Red Dead Redemption 2 is a fantastic game—no one is denying that. Sometimes, though, the best games are the ones we love to make fun of the most. We’ve searched the internet to find some of the most hilarious memes out there that poke fun at the critically acclaimed sequel.

RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: 5 Things We Loved (& 5 Things We Hated)

These memes had us roaring with laughter, and we could easily relate to almost all of them. They make fun of aspects such as the “realistic” mechanics of the game to Dutch’s “plan” that he clearly has not actually thought out yet. Here are ten hilarious Red Dead Redemption 2 memes!

10 Shooting Better = Lung Cancer

Dead Eye is a very useful mechanic in the Red Dead Redemption series. It allows you to slow down time and become the ultimate gunslinger. Of course, you’ll need to wait for your Dead Eye meter to refill, otherwise you’d be completely overpowered. 

How do you refill it? Well, apparently you need to give Arthur lung cancer to help him shoot better, since smoking a cigarette is one of the ways to bring up your meter quite a bit. In the middle of a gunfight, just tell those O’Driscolls that you need a quick smoke break. I’m sure they’ll understand. 

9 R.I.P. Hard Drive

Hard drives cowered in fear when Rockstar revealed Red Dead Redemption 2’s file size for consoles coming out to almost 150 gigabytes. It’s understandable considering the sequel is one of the most beautiful open-worlds ever created. Still, console users dreaded having to delete all their favorite games to make room.

For PlayStation 4 players, however, they weren’t ready just yet to delete Insomniac’s Spider-Man. Unless you’ve got an external hard drive, all you’re going to have on your console is Spidey and Arthur Morgan. You’ll have nothing left!

8 Seriously, Everyone Hates Micah

Micah might just be the most hated character Rockstar has ever written. He’s a violent and selfish criminal who will do whatever it takes to get ahead, even at the expense of his fellow gang members. It seems that just about everyone in the gang hates Micah... except Dutch, for some reason.

Multiple times throughout the game, it's made obvious the kind of person that Micah is. One would think that Dutch would finally notice it. Nope, he constantly backs up Micah all the way until the end of the game.

7 "Gavin?"

This poor NPC, Nigel, seems to have lost his friend Gavin. Sadly, not a single player has found Gavin. Just like the aliens in Grand Theft Auto V, it seems like Rockstar just wants to mess with the community with an ongoing mystery. 

You’ll constantly hear “GAVIN” as you walk across the world map. No matter how much you try, it’s apparent that Gavin is gone for good. Even in the game’s epilogue, which takes place several years later, Nigel is still roaming the west looking for Gavin. Now that Red Dead Redemption 2 is on PC, you can press F to pay your respects.

6 Lol, Sorry

It’s second nature in open-world games. You see someone in dire need of help, and you’re more than willing to help them out and hopefully get some XP or cash. However, if you just happen to have something valuable with you, such as a legendary pelt, you may just want to keep riding.

Sorry, but I spent a good thirty minutes tracking down this legendary panther, which killed me at least ten times. No way are you going to risk dying or losing the pelt just to help someone who’s getting chased by wolves. Next time, take a different path. 

5 Dogs > People

It’s funny how, in fiction, people are more upset over the death of a dog versus an actual person. Can we blame them, though? Dogs are amazing! So, when I’m playing Red Dead Redemption 2, I’m more than willing to massacre an entire town just out of pure boredom. 

I’ll be the ultimate villain just because I can be. I will not, however, hurt a dog in any capacity. The only time I end up hurting a dog is just by accident from my horse. It will ruin my entire night, and I will turn off my console seconds later.

RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2: 10 Unanswered Questions We Want Resolved In DLC

4 It’s Nothing Personal

Rockstar made bonding with your horse a huge and important mechanic—after all, riding your horse feels like 70% of the entire game. They even let you name your horse, making it your true best friend. 

That being said, you’re bound to purchase multiple horses. While your first horse is a great companion, they just don’t have the same stamina and speed as the White Arabian one you find up in the snowy mountains. It’s nothing personal. It hurts us just as much as it hurts them.

3 What A Time To Be Alive!

Rockstar is known for its crazy attention to detail. Each nook and cranny of their open-worlds feel hand-crafted to perfection. Thanks to the power of the current console generation, many were stoked to see just what Rockstar could do.

To no one’s surprise, Red Dead Redemption 2 ended up being one of the best open-worlds ever created! NPCs remember you and the actions you did hours ago, and here’s a living breathing ecosystem and animal carcasses will literally decay overtime. Oh, and apparently a horse’s balls will end up shrinking in the cold weather. Thanks, Rockstar... we guess.

2 Priorities!

The original Red Dead Redemption came out all the way back in 2010. Players had to wait eight years for the inevitable sequel. When the release date was officially announced (after many delays), players cleared up their entire schedules that weekend. We wouldn’t be surprised if half of them took off work for a couple of days. 

If your girlfriend had asked if you guys have any plans that weekend, you could have just told them you’re going out drinking with your good friend, Lenny. Sorry, but Lenny needs a night out with the boys!


If there’s one thing you’ll hear the most in Red Dead Redemption 2 (besides “Muneh”), it’s Dutch’s “I have a plan” quote. He says so many times throughout the course of this very long game. The thing is, it doesn’t seem like Dutch has a plan at all. 

Instead, he just constantly makes erratic decisions that jeopardize the gang’s safety, all for his nonexistent plan that he so boldly claims he has. Dutch’s “plan” is about as real as unicorns, aliens, and Slender Man. 

NEXT: Red Dead Redemption 2: Arthur Morgan Vs. John Marston Memes That Are Too Funny