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Gunfire Games' latest big release Remnant 2, has hit shelves and promises players an array of unique and challenging worlds to overcome as their characters attempt to rid the world of the infectious Root. As was the recipe for success for the game's predecessor, Remnant: From The Ashes, the game features a plethora of difficult enemies and even more formidable bosses.

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Among the bosses players will encounter is the stone Labyrinth Sentinel, who directly ties in with the quest to find Clementine. This boss may appear simple on the surface, but the giant stone cubes can provide players with a quick, crushing death if they don't know how to handle the beast. Here are some tips on how to turn the giant stone cubes into a pile of pebbles.

Aim for the Glowing Squares

A player aiming at the Labyrinth Sentinel during a battle in Remnant 2

The Labyrinth Sentinel is different from a standard game boss as it is not contained within one form that needs to be attacked. In fact, the Sentinel is made up of multiple enormous stone cubes that are capable of crushing players in an instant. Given they are made of stone, they are nearly impenetrable, except for their small, vulnerable points that make it easy to destroy.

Each cube that makes up the Labyrinth Sentinel has a number of small glowing boxes attached to its sides. By shooting at those, the boxes explode to form small craters on the cubes. Once a cube loses its purple glowing lines, players can move on, knowing it cannot take any further damage. The challenge in this, aside from keeping out of the way of the rolling cubes, is timing the shot right. Each cube will rotate regularly to protect itself, so timing is of the essence to destroy each of the Sentinel's parts.

Use the Damaged Sides of the Cubes to Your Advantage

While they move slowly, the stone cubes at ground level are so big that their speed of movement can actually pose a problem for players if they find themselves getting caught. There are no second chances against this boss; if a player is crushed under the weight of a cube, then they instantly die. However, there are some lifelines that players can create for themselves by destroying the Sentinel's vulnerable points.

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Once a player shoots and destroys a vulnerable point on a cube, it will explode, leaving a sizable hole in its side. This can actually be used to the player's advantage, as the crater they create is big enough for a cube to roll over them without causing damage. If players find themselves struggling to outrun a stone box, find a damaged size to hide under, and the Sentinel will roll right over their character, leaving them unscathed.

Get Off to a Fast Start

While it is best for players to take their time when facing the Labyrinth Sentinel, there is an opportunity at the very beginning of the engagement to get off to a quick start and deal some critical blows to this giant foe. As players enter the Sentinel's lair, there will be brief windows of opportunity for the player to pick off four of the boss' weak points, two on the floating cube at the top and two on the ground. See below how best to dispatch these vulnerable points and go on to destroy the Sentinel:

Players will need to get the timing just right in order to capitalize on the situation; however, if they aren't able to snag all four, this can still be done as the battle goes on. That being said, it is a great start against a foe that doubles up as a deathly puzzle, as taking more time to destroy those weak points can disrupt the rhythm of the exchange.

Be Patient

It may take a few attempts to get an understanding of the Labyrinth Sentinel's strengths, weaknesses, and patterns, but with a little patience, players should be able to telegraph the boss' movements without breaking a sweat. The cubes move in a pattern that can be anticipated with enough time and careful study. Not many spots within the Sentinel's lair have frequent overlapping movements, so for the most part, players will need only concern themselves with one primary stone box at a time.

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The other test of patience is the rotation of the cubes. As the weak points are on only a few sides, it may take some time before the glowing boxes are exposed. It is important while waiting for this to happen to be aware of what is happening in the player's surroundings, as the stone cubes can surprise their characters if movements are not being tracked.

Look to the Skies

The Labyrinth Sentinel poses a problem both on ground level and above it. There are three cubes that need to be taken care of above players, which provides a challenge in that it distracts from what is happening on the ground. Additionally, projectiles will be hurled at players from above, particularly when their character is standing in one place for too long, so beating the Sentinel will require one eye on the ground and one in the sky.

The toughest cubes to beat during this battle are the ones above the Sentinel's lair, as they rotate slowly in a pattern that makes it difficult to predict when the vulnerable spots are exposed. To make it easier, players should prioritize destroying the floating cubes as quickly as possible to not undo the evasive work done at ground level to take care of the rolling blocks.

Remnant 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

More: Remnant 2: Best Classes (Archetypes Tier List)