
  • Melee weapons in Remnant 2 vary in stats and effectiveness, so it's important to know which ones are worth seeking out to avoid wasting time.
  • Melee weapons are crucial for dealing with ferocious enemies and can be incredibly fun to use due to unique Weapon Mods that freshen up gameplay.
  • Each showcased weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different playstyles and builds in the game.

Considering there are 35 melee weapons featured in Remnant 2, all of which are acquired through very different means, it helps to know which are most worth seeking out beforehand so that players don't end up wasting their time. All of these weapons differ greatly in their damage, critical hit chance, and stagger modifier, so while some can be more suitable for specific builds, there are others that will prove to be effective on just about anyone.

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Enemies in Remnant 2 will become much more ferocious as the player advances through each of the five different worlds, and will often surround the player in groups in order to get the jump on them, so having a trusty melee weapon that is capable of clearing out the hordes is crucially important. On top of that, melee weapons are also incredibly fun to use since many of them have unique Weapon Mods which can freshen up the gameplay loop, ensuring each and every encounter feels new and exciting.

7 Assassin's Dagger

Assassin's Dagger Statistics
  • Damage: 41
  • Critical Hit Chance: -3%
  • Weapon Spot Damage: +110%
  • Stagger Modifier: -15%
  • Weapon Mod: Bloodthirst

The Assassin's Dagger may not be as powerful in terms of raw damage compared to many of its competitors, but it really shines when attacking enemies who are afflicted by Bleeding since this will increase the strength of the weapon by a staggering 25%. This boost will also be added when attacking an enemy from behind, making it especially useful for the Invader who is able to flank around enemies who are distracted by their decoy abilities. It's a decent enough weapon, especially for those looking for something smaller to wield, and to fit the build of an assassin.

The extremely high weak spot damage also makes it incredibly effective when in the hands of an Invader who can get up close and personal, but in truth, it will be viable for just about any Archetype and build. Pair the Assassin's Dagger with the Ravager's Mark which increases damage to bleeding targets by a further 20%, and it results in a build that is more than capable of annihilating groups and single targets with ease.

6 Godsplitter

Godsplitter Being Sold By Merchant
  • Damage: 38
  • Critical Hit Chance: 2%
  • Weakspot Damage: 50%
  • Stagger Modifier: -20%
  • Weapon Mod: Fracture

The Godsplitter is another weapon that largely depends on its Weapon Mod to be effective, but with that being said, Fracture can be absolutely devastating when used correctly. The way this mod works is that it will register every hit after it has been activated as a weakspot hit, and while it only lasts for 2 seconds, this can easily be extended by acquiring the Cracked Mod Duration Relic Fragment. Consider a namesake like 'Godsplitter' new players may be drawn to it, believing it to hold unimaginable power.

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The weapon is especially useful for beginner players who might still be getting familiar with the mechanics of the game, but still want something that is capable of throwing out plenty of damage in quick succession. However, it can also be great for dealing with some of the more stubborn boss enemies with gigantic health pools like the dreaded Mother Mind found in Losomn.

5 Feral Judgement

Feral Judgement Weapon Being Sold By Merchant
  • Damage: 53
  • Critical Hit Chance: 13%
  • Weakspot Damage: 110%
  • Stagger Modifier: -15%
  • Weapon Mod: Death Sentence

While Feral Judgement can slice apart waves of monsters in a matter of seconds, it admittedly does need to be used by a player who has had at least some experience with the game already and who has a decent set of armor since it entirely depends on getting as close to the enemies as possible. The weapon, therefore, does come with a risk of receiving damage while in use, but it's a must-have for builds that are centered around stacking damage through quick and ferocious attacks, and that's all thanks to the Death Sentence weapon mod.

Death Sentence will activate once the weapon has dealt 6X melee damage over the course of 10 seconds. Once activated, the Neutral Backdash Charge will mark enemies, causing them to be attacked by 10 Phantom Strikes that deal 25 damage each, along with an extra 25% for Bleeding enemies. Again, using Feral Judgement can end up costing some HP if things get a little hairy, but for players who feel confident about their chances of surviving close combat encounters, it is guaranteed to strike fear in the enemies' eyes.

