
  • It's important for players to make use of all game mechanics and learn about character building and items to avoid being overwhelmed in Remnant 2 .
  • Checkpoint Crystals are essential for healing and restoring resources, despite respawning enemies, and should be interacted with whenever they're seen.
  • The roll move is complex and shouldn't be underestimated, as it provides invincibility frames, making it crucial for survival in battle.

Remnant 2 can be an intimidating and punishing game for players who don't make use of all the mechanics featured in the game, which are designed to make enemy encounters a lot more manageable than they would be otherwise, but since there is such a staggering amount of brand-new features introduced in this sequel that wasn't present in the original Remnant: Rise From the Ashes, this does also mean that it's easy to become overwhelmed, even for those who are already fans of the series.

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If players rush into missions without taking the time to learn about the best ways to build their character and the many items that can help keep them alive when venturing through the multiple different worlds in the game, they'll quickly find themselves getting hoarded by enemies and resetting back to the nearest checkpoint, so it never hurts to know what mistakes should be avoided to make the experience as enjoyable as possible.

7 Ignoring The Checkpoint Crystals

player approaching a checkpoint crystal

Initially, Checkpoint Crystals can seem like somewhat of a double-edged sword since using them will result in all enemies within the area respawning, which can definitely be a little annoying when backtracking after wiping out a few monsters, but the pros far outweigh the cons since players will also be able to restore their Dragon Hearts at these checkpoints.

The Dragon Heart is a Relic gifted to the player at the beginning of the game and essentially acts as their main way of healing, aside from using consumables. Since it heals instantly without forcing the player to wait, it's an absolutely essential resource when in the heat of battle that can make surviving the enemy hordes so much easier. On top of that, Checkpoint Crystals will also restore ammo, so any time one is seen glowing in the distance, it's well worth interacting with.

6 Underestimating The Roll

Gunslinger Rolling To Avoid An Attack

The roll in Remnant 2 might seem fairly easy to understand at first, but it's actually a lot more complex than people give it credit for, and a common mistake many newcomers will make is underestimating this move and not taking the time to become comfortable and familiar with it.

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Depending on the player's armor, weapons, and overall build, their roll will either be light, medium, heavy, or ultra-heavy, all of which have different distances and speeds, so it's a good idea to test this out against single enemies or in the firing range to see which type of role the player currently has so that they are aware of how nimble they will be in battle. Additionally, each roll has a few frames of invincibility when it's first activated, which is another reason why the roll is by far the most important form of movement in the game and should not be taken for granted.

5 Not Listening To Surroundings

Player Shooting Multiple Flying Enemies

While many have called it a soulslike game, Remnant 2 at its core is still a third-person looter-shooter in a similar vain to Borderlands and Destiny, so players who have some experience with those kinds of games might be more than happy charging in and gleefully watching the damage counters popping up each time they attack an enemy.

The truth is, though, this is an easy way to get surrounded and mauled by enemy swarms who will occasionally pop out from seemingly nowhere to attack the enemy; these encounters can actually be expected so long as the player listens out for a deep war horn which indicates a horde is on its way. There is also a very high-pitched whistling sound which indicates an elite enemy is on its way, so keeping an ear out during gameplay is incredibly important and can even end up saving a few lives.

4 Neglecting Weapon Upgrades

Weapon Upgrade Menu In Remnant 2

Leveling up isn't the only thing players should work toward each time they enter a new World; they should also keep a close eye on their environment to find any valuable resources which could be used to upgrade a few weapons. Admittedly, the game doesn't do a great job of fully explaining how weapon upgrades work and how they are different from modifications, but they can be utterly devastating when applied correctly.

Upgrading is easy, all players need to do is pay a visit to Don Rigler, who is located on the bottom floor of the warehouse in Ward 13. Hover over any weapon, and there will be an indicator of what materials the player still needs, along with the specific buff that's going to be applied. It should be said that lower-leveled weapons will only need a little bit of scrap and iron to be upgraded, which is often easy to find, but the materials become rarer the better the weapon becomes.

3 Only Using Ranged Weapons

The Challenger With An Iron Greatsword

Melee combat was admittedly a little janky and hard to use in the first Remnant and would often be far too risky to pull off, but in Remnant 2, melee weapons have experienced a full overhaul and are now more powerful than ever, so while fans jumping from the first game might try to avoid them, they're much more capable and effective this time around.

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There are also plenty of Skills, Perks, and Mutators which increase "all damage" as opposed to just ranged damage, including the Close Quarters perk from the Challenger and Invigorated by the Medic. Anyone who wants to try creating a melee-focused build on Remnant 2 should definitely choose the Challenger as their first Archetype since his Iron Greatsword is one of the best melee weapons in the game, and his Skills complement his hack-and-slash playstyle very well.

2 Missing Out On Weapon Mods

Weapon Mod Menu

Weapon upgrades are certainly important, but weapon mods are arguably just as crucial since many of them possess ground-breaking abilities and attributes which can make dealing with smaller groups of Root enemies a breeze. The whole gear and mod crafting system can initially seem a little confusing when it's explained in-game, but it is actually fairly simple and works much the same as regular upgrades.

Simply chat with Ava, who can be found in Ward 13, and she will present players with a few different mods that can be acquired for resources and a certain amount of scrap. Having the correct weapon mods is essential for achieving a certain type of build, no matter whether it's one based around damage, status effects, or even just something simple like having a rapid rate of fire; it's always important to check in on Ava every so often to see what can be added to a weapon to make it even more effective.

1 Forgetting About Ward 13

Player Talking To Brabus At The Firing Range

When venturing through the early worlds of Remnant 2, it's easy to get lost in the sense of adventure and mystery and to totally forget about Ward 13, which is the game's main hub area. However, players really should get into the habit of returning to Ward 13 every chance they get since the area was designed to be a core part of the gameplay loop and should act as a rest point for the player.

Every single item, consumable, Mutator, and Relic found during the expedition into the many worlds can all be used in one way or another at Ward 13, whether it's just for selling to make a little extra scrap or to upgrade so that an Archetype can be at their best in terms of their stats and build. Nobody, no matter how skilled they are at the game, will be able to survive each world without returning to Ward 13 since they will need the supplies and upgrades to improve their chances of surviving, so becoming familiar with all the NPCs and having the patience to carefully use each and every resource acquired during the latest adventure will become crucially important in the long run.

Remnant 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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