Many studios find ways to connect their games even if they don't belong to the same series, and Arkane Studios is now one of the developers that have joined this growing group. After the confirmation last year that Deathloop was in fact in the same universe as Arkane's older Dishonored games, fans now have reason to wonder if and how the developer will connect its upcoming title Redfall as well. Redfall represents a new phase for the studio as its first open-world FPS to have both single-player and multiplayer, but it could still contain links to Arkane's previous releases as well.

Tying games together despite their lack of surface similarities can entice fans of other titles to try new ones, and it will help a studio like Arkane establish a cool kind of multiverse that other franchises seem so fond of. The Dishonored games were already admired for their design and the complexity of their worldbuilding, and associating the upcoming Redfall with the series in even a few small ways could only help it. It's also always enjoyable for fans of games like Dishonored to spot links in the world of another seemingly unconnected game, which Redfall could definitely take advantage of.

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Redfall And The Dishonored Universe

redfall layla

Arkane finally confirmed after much player speculation that Deathloop, the studio's stylish time loop escapade, was in the same universe as its beloved Dishonored franchise. According to Creative Director Dinga Bakaba, Deathloop was "one of the futures of the Dishonored world," and Arkane later provided timelines to show how the two IPs could match up. This has led some fans to ask if the same could be true for the upcoming Redfall and if Arkane's vampiric sci-fi shooter could also be a possible future timeline for Dishonored's Empire of the Isles. After all, Redfall also presents a reality where science and the supernatural coexist, and some non-intrusive references to Dishonored might actually feel right at home.

Redfall may not take place in the same geographical space or time period as Dishonored, but there are lots of ways the games could be connected. Like the studio's other games, Redfall will have its own unique story and introduce its own original characters and setting, but clues that link back to Arkane's previous work like character names, weapon designs, or even powers could be subtle reminders of Dishonored. This way, Arkane's games can remain unique while maintaining the same feel and interconnectivity throughout each release as they explore new genres, styles of gameplay, and narratives.

Connecting Arkane's Games

redfall arkane open world

Introducing players to a brand-new world like the previously idyllic titular town of Redfall, Massachusetts is always exciting, and with an open world infested with vampires to survive, players will have a lot on their plates. Peppering elements from previous games not only helps to ground Redfall in the familiar, but it's also fun for fans of titles like Dishonored and Deathloop to spot the callbacks and references. Connecting the games establishes Arkane's legacy for years to come as it continues to expand its universe, and it makes each of its worlds feel more vibrant, expansive, and deep.

Making the references to older games like Dishonored and its sequels more substantive than just hidden Easter eggs is also a far more interesting avenue to take, with links that mean the universes follow on from each other rather than just acting as throwaway clues or meaningless similarities. Making the newer titles possible futures, like Deathloop is for Dishonored, also doesn't limit Arkane's storytelling or require any retconning. Redfall should be in dialogue with Arkane's previous work, and making it another part of the expanding multiverse is one way to achieve this.

Redfall releases in 2023 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

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