
  • Healing mechanics in Remnant 2 are not explicitly explained, but players have various options to restore their HP, such as using consumables like Bandages and Blood Root.
  • Having a Medic on the team is crucial as they provide shields and healing pools, but their abilities have long cooldowns and require strategic resource management.
  • Players should consider using the Endaira's Endless Loop Ring, which heals 1.5 HP per second after sprinting for 2 seconds, and purchasing Root Water, a consumable that heals 0.75 HP per second for 60 minutes and remains effective even after death. Upgrading the Dragon's Heart relic is also recommended for quick healing and additional charges.

As players face otherworldly monsters head-on during their time in Remnant 2, they're inevitably going to be taking a few hits along the way which can put them in danger of dying, so while the game doesn't exactly spell out how the healing mechanics work, luckily, there are more than a few ways that players can restore their HP.

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Dying in Remnant 2 will send the player back to the last checkpoint, which, more often than not, is at the very beginning of the level. Still, despite how many monsters the player might have taken out before their eventual demise, it all counts for nothing as the enemies will also respawn upon the player dying. To save time and avoid frustration, it's worth it for everyone who is jumping into Remnant 2 to know exactly how to go about healing, and what items to keep in the inventory at all times that can help make staying alive just a little bit easier.

5 Keep A Medic On The Team

A Medic In Remnant 2

While they aren't quite as durable as the other classes, the Medic still plays an incredibly important role on a team, though, unlike medics in other games who simply need to aim and fire to heal their allies, the Medic in Remnant 2 actually comes with a decent learning curve that will need to be overcome to make the most of their abilities.

This primarily comes down to the fact that the Medic has incredibly long cooldowns for their abilities, but with that being said, the shields and healing pools they can provide with abilities like Well Spring and Healing Shield can be a real game-changer when taking on fierce enemies like the Root Horror. It, therefore, can take a lot of careful resource management and planning to use these abilities at just the right time, rather than wasting them by throwing them out at the first sight of danger. Keeping a Medic around means that everyone on the team has a reliable source of HP who can also remove debuffs from players around them too, so they're incredibly useful and absolutely vital when exploring the N'Erud and Labyrinth worlds.

4 Stack Up On Consumables

Dr Norah's Healing Items

There are plenty of different consumables in Remnant 2 that will gradually restore a player's HP over time with some of the most common being Bandages and Blood Root. Before setting out on a mission and facing the terrifying hordes, it can be worth paying a visit to Dr. Norah, who can be found in Ward 13. She will be able to offer a large variety of goodies, including a few healing items, so it can be very beneficial in the long run to get into the habit of returning to her often.

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It should be said, though, that this isn't the only way to retrieve healing items. When venturing through the multiple worlds found in Remnant 2, the player will eventually come up against some formidable boss enemies who have the chance of dropping a rare healing item. Of course, due to the random nature of the enemies and loot, this won't be the case every time, but it's still a good reason to try and take down bosses whenever possible.

3 Endaira's Endless Loop Ring

Endaira's Endless Loop In Remnant 2

Rings in Remnant 2 can grant all sorts of extra stat boosts and enhancements, such as being able to increase consumable or Relic speed, for example, and the Endaira's Endless Loop Ring is by far one of the most valuable, as it will actually heal the player for 1.5 HP per second after they have been sprinting for more than 2 seconds.

Not only is this a great way to encourage exploration, but it can also help close combat characters feel a lot more at ease since they will constantly be regenerating health while sprinting around and hacking enemies to pieces. Endaira's Endless Loop Ring can be found in the Yaesha world, but it is much easier to come across in the Endaira's End ruins.

2 Buy Root Water

Root Water In Remnant 2

Root Water is technically just another consumable, but it's worth specifying because the length that it lasts for is far longer than any other items on the market. When consumed, Root Water will heal the player for 0.75 HP per second over the course of 60 minutes, and will even remain in effect after the player dies.

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It can be bought from the merchant Mudtooth for 500 scrap, and while it is fairly pricey, it can be very much worth the cash so long as the player remains cautious while out on their expedition and doesn't charge in constantly to risk-taking too much damage. The Hunter, Medic, and Gunslinger classes will all benefit greatly from this item, with it being regarded by many players as somewhat of a hidden gem that can be a real lifesaver when utilized correctly.

1 Use And Upgrade The Dragon's Heart

Dragon's Heart Upgrade

Near the beginning of the game, the player will be gifted the Dragon's Heart Relic item by their ally Ford which should be their go-to healing item until they manage to collect a good amount of healing consumables to stash in their inventory. Rather than healing a certain amount of health over time, the Dragon's Heart will heal 70 HP as soon as it is activated, so players won't even need to duck out of an encounter to get back to their feet.

The catch though is that the Dragon's Heart only has three charges when it is first acquired, and the only way to recharge it is by resting at a checkpoint. It is also worth it to upgrade the Dragon's Heart when enough resources are collected since this will grant it an extra charge which can be extremely useful for the mid to late-game. To do this, simply visit Wallace, who can be found in Ward 13, and pass him over 1 Simulacrum, 10 Lumenite Crystals, and 1,000 scrap. Out of all these, Simulacrum is by far the hardest to come by, but one can actually be found after defeating the Ripsaw miniboss in the city of Losomn. They can also be acquired from Cass in Ward 13 for a hefty sum.

Remnant 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and X, and PC.

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