
  • Red Dead franchise may benefit from a bold new direction by focusing on a character who cannot redeem themselves.
  • Exploring characters who descend further into crime, rather than redeeming themselves, may offer a fresh perspective.
  • Rockstar must make bold changes to keep Red Dead fresh, likely introducing compelling and complex new characters.

There hasn't been a new Red Dead Redemption since 2018, and if Rockstar chooses to continue the franchise, it may benefit from taking a bold new direction. Just as the franchise's iconic title suggests, Red Dead Redemption has heavily focused on themes of redemption and learning from one's mistakes. Rather, a different approach may be needed for the next game by simply making the title Red Dead.

Of course, a redemption-focused story offers players a positive journey that demonstrates the protagonist's growth. Red Dead Redemption 2 did this incredibly well with Arthur Morgan, as the character is still seen in a positive light by most, despite his mistakes and outlaw past. There have been many members of the Van der Linde gang who help illustrate the unforgiving world of the old American West, but Arthur was a great example of how characters can rise above one's circumstances. Yet, it would be interesting to see the opposite take place.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Discovers Hidden Tunnel

Red Dead Redemption 2 player discovers a secret tunnel beneath the town years after the game's release, adding intrigue to its richly crafted world.

The Next Red Dead Redemption Foregoing a Redeeming Character Arc

A third game in the franchise showcasing another redemption story could prove to be predictable. The next Red Dead Redemption game simply being Red Dead would not only offer a fresh new story but could introduce an all-new character that demonstrates what happens when someone isn't able to rise above their criminal lifestyle.

A Dark Descent in the Wild West

One compelling route that Rockstar could venture down with the series is exploring what happens when people fail to redeem themselves and take their lives even further down the rabbit hole of crime and outlaw life. A character who simply continues to become addicted to the thrill of being an outlaw offers a completely different perspective that would be fascinating to step into the shoes of. Dutch Van der Linde is a great example of this type of person who is continuously enamored by the Wild West.

Arthur Morgan and John Marston are two protagonists who ultimately get to make up for their shady pasts, but a protagonist who is motivated by a deep desire to conquer the Wild West and be legendary would be a fresh view of the franchise's world. Dutch's Red Dead storyline perfectly demonstrates this type of descent, as his constantly dwindling moral compass eventually leads to the gang's downfall. Although a Dutch-led game is unlikely due to there being so much known about the character and his downfall, a brand-new character could easily follow in Dutch's doomed footsteps.

Red Dead Redemption Making Bold Changes

As of now, there is currently no confirmation that Rockstar is working on a third Red Dead Redemption game. However, the developer will need to make some bold changes in order to make the game feel like something fresh and exciting. Rockstar has crafted many iconic characters in gaming. It's already been proven before that the studio can write some fascinating immoral personas, like GTA 5's Trevor Philips and Red Dead Redemption 2's Micah Bell, and getting a different view of the Wild West from a morally questionable personality would be intriguing.

There is a lot of speculation about Red Dead Redemption 3 and who will lead the story, but one thing is nearly certain: Rockstar will bring some compelling and complex characters into the spotlight. Strong characters have become a staple in Rockstar titles, so whether a successor is called Red Dead or Red Dead Redemption 3, the characters are sure to be special.