
  • Red Dead Redemption 3 could take place in Mexico, as it has already been featured in parts of the series.
  • A storyline centered around the Mexican Revolution in 1911 could be an interesting narrative for the next game.
  • Exploring the transformation of Abraham Reyes from a promising Mexican revolutionary into a corrupt tyrant could provide an exciting and unique story for Red Dead Redemption 3.

With recent rumors suggesting that Red Dead Redemption 3 has begun development, many fans of the franchise have been speculating where a new game could possibly take place. Rockstar's interpretation of the American Wild West is one of the most vibrant worlds to have been brought to life in a video game, but exploring a new country might be the best option for the franchise's next chapter. Mexico has played a major role in Red Dead Redemption​​​​​​, and with the area also being featured on Red Dead Redemption 2's map, it only makes sense for the next game to venture south of the United States border.

After a reputable leaker recently claimed Red Dead Redemption 3 is in the works, many gamers have been excited about the prospect of another incredible journey through untamed landscapes and fighting for survival. Red Dead Redemption 2 was praised for its immersive world with realistic terrain, but there was one puzzling aspect of the game's map. Mexico's region of Nuevo Paraiso was featured on the map, but it's unreachable without an in-game exploit. Although it's explained in the story that tensions between Mexico and America were at an all-time high during the events of Red Dead Redemption 2, it's strange that the area was featured on the map, and this has caused some speculation from fans that Mexico was originally planned to be part of the story but was scrapped during development.

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Why Red Dead Redemption 3 Should Journey to Mexico


Although Mexico was briefly explored in Red Dead Redemption, there were complaints from some fans that this particular section of the game felt like filler, leaving much to be desired in terms of a narrative. However, setting Red Dead Redemption 3's main story in Mexico would provide ample opportunity to explore an area that is rich with narrative possibility. Despite Rockstar not yet unleashing the region's potential, Mexico has greatly impacted Red Dead Redemption, and it would be smart to explore the territory further.

There's also the question of Red Dead Redemption 3's time period. With Red Dead Redemption taking place in 1911 and Red Dead Redemption 2 taking place in 1899, fans have cause to wonder if the next game will also include a time jump. In Red Dead Redemption, the portion of the story that takes place in Mexico sees John Marston caught up in a fictionalized version of the Mexican Revolution in 1911. If Red Dead Redemption 3 returns to the year of 1911, the game could mainly be about the Mexican Revolution.

John Marston saves the life of a revolutionary named Abraham Reyes who eventually becomes Mexico's president in the game's canon. Later on, Reyes becomes a tyrant, and this could provide two interesting story possibilities. Abraham Reyes could be the primary protagonist in Red Dead Redemption 3. The story could either explore his life leading up to the Mexican Revolution or the aftermath, allowing players to watch a protagonist become a corrupted tyrant. Red Dead Redemption 3 has a lot to live up to, and a change this drastic could actually save the game from being overshadowed by the success of the previous titles.

Red Dead Redemption has some amazing, dark personalities that play important roles in each game, and following the story of a promising Mexican revolutionary tragically turning into a tyrant could be an incredible story to watch unfold. Although there is nothing but speculation at this point, Red Dead Redemption 3 is highly anticipated by many gamers. A journey through Mexico would be an exciting change for the franchise.

Red Dead Redemption 3 is rumored to be in development.

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