There are a ton of weapons and accessories in Remnant 2, but not all of them are dropped by bosses or given out as rewards. Players need to find some of these in the game's randomized worlds and hope that they get the items they want.

Remnant 2: How to Get Legacy Protocol

Read this guide to learn how to get Legacy Protocol in Remnant 2.

RNG plays a big part in Remnant 2's exploration, whether it be related to enemy spawns, map layouts, or item locations. Drudging through Yaesha for the 10th time in hopes of finding a specific ring can be demoralizing. Luckily, there are some ways to make the item hunt a little easier.

Finding Random Loot in Remnant 2 the Easy Way

A randomly-spawned trinket in Remnant 2

Before anything else, it's important to understand how random loot spawns. While the majority of maps in Remnant 2 are randomized, players will notice that some locations will always have a random ring or amulet on them. These are fixed spawn points, and players will always encounter random loot here if they ever get a map that has that same specific spot.

For example, if a player visits Tiller's Rest on Losomn and they find a body inside a wooden shack that's holding a ring, they'll likely find another item if they return to that same spot again after re-rolling their campaign or Adventure Mode run. However, this is assuming that the same map variant or the same map tile spawns in the new run.

Items that drop from sources like these in the open world roll from a pool of randomly dropping rings and amulets — every time players encounter them, they may get an item they already have or get an entirely new one. This includes new DLC items like Shadow of Misery and Sinister Totem, which drop from Losomn and Yaesha respectively.

remnant 2 ring of crisis

Unfortunately, despite having guaranteed spawn points, getting the right map tiles is still dependent on luck. The best way to hunt for items is to use the Explorer Archetype and start a new run on the easiest difficulty. Random accessories will spawn regardless of what difficulty players decide to go with, so there's no reason not to run on Survivor mode with the fastest-moving class if the main goal of a run is to collect shiny purple objects.

Dungeons are the best places to find random accessories as they're typically not as expansive as open-world areas. However, not all of them have guaranteed spawn points for random accessory drops (especially ones with static layouts like the Imperial Gardens). Some of the best dungeons for random loot runs are:

  • Losomn: Butcher's Quarter, Tiller's Rest
  • Yaesha: Forgotten Fields, Nameless Nest
  • N'Erud: The Hatchery

These dungeons have random loot spawns that are either easy to spot or near the beginning of the map. Some, like the Forgotten Fields and Nameless Nest, can spawn with jumping puzzle sections that have random trinkets waiting for players at the end. Thorough exploration is still required if players want to make sure they don't miss a thing.

remnant 2 game
Remnant 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
July 25, 2023
Gunfire Games
Gearbox Publishing
Soulslike , Third-Person Shooter