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The jungle world of Yaesha is caught under the miserable grip of the Root infection, which is not made any easier by the once-Pan god of death. The Ravager makes another appearance in Remnant 2; however, it is a barely-recognizable mutation of the six-limbed wolf that players battled in Remnant: From The Ashes.

Related: Remnant 2: Doe Or Ravager Choice Guide

Despite the grotesque makeover the Ravager has undergone since the previous title, it is still one of the toughest bosses in Remnant 2. Here are some tips on how to get the best of the foul beast, as well as the alternative kills that are included in the Ravager quest.

How to Beat the Corrupted Ravager

A player in Remnant 2 in a battle with the Corrupted Ravager

The Corrupted Ravager quest is one of the main stories in the world of Yaesha in Remnant 2 and can be found once players have solved the Water Harp puzzle and raised the bridge to the beast's lair. Entering the Ravager's Lair will trigger a dialogue with the beast before players need to decide whether to kill the Red Doe or spare its life. For those who choose the latter, a fierce fight with the Corrupted Ravager can be expected. There are some key points in the battle to keep an eye out for, as they can be the difference-makers between victory and defeat.

Dodging the Ravager's Lunge Attacks

While they are easy enough to telegraph, one misstep can be devastating for players as the Corrupted Ravager makes a galloping advance toward their character to swipe at them with their sharp claws. This can be a particularly potent attack that will chew up much of a character's health reserves, so timing the evasive maneuvers away from the attack is key.

Additionally, the Ravager will also attack the player in close-quarters combat range, it is worth noting that in these situations, the Ravager will swipe at their foe twice, so mistiming the first attack can be particularly heartbreaking for players. Take the time to understand the beast's cues and when the optimal moment is to use evasive moves to avoid damage.

The Ravager's Vulnerable Spots

The Ravager looks very different from its former self in Remnant: From The Ashes on account of the influence that Root has had on the creature. The most notable difference is the red pulsing growth on its back, which also happens to be its most vulnerable area on the beast's body, meaning this should be the target of all offensive sequences.

From the very start of the battle, players should be aiming all of their offensive tools at the growth on the Ravager's back, as there is a high chance that each strike will do critical levels of damage to the creature. Players should ensure both their long and handguns are equipped with high-magazine, high-volume weapons to ensure ammunition does not become an issue, as it is very difficult to overcome this boss using only melee attacks.

The Role of the Stone Pillars

The battle arena where the Ravager fight takes place is riddled with large stone pillars, that is, until the beast runs through them all and knocks them down. However, while they are still standing, they can be of great use to players. With the right strategic maneuvers, players can preserve some of these sources of protection by avoiding standing behind a select few of them, so the Ravager won't destroy them on its way to attack.

The stone pillars are particularly effective against two of the Ravager's more potent offensive maneuvers, its energy pulse and its vortex ability. The pillars can act as a barrier against these attacks; however, the energy pulse will destroy whichever pillar it hits and put a stop to the skill's momentum toward the player.

The Ravager's Vortex Ability

The most devastating attack in the Ravager's arsenal is its vortex ability, whereby it generates a cyclone that sucks the player into the creature and its multiple limbs with sharp claws. Players who end up caught in this attack are likely to die unless they have an Archetype that can revive itself, which can be frustrating. What's more, using dodging techniques to get out of range of the beast will very quickly use up stamina, so this strategy will only work for a limited time.

The best strategy to avoid the deadly cyclone is to establish a significant amount of distance, which also helps to anticipate lunging attacks and attack its weak spots from afar. This is effective for two reasons: players who are far enough away will not have as much trouble getting out of the attack's area of effect, and it buys their character time to retreat behind a stone pillar. The pillars are the safest places during these attacks as they block the connection between the Ravager and its foe.

Alternative Kills in the Ravager Boss Fight

A player receiving the Crimson Membrane item for completing an Alternate Kill in Remnant 2

There are two main outcomes to the Ravager storyline, which are revealed according to whether the player decides to kill the Ravager or the Doe. However, for those who want to delve deeper into the possible scenarios of this quest, there are two alternative kills that will reap different rewards. For those merciless souls who don't want either supernatural creature to survive the encounter, players can opt to simultaneously not give the Doe the revival it needs and attack the Ravager to instigate the battle. This will trigger two alternative results.

Killing the Doe Mid-Fight

The Doe remains on the side of the battlefield as the player clashes with the Ravager. However, if enough damage is done to the god, it will decide to use its foe to its advantage and replenish its health with it. In this case, players will have the option to kill the Doe before the Ravager can harness its energy, thus denying it an opportunity to heal.

Players who choose to kill both the Doe and Ravager will be rewarded with the Ravager's Maw, which can be taken to McCabe to craft the Feral Judgment weapon. This is a melee weapon in the form of claws, which can be empowered by dealing melee damage in quick succession, making it more powerful.

Letting the Ravager Eat the Doe

On the other side of this same scenario, players that allow the Ravager to regain its strength at the expense of the Doe will be rewarded differently. This will be a more difficult challenge as players will essentially fight the beast one and a half times, but the weapon gained from the feat is a formidable one.

Players who give the Ravager an advantage in the battle but still come out on top will receive the Crimson Membrane, which can be taken to McCabe in Ward 13 in exchange for the Merciless long gun. This weapon fires a penetrative blast that deals significant damage with an added 25% chance of dishing out additional critical hurt on foes.

Remnant 2 is now available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

More: Remnant 2: Best Classes (Archetypes Tier List)