With a selection of character Archetypes to choose from and even more hidden in the game to be discovered, Gunfire Games' Remnant 2 picks up from where its predecessor, Remnant: From The Ashes, left off in spectacular fashion. Immersing players back into the Soulslike game experience that made its previous title so popular, the newest installment promises to take the genre to the next level.

Remnant 2 features a number of unique Archetypes to choose from as players attempt to survive the threats posed in the multidimensional setting of the game. Each character has a selection of weapons, skills, and abilities to support players through their journey. Each character class has three different skill options, but among them, which stand out as the best boosts?

10 Golddigger (Explorer)

The Explorer Archetype from Remnant 2

The Explorer Archetype may not have the most intimidating set of offensive or defensive skills, but it will find rare objects better than any other character class in Remnant 2. Using some of its skills can help not only acquire special items, but also support teammates by providing them with stat boosts.

Related: Remnant 2: Every Archetype Prime Perk, Ranked

Using the Explorer's Golddigger skill, players can dig into the ground and create a fountain, which will award any who stands in proximity to it with a random buff for 15 seconds. The fountain will assign one of three boosts: a 10% damage increase, a 15% reduction on damage received, or a health regeneration rate of 1.5 points per second.

9 Minion: Flyer (Summoner)

The Summoner class in Remnant 2's character creator

A unique Archetype in Remnant 2, the Summoner is the only character class capable of summoning its own companions to help them fight. This secret Archetype's skills allow them to choose between three different minion types, with their Flyer arguably the best value when it comes to cost against reward.

At the cost of 10% of the character's health, the Summoner can summon up to two Root Flyers to fight by its side. These beasts will hover above the player and deal damage to the closest threat. Players who hold down the skill button will sacrifice their Flyers, causing them to explode and deal 50 damage to any hostiles within 3 meters. As an added bonus, the Flyer will also spawn 3 homing projectiles that will explode, causing an additional 150 damage each.

8 Wellspring (Medic)

The Medic Archetype using its Wellspring skill in Remnant 2

The Medic Archetype makes no secret about its specialization in Remnant 2, but nonetheless, this character class establishes itself as one of the strongest options for both solo and co-op play. Using a variety of healing abilities, alongside strong base weapons, this Archetype plays a significant role in keeping itself and its comrades alive in the face of the game's challenges.

One of the Medic's main skills, Wellspring, affords players and their teammates an opportunity to regenerate some precious health. The player will punch a hole in the ground and create a 3-meter spring, which will restore 10 health points each second for 15 total seconds.

7 Support Dog (Handler)

The Handler's Dog from Remnant 2

One of the most popular Archetype choices on account of its adorable canine companion, the Handler's furry friend is not to be underestimated by the monsters in Remnant 2. With a trio of options for how the dog can best serve its master, players can utilize their pet in a variety of ways for the benefit of themselves and their teammates.

Related: Remnant 2: How to Beat the Labyrinth Sentinel

The Handler's Support Dog Skill prioritizes the health of the squad. With this skill active, the dog will follow its master. It will heal allies for 0.25% of their maximum health each second, provided they are standing within 3.5 meters of the animal. Additionally, the Handler can trigger the dog's howl by holding the skill button, which increases all ally damage by 20% for 20 seconds.

6 Healing Shield (Medic)

The Medic Archetype from Remnant 2

Using another of its effective healing abilities, the Medic Archetype shows its range by providing its teammates with a temporary shield that can protect them from damage for a limited time. Using their Healing Shield ability, all allies within 25 meters will be shielded for 100% of their maximum health for 10 seconds.

This skill is a great defensive tool, with the potential to turn the tide of a combat exchange in favor of the players. As an added bonus, allies with regenerate 20% of their maximum health while under the protection of the shield.

5 Hunter's Focus (Hunter)

The Hunter Archetype from Remnant 2 holding a rifle

An expert in the art of long-range combat and stealth, the Hunter Archetype is the perfect choice for players who prefer to stay hidden and strategically pick off their foes from a safe distance. Using the Hunter's Focus skill, players can utilize their character's strengths in an even more effective manner.

The Hunter's Focus skill rewards players for aiming down the sight of their weapon to scope out their targets without firing any bullets. When the focused state is triggered, weapon spread, recoil, and weapon sway are all reduced by a staggering 75%. Additionally, there is a 25% boost in ranged damage and a 10% higher chance of causing critical ranged damage. Enemies are marked when aimed at to make it easier to track them.

4 Attack Dog (Handler)

Remnant 2 - Handler Petting The Dog

In contrast to the Support Dog skill, the Handler can trigger the Attack Dog skill, which will turn their cute canine companion into a menacing hunter. With this skill active, the dog will follow its owner and attack nearby enemies, causing 20% more damage.

As is the case with the other Handler skills, players can send the dog to proactively attack enemies from further away by single-tapping the skill button, and beckon it back with a double tap. Holding the skill button will cause the dog to howl, increasing all ally damage by 20%.

3 Redemption (Medic)

Remnant 2 - Medic In Character Class Selection

This skill is not only useful in general play, but proves absolutely crucial for those in the thick of the unforgiving Hardcore Mode. The Medic Archetype has the power to revive multiple allies that are downed with one swift motion. Using the Redemption skill, the Medic will release a 30-meter-wide shockwave that will revive any downed allies within its radius.

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This Redemption skill is one of the most effective skills in Remnant 2 due to its ability to instantly revive players, and as an added bonus it will recover 50% of the ally's health. For an even more effective shockwave, players can hold down the skill button. This can increase healing by up to 200%, depending on how long the button is held.

2 Rampage (Challenger)

The Challenger Archetype from Remnant 2 holding a sword across its shoulders

Undoubtedly the toughest Archetype that players can choose in Remnant 2, the Challenger excels at engaging enemies up close and does so effectively on account of its powerful short-range weapons and game-high durability rating. Using its Rampage skill, the Challenger can unleash the full potential of this ruthless killer's abilities.

When active, the Rampage skill puts the Challenger in a frenzied state, causing a 15% increase in fire rate, 20% increase in reload speed, and 10% increase in the speed of their movements. The character's rage will increase with each kill, and with 10 kills, the Challenger will go Berserk, doubling the effects of the Rampage skill.

1 Bulletstorm (Gunslinger)

Remnant 2 - Promotional Image From Gunfire Games Website Showing Gunslinger Player Against An Elite Enemy

The Gunslinger is the best Archetype in Remnant 2 in terms of causing raw damage at blistering speed. It is a very strong option for players to use as they progress through the game's worlds as it is the best at being efficient with the always-scarce supply of ammunition.

With the Bulletstorm skill, the Gunslinger's reload speed is increased by a staggering 50% and its fire rate by 20%. To make matters worse for enemies, all single-shot weapons become automatic, and the player's weapon is instantly reloaded with each kill. Whether players are dealing with an excess of smaller foes or one giant boss, this skill will get the job done.

Remnant 2 is now available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

More: Remnant 2: Best Classes (Archetypes Tier List)