Any Good?

The SMG"s base DPS in Remnant 2

Much like in the first Remnant, the SMG boasts a blistering fire rate at the cost of low damage per shot and a steep damage fall-off range. It is very good in close quarters, but its somewhat long reload time makes it unwieldy against big crowds. Still, players can take this gun all the way to the end of their first campaign run with little to no issue as long as they keep upgrading it.

To truly make the SMG shine, players will want to use a weapon mod like Hot Shot or Acid Shot. The SMG is capable of inflicting status effects more quickly thanks to its fire rate, and more importantly, mods like Hot Shot fully refill its magazine when used. This makes the SMG particularly useful against armored targets since elemental damage ignores armor's damage reduction.

Remnant 2 releases on July 25 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

MORE: Remnant 2 Review