There are many different uses for money in Redfall, from buying new weapons and supplies at the fire station to restocking ammo. As a result, players will need to be constantly on the lookout for high-value items, which can be found scattered throughout the titular town of Redfall or looted from fallen enemies.

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Providing they keep their eyes open, players should be able to gather money organically as they play, but those who find themselves short on cash may need to indulge in a spot of farming in order to increase their bank balance. The good news is, farming money in Redfall is incredibly easy, with some strategies allowing players to accrue thousands of dollars in just a matter of minutes.

How to Farm Money Quickly in Redfall (Infinite Cash)


The reason that farming is so easy in Redfall is that loot respawns whenever players reload the game. As a result, players can farm a location, quit back to the main menu, then hop straight back into the game and proceed to pick that same location dry over and over again. By farming one particular location, players can expect to make around $10,000 dollars for every 15 minutes spent farming, with a chance to earn much more depending on RNG.


The best early game location for farming is a house just down the street from the fire station. To reach it, players should leave the fire station and turn right, being sure to check the toolbox just outside the gate. They'll then want to follow the road until they reach a house with an orange truck outside. The door to this house will need to be opened with a lockpick, but it's possible to gain entry by breaking the window to the left of the door.


Once inside, players should go from room to room and loot everything that's not nailed down. There are certain fixed spawns, such as the board game on the living room table and the rubbing alcohol in the downstairs bathroom, as well as a bunch of random spawns scattered right throughout the house. Players may come across the occasional vampire, too, so they should keep their guard up and be ready to fight at a moment's notice, especially when looting at night.


Once upstairs, players will come to a room with a doorway that's blocked off by red lasers. If they try to pass through these lasers, they'll be blown to smithereens, but there is a way around them without dying. After looting the binoculars and the lighter from the adjoining room, players should head out of the window nearest to the laser door and then climb through the next window along. Once back inside, they'll find some more rare items and a large safe containing a few rare guns.


Unfortunately, opening the safe requires a Rewire kit, and, at lower levels, the guns inside don't always have a combined value of more than the cost of a kit. As players start to reach higher levels in Redfall, though, they are pretty much guaranteed to turn a profit by opening the safe, particularly if they remember to grab the free assault rifle from on top of it. All in all, players can expect to farm around $2,000 for every 3-minute run without the safe, and $3,500+ with it.


It's also worth noting that players can reach the window leading to the safe room by climbing on the orange truck in front of the house, so those who'd prefer to avoid fighting Redfall's many vampires may find this strategy more appealing. It does mean that they'll miss out on looting the rest of the house, but with the time saved, the amount they'll be farming per minute is actually around the same.

Redfall is out now PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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