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The introduction of Archetypes is one of the most notable additions in Remnant 2. Not only does it make each player feel more unique, but they also open up a ton of avenues for build diversity based on what goals or themes players want to meet.

RELATED: How Remnant 2 Improves on The First Game’s Melee Combat

The Gunslinger Archetype is essentially the typical cowboy that's often represented in modern media—light on its feet, quick on the draw, and 100% deadly. Remnant 2 captures this fantasy well, and players will only enjoy it even more once they get a good build going.

Remnant 2 Gunslinger Build

Remnant 2 - Gunslinger In Character Class Selection

The Gunslinger specializes in improving the handling of firearms. They're all about speed, which means they reload, swap weapons, and shoot faster than other Archetypes. By default, they won't deal as much raw damage as a Hunter would, but they come very close when it comes to a pure DPS standpoint.

With that being said, combining the Gunslinger and Hunter results in the Sharpshooter Archetype, which is hands-down the best when it comes to maximizing the damage output of guns. The following is a solo player setup that aims to crank that unique strength up to as high as it can possibly get.

Loaded Sharpshooter Loadout

Main Archetype


Secondary Archetype


Primary Weapon Setup

  • Wrangler 1860 +20
  • Twisting Wounds Mutator
  • Hot Shot Mod

Secondary Weapon Setup

  • Enigma +10
  • Refunder Mutator

Melee Weapon

Any (Assassin's Blade preferred)

Main Skill


Secondary Skill

Hunter's Mark


Chains of Amplification


  • Zania's Malice
  • Stone of Expanse
  • Focusing Shard
  • Stone of Balance



The loadout above uses the starting Wrangler lever-action rifle to capture the Gunslinger's identity as a fast-shooting, hard-hitting DPS machine. It works best when aiming for Weakspots, though it can take down most common enemies with just a few shots depending on the difficulty level. Combine this with a fully-upgraded Twisting Wounds Mutator and the Chains of Amplification amulet to gain +40% damage against bleeding enemies.

Zania's Malice further enforces this build's reliance on precision by increasing Weakspot Damage every time players score a Weakspot hit. Focusing Shard makes this easier by reducing the Wrangler's spread during rapid fire, while Stone of Expanse and Stone of Balance boosts the weapon's damage even more. The latter can be swapped out for a different ring if the situation calls for it.

Enigma is arguably the best secondary weapon in the game when it comes to clearing large groups of enemies. It's the perfect complement to the Wrangler, as the rifle is incapable of dispatching hordes that get too close to the player's face.

The Bulletstorm and Hunter's Mark combo turns the Sharpshooter into an effective boss killer. It drastically improves the Wrangler's rate of fire and significantly cuts down its lengthy reload time. Meanwhile, Hunter's Mark increases the player's crit chance and raw damage by +15% each. After stepping through a fog gate, pop both skills, aim at the boss' head (or head-equivalent), and start blasting.

Players can freely swap Bulletstorm out for Quick Draw if they feel like the need to. The latter is better against swarms of enemies thanks to its auto-target feature. Frequently changing between these two abilities is highly recommended.

Remnant 2 is available now on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Remnant 2: Cathedral of Omens Puzzle Solutions