Western fans have spent untold hours traversing the wild west in Rockstar Games' Red Dead Redemption series. They have brought the Dutch Van Der Linde gang to justice with John Marston, and tried to keep the gang together during its final days as Arthur Morgan. They have dueled outlaws, hunted big game, and even robbed a train or two. The series has become exceedingly more advanced, with some saying the open world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best in gaming, so fans are looking to the eventual third entry to see just where Rockstar takes things next.

Technically, Red Dead Redemption 3 will serve as the fourth game in the Red Dead saga. While most fans began with Red Dead Redemption, the Red Dead series started in 2004 with Red Dead Revolver. The game was originally canceled in 2000, but Rockstar acquired the rights and released it to mixed reception. Now, the story has been retroactively considered a legend in the Red Dead Redemption series, but it should not stay that way. Red Dead Redemption 3 has the opportunity to bring Red Harlow back into the franchise and showcase just how far the series has come.

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The Story of Red Harlow

Red Harlow, Buffalo Soldier, and Annie Oakes in Red Dead Revolver

Red Dead Revolver told the story of a bounty hunter in the 1880s. Red Harlow goes on a quest of revenge against those who murdered his parents. The story of Red Dead Revolver took place twelve years after the murder, as Red arrived in the town of Brimstone after killing a gang of outlaws. In Brimstone, Red began to unravel the story of his parents' murder and discovered who was responsible for it - including the Governor of the town.

Red Harlow has not played a big role since, as Red Dead Revolver is not considered canon in the Redemption saga. Instead, Red has made small appearances through mentions by NPCs at campfires, and players can control him in the online mode of Red Dead Redemption. There is even a book in the universe that details his exploits, but even though he is considered a legend, he deserves to appear again.

Red Harlow Should be in Red Dead Redemption 3


Without Red Dead Revolver and Red Harlow, there may not have been a Red Dead Redemption series. Revolver showed there was an interest for old west stories in video games, yet a lot of Red Dead fans have not touched Red Dead Revolver and have no idea who Red Harlow is. Red Dead Redemption 3 will surely be the biggest Red Dead game to date, and it should reintroduce the world to Red and his story.

While Red Harlow's journey has become a legend in the Redemption saga, there is nothing stopping Rockstar from changing its mind. It very well could decide that Red Harlow's legend came from the true story of Red, which many people did not believe. The town of Brimstone could also make an appearance, as Red Dead Redemption 3 will most likely expand the map once again. The town was no doubt shaken by the events of Red Dead Revolver and could be presented as such, either becoming a ghost town or restructured to cement the idea that Red was more than a story.

Rockstar should honor where the series began by bringing back its titular character. Red does not have to be the main focus, he could appear as a side character that assists the player. If Red Dead Redemption 3 continues the trend of going further back in time, it would make sense for it to possibly overlap with Red Harlow's story in the 1880s. As Red Dead Redemption 2 took place in 1899, Red would most likely be alive during those events. Going further back would only put Redemption closer to Revolver, and it would make sense for Red to appear.

Red Harlow and his journey kickstarted the Red Dead Redemption saga, so he deserves to be revisited in some way. Allowing him to make an appearance in Red Dead Redemption 3 could not only give him time to shine, but also reward those who have been with the series since Red Dead Revolver. While little is known about where Rockstar will take Red Dead Redemption, it should consider reintroducing the old bounty hunter.

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