While Xbox Game Studios has released hits like Hi-Fi Rush and Grounded, it seems to be struggling a bit in the AAA space. Games like Halo Infinite failed to make an impact, many titles lack release windows, and the recent Redfall has not lived up to expectations. While this is far from a death sentence for the brand, it desperately needs a win, and that win may have to come in the form of Starfield.

Starfield is probably one of the most highly anticipated games in recent years. It will be Bethesda's first new IP in a long time, and the studio's first single-player RPG since 2015's Fallout 4. This title is a long time coming, but it may be facing an uphill battle. It not only has to meet the lofty expectations of the fanbase, but it also has to show the industry that Xbox is not out of this fight yet, and that may be a very tough challenge.

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Fans Have Lofty Expectations for Starfield

Starfield procedurally generated mountians

As the years have gone by, the hype for Starfield has only grown. The game was first announced at Bethesda's E3 press conference in 2018 with just a simple title card. No one really knew exactly what this game would look like, but the fanbase was already excited about the possibilities. It was going to be the first new Bethesda IP in twenty-five years, and the studio was going to tackle the space genre for the first time ever.

Fans were left with almost nothing until 2021 when Bethesda released a longer Starfield teaser. It told players a bit more about the premise, and fans were instantly hooked. In 2022, Bethesda showed off the first-ever gameplay footage, and it seemed to be everything that fans wanted it to be. It had all the staples of a Bethesda title with some fantastic new additions to the formula and looked to be one of the most in-depth space RPGs ever created.

Bethesda fans are extremely excited for Starfield, and the delays have only increased that excitement. Bethesda RPGs always seem to be a sensation, and Starfield looks like it will be no different. After this long wait, many fans are expecting this to be one of the best Bethesda games so far. That is an impossibly high bar to reach, and there is a strong chance that it will fall short upon release.

Xbox Game Studios Needs a Win After Redfall

Screenshot of an Angler vampire from Redfall

After the failure of Redfall, all eyes are on Starfield to see if it can deliver on its promise. Xbox Game Studios seems to be struggling a bit in the AAA space, and many players are still waiting for the big Xbox Series X system seller. There has not really been a reason to buy the console yet outside of Xbox Game Pass, but Starfield could finally give potential buyers that reason.

While the Xbox brand is far from dead, Starfield may be the game that makes or breaks this generation for Microsoft. The failure of other AAA titles puts a lot of pressure on Bethesda to deliver when Starfield launches in September. The studio needs to ensure that the title doesn't ship with game-breaking bugs, that its launch state is stable, and that the content is actually engaging. If it falters even slightly then some players may tear it apart, but if it succeeds then it could help put Xbox back on track.

Between the lofty expectations of the fanbase and the need for a stellar Xbox Series X title, Starfield may be in an impossible situation right now. While it will likely be successful, if it does not meet expectations then it may quickly be forgotten about. Hopefully, the upcoming Starfield Direct will be enough to keep the hype high ahead of launch while also proving that the game is going to be a massive hit.

Starfield will be available September 6 on PC and Xbox Series X/S

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