Getting the difficulty settings just right can be the entire difference between loving Redfall and hating it. If the challenge is too low, gamers will find themselves bored. Certain enemies have attacks that are only terrifying if they pose a legitimate threat and can survive long enough to execute their plans.

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Conversely, making Redfall too difficult will also make the game unbearable. Starting a mission over and over again due to a wipeout on the same parts is not fun. Some completionists will fight through these moments but most gamers will struggle on the hardest settings. The names of the difficulty settings aren't the usual "easy, medium, or hard" labels that gamers are used to, so take a peek at what each setting means.

Redfall Difficulty Settings

Redfall Squad Escaping By Boat

Difficulty Setting


In-Game Description



These blood suckers are not prepared for you. Enemies are weaker.



Welcome to Redfall, vampires and all. Enemies are moderate.



Trip up and they will drain you dry. Enemies are tough.



The vampire gods are watching you, hungry for blood. Enemies are challenging.

  • The Eclipse difficulty is only available after beating the game once.

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If players use the right character, missions that are tough on Midnight can be doable even on the Eclipse setting. The game will always be somewhat challenging on this mode but it's doable when players have practiced and made an attack plan.

When looking at the time it takes to beat the game, prepare to add or deduct a few hours based on the difficulty used. The Daylight setting, when rushed, can likely be done in under ten hours while the Midnight setting will take a few extra hours to chew through enemy health bars.

Side missions are entertaining and recommended, but keep track of the main mission chapters in order to complete the story. Perhaps gamers will want to hold off on cranking the difficulty up to the max until they've seen the plot unfold once.

Redfall is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Redfall Review