Gamers who enjoy tracking down every last collectible and hidden item in a new title might want to take their time with Redfall, as Arkane’s supernatural shooter features two points of no return after which players can’t return to previous areas within the same campaign. Despite being developed by one of the most revered studios in the industry, Redfall is getting review bombed by players upset with a wide range of issues with the spooky shooter.

First revealed by Dishonored and Prey developers Arkane Studios at the Bethesda E3 2021 showcase, Redfall is an open-world shooter set in a Massachusetts town overrun by vampires, cultists, and mercenaries. Able to be played either solo or with up to 3 other players online, Redfall tasks players with uncovering the truth behind the supernatural invasion and taking down four powerful Vampire Gods. Players can complete side missions and seek out collectibles that reveal more of Redfall’s lore as they progress through the story, but those hoping to discover everything on offer should be aware that the game has not one, but two points of no return.

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Once The Hollow Man is Defeated, You Can’t Return to Redfall Commons

redfall gameplay preview

The first portion of Redfall takes place within the limits of Redfall Commons, which contains five different neighborhoods filled with houses, businesses, and even some creepy underground caves for players to explore as they make their way through the campaign. Sticking to the main story will only take players through a fraction of the locations in the town, so Redfall incentivizes players to explore off the beaten path by adding side missions and collectibles that can be found by scrounging around. Taking the time to thoroughly explore the town and wipe out enemies is also a great way to quickly level up in Redfall early on and gain access to new skills.

Players who want to ensure that they’ve discovered everything there is to be found in the town of Redfall will want to wait to take on The Hollow Man mission after it becomes available. Once the menacing figure, whose voice is heard ominously whispering on the town’s radios throughout the early game, is dispatched, players will be transported to the Burial Point neighborhood. After moving on to Burning Point, it’s no longer possible to return to Redfall Commons, meaning any undiscovered items or unfinished missions in the area will have to wait for another playthrough.

The Black Sun Battle is Redfall’s Second Point of No Return

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Much like the starting area in Redfall, the large Burial Point map contains plenty to discover for players willing to do a bit of exploring once they’ve left Redfall Commons. As players work to take down the three surviving Vampire Gods in Burial Point, they will once again be able to unlock safehouses, clear neighborhoods from infestation, and find new lore items. But just like with Redfall Commons, players interested in uncovering every collectible and point of interest will have to do so before coming up against a point of no return in the game.

Players will have even more Redfall missions to play through in Burial Point than they did in Redfall Commons, but anything not found or completed in the area before entering the final battle with The Black Sun will be inaccessible after completing the challenging encounter. They won't be returned to Burial Point; upon beating the game, players will automatically start over again once the final boss is defeated. This means that if players miss out on one of the many Grave Locks hidden throughout the area, they’ll have hours of gameplay ahead of them before getting another chance to find the missing pieces of the Young Woman’s story.

With these two points of no return making large areas of the game inaccessible, players hoping to 100% Redfall will want to ensure that they’re truly ready to move on before tackling the shooter’s first and final bosses.

Redfall is available for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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