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Gunfire Games has released a new chapter in the Remnant franchise with Remnant 2 to the delight of fans of the series and the Soulslike genre. Carrying on from its predecessor, Remnant: From The Ashes, the game is showing plenty of promise as a title that is unique, challenging, and endlessly replayable.

Related: Remnant 2: Best Classes (Archetypes Tier List)

Among the many features in Remnant 2 comes one that is tailored specifically for the most dedicated gamers looking to test their mettle. With Hardcore Mode, gamers are able to play through the multi-world adventure in the most unforgiving way possible. There is absolutely no room for error in Hardcore Mode, so here is everything players should know before diving in.

Hardcore Mode Can Only Be Played With Other Hardcore Players

Remnant 2 - How To Join Lobbies Online Guide Header Image From Reveal Trailer

The stakes are far higher in Remnant 2 and the challenge is far steeper for those who jump into the game's most challenging mode. Because of this, naturally, Hardcore players are not able to host or join public games and can only play alongside other Hardcore players. This will encourage players to seek out the help of friends and fellow Soulslike fanatics to ensure the team survives together.

While this limits the availability of companions in Remnant 2, this in itself will be a blessing. The Class combinations in a team, as well as how well the team operates together, are more important than ever to surviving the many challenges in the game. Hardcore players will only want other Hardcore players to rely on, as only they truly understand the cost of taking risks in Remnant 2. This is a true test of gaming friendship, but one that can reap some incredible rewards.

Death is Permanent

A player's fallen character that has suffered a permanent death while in Hardcore Mode

Simply put, there are no second chances in Remnant 2's Hardcore Mode. Whether players have just started a new adventure or are standing face-to-face with the final boss, a fatality is final. This is a brutal, real-world take on the video game experience which will break the hearts of countless players every day. Players who fail to complete the game without dying are also reminded in the character selection menu of their fallen Archetype's performance.

This is the defining feature of Remnant 2's toughest game mode and will pose the greatest challenge a seasoned veteran or franchise enthusiast can put themselves through. Players will want to ensure they equip the best weapons and armor they have and take their time working their way through the endless dungeons in the game. Careful planning is of the essence, as one mistake could mean the permanent end of a character's campaign.

Hardcore Mode Has Exclusive Rewards

Many will question the motivation behind being thrown into the remorseless world of Hardcore Mode, given its high-stakes, no-second-chances style of gameplay. For some, it is about pride, but for most, it is about the in-game rewards that cannot be acquired anywhere else. In recognition of their participation in this ultimate Remnant 2 test, players will be able to wield an assortment of accessories that give them an advantage that isn't seen in the standard game mode.

With a greater challenge comes greater rewards, which is what players can come to expect from Hardcore Mode as Remnant 2improves on its predecessor. While there isn't much information as yet as to some of the best rewards players can earn in this game mode, it can be anticipated that Gunfire Games plans to make the grueling task worth the effort.

Remnant 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

More: Remnant 2: How to Unlock the Gunslinger Archetype