In Red Dead Redemption, players often see some pretty crazy things during their ventures across the American frontier that are certain to prove that the west was truly wild in 1911. This is thanks to the fact that there are endless references, oddities, and crazy encounters in Red Dead Redemption for players to encounter in the varying regions that make up the map. However, what makes some unbelievable moments much more interesting than others is when they occur by pure chance or due to a glitch, as this contributes significantly to making the player's experience more unique. There will be major spoilers ahead for the story mode.

One of the main reasons Red Dead Redemption remains popular to this day is because of how vastly fruitful the game's story mode is when it comes to content. Even after 10 years since its debut, Red Dead Redemption still receives love from fans in regard to its characters, grounded story, and gameplay, with the game developers paying particular attention to minute details to make it more realistic and polished. With that said, that's not to say there aren't some rather strange bugs that crop up every so often to puzzle players, which becomes increasingly bizarre when the child Jack Marston enters the mix.

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For the uninitiated, Jack Marston is a recurring character in the Red Dead series and plays a major role in the original Red Dead Redemption. After all, during the end of Red Dead Redemption, Jack even takes part in defending the family ranch at just the age of 16 when it is being attacked by the army. Although, after Jack watches Uncle be killed, the protagonist and father, John Marston, orders Jack to get away from the ranch to survive the attack. Reluctantly, Jack does as his father asks and finds his mother Abigail to flee the raid, leaving John alone in the barn. However, this latest glitch re-writes the ending.

Usually, with Jack and Abigail Marston now far away from the barn, John Marston accepts his gruesome fate and exits the barn only to be murdered by a large firing squad. Instead, this latest glitch shared with the Red Dead Redemption community on Reddit by seasonedharvester shows "a copy of Jack" staying behind in the barn right before his father departs through the double doors.

In summary, seasonedharvester 's post quickly scored over 300 upvotes as many users discussed how Jack Marston's appearance in this scene would change both Red Dead Redemption and the timeline of the series. One user suggested that Jack would spur his father onwards with motivational quotes like “Go get ‘em, Pa!” Although, many hinted at a more comical yet sinister tone to his inclusion, with one player ominously declaring that "He was always behind it all." Nevertheless, this glitch serves as a fascinating, thought-provoking look at an alternate ending to Red Dead Redemption.

Red Dead Redemption is available on PS3 and Xbox 360.

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