Wearing thick armor to protect against incoming damage is one thing, but dodging out of the way is a completely different story. These two mechanics have always been present in Soulslike games, and they are both part of Remnant 2 as well. Players need to balance the proper use of both to maximize their survivability but normally, one cannot be enjoyed without sacrificing the other.

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The Bright Steel Ring in Remnant 2 throws this balancing equation out the window, making it an excellent pick for players who love the look and feel of the game's heaviest of armor sets but don't want to belly-flop their way through a map. Here's where to get it.

Remnant 2: Bright Steel Ring Location

Remnant 2 - Reggie Talking About The Wanderer Coming Into Town

Fortunately, players don't have to scour the game's multiple worlds and their many variations in order to get this item since the Bright Steel Ring is sold in Ward 13 by Reggie. This is usually in his inventory right from the beginning of the game but if it's not there, then try purchasing some other ring and come back later.

The Bright Steel Ring lets players perform the lightest possible dodge roll regardless of their armor encumbrance. This means players can wear the super-heavy Leto Mark II set and still roll as if they were naked. Normally, such a heavy armor set will prevent rolling altogether but with the ring equipped, players get to enjoy the benefit of max armor without missing out on mobility and invulnerability frames.

This isn't the only option players have when it comes to improving armored mobility. By equipping specific accessory combinations, they can instead perform the secret Misty Step dodge, which also bypasses armor encumbrance when evading. However, this will drain 15% of the user's max HP every time. The Bright Steel Ring costs nothing to use. The worst it can do is limit builds as it takes up an accessory slot.

It doesn't take much to buy the Bright Steel Ring from Reggie. Players who explore the game normally should eventually get enough Scrap to purchase the item outright. Those who are strapped for cash only need to farm Scrap for a little while before getting enough to comfortably buy the ring with very little trouble.

The Bright Steel Ring goes well with other accessories that improve mobility or increase the effectiveness of dodge rolls. Rings like the Deceiver's Band and the Frivolous Band come to mind — both trigger extra effects after a perfect dodge with the former bringing more speed while the latter leans more heavily towards aggressive play.

Remnant 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.