In 2018, Rockstar impressed the gaming world with Red Dead Redemption 2, a game that pushed the boundaries of open-world gaming and immersion. It was a polarizing game, as some gamers felt that it was a bit too slow-paced and sacrificed fun for the sake of realism, though few could deny that the attention to detail the developers included was astounding. The game tested the hardware of the systems it was released on, but a new generation of gaming has arrived, which allows Rockstar Games to surpass its previous magnum opus.

Although a new entry in the series has yet to be announced, it is likely that after the success of Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar will not abandon it. Though Red Dead Redemption 2 sets the bar high, it is not impossible to surpass it, and developers can do a lot to improve on it, especially by focusing on NPC interactions, horses, and the details of the playable character. If implemented correctly, the next Red Dead Redemption game could be yet another title that sets industry standards.

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Red Dead Redemption 3 Could Have More Complex Social Interactions

The clip shows a Red Dead Redemption 2 player pull off a two-for-one shot like their in a classic Western.

Red Dead Redemption 2 achieves its astonishing realism in part through complex NPC interactions that make players feel like they are exploring a world inhabited by living people. When interacting with other characters, Arthur has the choice to either greet or antagonize, and this determines the tone of the conversation going forward. If players are feeling particularly mischievous, they can also choose to rob other characters, although they may find that their targets can put up a fight or run away.

NPCs are also very observant, and they will comment on Arthur's appearance. They get uncomfortable if he has a mask covering his face, and they get suspicious if he walks around covered in blood. If Arthur's wearing some fancy garbs, they will compliment him, and if he is wearing a silly outfit, they might tease him a bit. Perhaps most interestingly, NPCs also have memories, and they will recall the antics that Arthur gets up to. His arrests will cause the townsfolk to warn him to behave, and if he has a habit of helping people, shopkeepers will give him discounts.

With the next Red Dead Redemption game, Rockstar can improve realism by increasing the depth of the interactions players can have with NPCs. Instead of mere surface-level interactions, players should be able to build bonds with certain NPCs, and perhaps even be able to call on them to assist with hunting and other activities. Other games from Rockstar, such as Grand Theft Auto 5, have a similar feature that allows players to call NPCs and invite them to join in on an activity, and it would be nice to have Red Dead Redemption 3 implement something similar.

Red Dead Redemption 3 Should Make Horses Even More Realistic

A cowboy rides a horse in front of a sunset

One of the central aspects of Red Dead Redemption 2 is the horses, and in addition to being an integral form of transportation, players can also form a bond with their horses. Players can name their horses, and horses must also be fed, groomed, and given medication when they are low on health. Bonding with a horse has benefits, as spending time with them helps them learn useful tricks such as quick cornering, and players are also able to recall their horse from a further distance. It appears that horses hold a special place above all other animals, as gamers always gain negative honor when they kill horses.

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Rockstar can make Red Dead Redemption 3 even more realistic by focusing on the horses and allowing players to form an even stronger bond with their stallions. This can be done by increasing the realism of the horses. For instance, grooming could be a more complex process involving changing horseshoes when necessary, and there should be animal doctors players can visit if their horse falls ill. The best feature to add to increase realism would be to include horse breeding, allowing players to raise horses from foals to adulthood. The ability to sell some younglings would also be greatly appreciated.

Red Dead Redemption 3 Can Make the Playable Character More Detailed

Image from Red Dead Redemption 2 showing a close-up of Arthur Morgan's face.

Arthur Morgan's level of detail is jaw-dropping and perhaps even still unmatched. His pupils dilate when exposed to different light levels, he accumulates dirt if he does not bathe, and he grows facial hair if he goes without shaving for a while. The more time players spend with Arthur, the more they will notice how his minor details - such as how he runs out of breath if he whistles too much, or how he occasionally sings to himself when rowing a boat - help make him incredibly believable, causing players to grow a strong attachment to him. This bond is strengthened through the myriad of ways players can customize him, making him a rough and tough cowboy or a dapper gentleman.

It is unknown which character Rockstar will choose for the next Red Dead Redemption game. It could go with Jack Marston, or a surviving member of the Van der Linde gang, such as Sadie Adler. Whichever character is selected, the realism can be greatly enhanced by, for instance, including clothing that is subject to wear and tear, forcing players to constantly restock their wardrobe. The playable characters could also have more realistic reactions to the environment. While Red Dead Redemption 2 encouraged players to dress appropriately for the weather, the next game should make overheating and hypothermia a real possibility. The honor system could also use several improvements, introducing more ambiguity instead of a simple black and white view of morality.

Before Red Dead Redemption 3, players will get their hands on Grand Theft Auto 6, and this should give the public an idea of what Rockstar is capable of when using current generation gaming tech. While this is an exciting prospect, it also suggests that the next Red Dead game is still many years away. However, if the game can drastically improve over Red Dead Redemption 2's high quality, the wait will be worth it.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Red Dead Redemption 2's Arthur Morgan Talks to Himself More Than You Think