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  • Amulets in Remnant 2 can have a huge impact on gameplay. Players should choose their Amulet wisely since they can only equip one at a time.
  • Certain Amulets can make late-game battles easier. Hence, it's important to have the right Amulet ready before an important encounter.
  • Different Amulets are suited for different playstyles and Archetypes. Consider strategic resource management, build synergies, and enemy weaknesses when choosing Amulets.

Amulets in Remnant 2 are great for providing a much-needed stat boost when trying to create the perfect build, and while players will only be able to equip one at a time, some of them have drastic enhancements which can make a massive impact when utilized in-game. However, because players are going to be coming across many Amulets when venturing across the game since they can spawn randomly and also be acquired from merchants and bosses, it's important to know which ones are the most worth bringing along since it can often be a tricky decision choosing just one.

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It should be said though that there are a handful of Amulets that can make the game drastically easier if a player manages to stumble upon them, and that's certainly not a bad thing considering just how punishing and difficult Remnant 2 can be by the late-game when players are forced to take on monstrous creatures that are capable of melting their health bar if they haven't taken the time to prepare beforehand.

7 Hallowed Egg

Hallowed Egg Amulet
  • After dealing damage with 30% of a firearm's magazine, melee damage is increased by 10% for 7 seconds, and this can stack up to five times.

The Hallowed Egg is an essential Amulet for any player wanting to play a dynamic play style where they can quickly switch between guns and melee to take down enemy hordes, and it's especially useful for Archetypes who are able to empty their magazine fairly fast such as the Gunslinger whom this Relic suits incredibly well.

This is definitely an Amulet that relies on the player being very strategic about their resources and weapons, so it isn't exactly suitable for new players who might want something a little more passive that enhances stats in the background, but it's very rewarding for more experienced players who are aware of the best opportunities to switch out their weapons.

6 Ravager's Mark

Ravager's Mask Amulet
  • All damage to enemies who are afflicted by the Bleed status effect will be increased by 20%, and this increases to 30% for enemies under 50% health.

For anyone making a build based around the Bleed status effect, the Ravager's Mark is an incredibly useful Amulet that can make extremely quick work of weaker enemies who often attack in swarms like the Root Zombies. Archetypes with crowd control potential such as the Challenger are great for using as part of a Bleed build to kill enemies as fast as possible, and of course, weak spots should always be aimed for when building a character this way.

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Using Relic Fragments, Mutators, and Perks to elevate the crit chance also works incredibly well with Ravager's Mark and will help turn any weapon into a boss-killing machine when used in the right hands.

5 Detonation Trigger

Detonation Trigger Amulet
  • Explosive damage is increased by 25% and all explosions inflict 405 burning damage over 5 seconds.

While not every player will consider basing their build around explosive damage, the Detonation Trigger can make this a much more viable idea considering the sheer amount of extra damage it offers, not just upon impact, but also in regard to the burning damage which will wear down the enemy over the course of a few seconds.

While there isn't an exact Archetype that this Amulet fits better than the others, there are plenty of Weapon Mods that it pairs especially well with, such as the Explosive Shot which essentially acts as a grenade launcher. For anyone lucky enough to have gotten their hands on the mysterious alien-like Aphelion weapon, they will be able to fire out the Supernova Weapon Mod which will cause a deadly AOE blast that becomes much more powerful thanks to the Detonation Trigger.

4 Stalker's Brand

Stalker's Brand
  • The wearer gains 10% ranged and 15% melee damage which doubles if the wearer isn't being targeted.

The Stalker Brand initially can seem like a fairly simple Amulet, but it actually requires a decent knowledge of the enemy attack patterns and of the game's awareness mechanics since it heavily relies on staying out of sight.

Since it works best on stealthier builds, it can be absolutely devastating when attached to an Invader who is able to drop decoys and then sneak behind enemies to pick them off one by one. What really helps the Stalker's Brand stand out though is the fact that it still offers a very generous buff even when the wearer is targeted, so it's incredibly valuable and suitable for the majority of Archetypes in the game.

3 Vengeance Idol

Vengeance Idol Amulet
  • All damage dealt is increased by 30% when the wearer is below half of their maximum HP.

The Vengeance Idol isn't just a viable Amulet for any type of build, it's also great for players of any skill level since it essentially acts as a lifeline that can help the player escape an otherwise unwinnable encounter, and when paired with Mutators like Dervish which increases melee damage when using a Skill, or any traits that enhances damage or rate of fire in general, it can even be viable for low-health builds that rely on throwing out as much damage as possible while risking their own safety.

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Alongside these types of character builds, the Vengeance Idol can even be great for the Explorer, and especially the Medic as a way of helping with their survivability if they manage to take a few hits. The Medic works especially well due to their Invigorated Damage Perk which already raises their damage by 2.5%, meaning the Vengeance Idol would be great for allowing the Medic to deal a bit more damage than usual, but again, it really is viable on just about anyone.

2 Death's Embrace

Death's Embrace Amulet
  • 20% extra damage when health is below 100%, and Haste is gained when dropping below 50%.

Death's Embrace is essentially an upgraded version of the Vengeance Idol since while it may add less damage overall, it will activate as soon as the player's character takes any form of damage so while it can be used for ranged Archetypes, it's especially effective for aggressive classes like the Challenger who has a decent armor set to keep them protected and deadly weapons to wipe out enemy hordes with little to no effort.

Because of the added Haste buff that kicks in when below 50% health, it also means Archetypes that rely on their speed such as the Invader and the Explorer will also benefit greatly from Death's Embrace. Any players who love taking calculated risks should definitely make an effort to seek out the Death's Embrace which can be found in Yaesha, but alternatively, it can also be bought from the Bedel of the Vaunnt merchant for 400 scrap.

1 Jester's Bell

Jester's Bell Amulet
  • Mod and Skill casting speed is sped up by 35%, and doing so will also increase all damage by 20% for 15 seconds.

Despite most skills in the game having fairly lengthy cooldowns, there are also many that take a few seconds to actually activate which might not seem like a long time initially, but during the later worlds when enemies become far more aggressive, making the Jester's Ball extremely effective in the long run.

On top of making both Skills and Mods much easier to throw out without being disturbed, Jester's Bell also increases all damage by a staggering 20% after they are thrown out too, so it's easy to see how it can rack up a tremendous amount of damage in such a short amount of time, making it truly devastating against bosses. Of course, since the Jester's Bell does rely on the use of Skills and Mods, it might not be as effective for builds that are focusing on raw physical or ranged damage, but with just how much more effective it can make these abilities, it really is worth making full use of it when acquired.

The good news is, the Jester's Bell can be found quite easily inside the Beatific Palace in Losomn. A Jester is guaranteed to spawn here, and if the player claps at his performance, they will be handsomely rewarded with their very own bell.

Remnant 2 is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S and X, and PC.

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