4 Hero's Sword

Hero's Sword Weapon Statistics
  • Damage: 51
  • Critical Hit Chance: 5%
  • Weakspot Damage: +90%
  • Stagger Modifier: -10%
  • Weapon Mod: Energy Wave

Because the Explorer Archetype is much more of a passive class that prioritizes looting over killing, it's ironic that he is actually equipped with one of the greatest melee weapons in the game, the Hero's Sword, which is an incredibly versatile melee weapon that really can be used for virtually any situation and enemy type. The Hero's Sword will certainly help players that are looking for that Soulslike experience, and to swear off from the many guns in Remnant 2 that help to make it a different experience.

RELATED: Remnant 2: How To Upgrade Weapons

Its base stats are decent enough to make it a reliable weapon in combat, especially when equipped with a few Fragments, but the Energy Wave mod really helps it stand out by granting the sword an energy projectile that can be fired out at the cost of some stamina. Therefore, while the large swings and fast recovery make it great for hacking and slashing demons, the Energy Wave means players can also evacuate a situation and kill from afar, making it easy to use but also great for later worlds where survival becomes much more difficult.

3 Stonebreaker

Stonebreaker Staistics
  • Damage: 103
  • Critical Hit Chance: 4%
  • Weakspot Damage: +95%
  • Stagger Modifier: 10%
  • Weapon Mod: Faultline

Admittedly, the Stonebreaker is a weapon that's a little hard to obtain, requiring the player to collect 7 Lumenite Crystals, 650 Scrap, and a Hollow Heart from the menacing Corrupter boss, but considering it's one of the most powerful weapons in the game which is also capable of dealing damage from a distance, it's very much worth the effort, even if it seems like it might be a tad heavy.

Faultline will upgrade the Stonebreaker's charged attack by adding a shockwave that deals 115 damage, but the AOE impact of this is actually fairly large, allowing players to whittle down enemy health bars with heavy swings before then finishing them off with the Weapon Mod. The Stonebreaker is definitely on the slower side, so it will take some practice to get accustomed to and is better suited for a tanky Archetypes like the Challenger, but it's nonetheless still one of the greatest weapons in the game for turning monsters into minced meat.

2 Atom Splitter

Atom Splitter
  • Damage: 100
  • Critical Hit Chance: 5%
  • Weakspot Damage: +90%
  • Stagger Modifier: 6%
  • Weapon Mod: Fission Strike

There are not many weapons in Remnant 2 which share a similar futuristic-style design as the Atom Splitter, looking more like a scientific experiment as opposed to a sword, but this aesthetic actually fits into the weapon's abilities since it is capable of creating nuclear fission reaction when executing a Neutral Evasion. The sci-fi-looking Atom Splitter may not create atom bombs, but its high damage will certainly feel like it, and rival the best guns in Remnant 2.

Essentially, this means the weapon is able to deal a devastating 150 damage when performing an attack after a dodge without aiming the stick, making it extremely fast and safe to use, but aside from the Fission Strike ability, the Atom Splitter already contains extremely impressive base stats, including a monstrous 100 base damage. Combine this with the +90% weak spot damage, and it results in a devastating weapon that is so much fun to use against all enemy variants, especially bosses who have a large weakspot to aim for while hacking and slashing.

1 Spectral Blade

Spectral Blade Description
  • Damage: 53
  • Critical Hit Chance: 8%
  • Weakspot Damage: 105%
  • Stagger Modifier: -25%
  • Weapon Mod: Whirlwind

They might be completely different games, but Remnant 2 actually takes a page out of Devil May Cry's book when it comes to the Spectral Blade, primarily because the Whirlwind attack is near-identical to the Judgment Cut performed by Vergil, and this time around, it's just as powerful. After performing a Neutral Backdash Charge, the character will create a whirlwind of quick slashes which strikes all enemies within 8m for an astonishing 75 damage each.

This staggering AOE potential of this move means the blade will be useful throughout the entire game, and its base stats only help to back this up, especially the weakspot damage which can wipe out bosses without even breaking a sweat. On top of all that, the Spectral Blade also has one of the best designs in the game, looking like a fusion between a samurai katana and a Lightsaber, which is always a bonus for those looking to become a Jedi in video games, especially one that forsakes guns for this cool blade.

Remnant 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

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