Red Dead Redemption is one of the greatest games of all time, with the sequel serving up an even better experience. The stories of Arthur Morgan and John Marston are a joy to uncover, even if they're marred by loss and tragedy. The games really nail the desperation of people at that time, with the grittiness of both titles adding to the title's immersion.

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Of course, both these titles need to thank Red Dead Revolver for even existing in the first place. This IP was snatched up by Rockstar, with Red Dead Revolver being a pretty great action game in its own right. Many mechanics and elements from this game are still present in the Redemption titles, although they have been refined quite a bit. As such fans of the Red Dead Redemption series will find a lot to love about Red Dead Revolver.

1 A Great Linear Adventure

Red dead revolver

The Red Dead Redemption games take place in massive open worlds that players can explore at their own pace, save for a few restrictions. This is not the case with Red Dead Revolver though, which is a level-based linear open-world adventure.

There are times when players are encouraged to explore, but the scale of these areas is nowhere near as big as Rockstar's titles. Given how homogeneous open-world titles have been, it's easy to see why some people may appreciate the more focused approach afforded by linear game design.

2 Old-School Third-Person Shooting

Shooting an enemy in Red Dead Revolver

It's taken a long time for third-person shooting gameplay to be refined extensively. Titles like Resident Evil 4 perfected the over-the-shoulder gameplay and formed a template that other games have been using to this day.

Red Dead Revolver feels more raw and downright experimental when it comes to the gameplay. This title's interpretation of third-person shooting isn't revolutionary by any stretch, but it feels notably different when compared to other modern games in the genre.

3 A Simple Yet Great Use Of A Hub World

Brimstone in Red Dead Revolver

Hub worlds have become pretty common in modern times, and it's great to see that Red Dead Revolver uses one to great effect. Players can explore the town of Brimstone between levels, getting a bit of a breather from the relentless action sequences that this game consists of.

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Players can interact with several NPCs in this town and find secrets, making for a welcome change of pace. Red Dead Revolver may be rough around the edges, but its attempts to pace the story were pretty smart for the time.

4 Fun Boss Fights

Red Dead Revolver

Any game with boss fights needs to ensure that these climactic encounters are worth the time and effort that players will invest in them. Such is the case with Red Dead Revolver, which features several bounties that players can collect to rack up a ton of cash.

These boss fights are actually a lot of fun, even if some encounters are either too simple or unnecessarily complex. However, this is a rarity, with the vast majority of boss fights in Red Dead Revolver serving as a great finale to some action-packed levels.

5 An Excellent Narrative

Red Harlow in Red Dead Revolver

Trying to compare the storytelling chops of Red Dead Revolver to Rockstar's titles is definitely an exercise in futility. However, players who decide to experience the story without any unrealistic expectations will find it to be pretty challenging for its time.

The narrative has several twists and turns, with many characters who are engaging enough to carry th experience without too many problems. It's far from a Western masterpiece, but Red Dead Revolver gets the job done and may actually be interesting for people who are fans of this particular genre.

6 A Rating System That Encourages Efficiency

Gameplay of Red Dead Revolver

Many classic games had the habit of adding a rating system to their game that would calculate player efficiency and rank them on the basis of their prowess. Red Dead Revolver incorporates such a system, encouraging players to mow through levels efficiently and in style.

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While getting the highest rating in every level can be pretty challenging, players will still attain that much-needed sense of satisfaction from being rewarded for their mastery. It's a simple inclusion, but a notable one regardless.

7 Multiple Playable Characters

A different character in Red Dead Revolver

A great part of Red Dead Revolver is the fact that players don't have to be restricted to shooting up enemies as the protagonist. While Red Harlow is a pretty serviceable protagonist with believable motives, playing as other characters provides a sense of novelty.

There are a wealth of characters that players will control across the story, and each of them has a unique weapon of their own to make the gameplay more unique and exciting. The list of other controllable characters includes Jack Swift, Annie Stoakes, General Javier Diego, Shadow Wolf, ​​​​​​​and the Buffalo Soldier.

8 The First-Ever Use Of Dead Eye

Player using Dead Eye in Red Dead Revolver

Dead Eye is one of the most iconic mechanics in the series and has appeared in every game since Red Dead Revolver. This mechanic allows players to slow down time as they pick the perfect shot and let off a series of bursts in quick succession.

It's downright necessary to use Dead Eye during tough encounters where players want to take out enemies in no time flat. It's cinematic, satisfying to use, and easy to master, making it a valuable mechanic indeed, and players can better understand its origins if they choose to play Red Dead Revolver.

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