Red Dead Redemption 3 would be a fascinating release, especially given the recent success of its predecessor. While players are not likely to see a third franchise entry for some time, discussion is still rampant in terms of what kind of experience that game would eventually provide.

One of the major sticking points of Red Dead Redemption 3 appears to be what setting the game will go for. With the RDR franchise being so synonymous with the Wild West that anything beyond this would go against its core themes. However, anything earlier has arguably already been done. This of course extends to what characters RDR3 would portray, and it is paramount that Rockstar does not introduce an entirely new gang for its next Red Dead project.

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The Importance of the Van Der Linde Gang

Red Dead Redemption Van Der Linde Gang

The Van Der Linde gang has been at the center of the RDR narrative for its past two releases. The presence and legacy of the gang is massively important to wider franchise, and it is no wonder Rockstar chose to focus on the group so extensively.

While RDR2 showed us the Van Der Linde gang at their peak and the group's eventual downfall from Arthur Morgan's perspective, the first RDR showed its surviving members in a fractured and almost hopeless state. Of course, the story of the gang has been portrayed in detail, with the only realistic mass portrayal of the group in RDR3 being if it shows the initial formation of the gang before the events of RDR2.

A case can definitely be made for Red Dead Redemption 3 to explore some new characters and points of view, yet it is deeply important that the release maintains its connections with the Van Der Linde gang to some extent. While an entirely new host of characters can work for other Rockstar IPs, the more personal nature of the Red Dead franchise means exploring a whole new gang simply would not work.

The Character-Driven Nature of Red Dead Redemption

Arthur Morgan rearing back on his horse, silhoutted by the sun behind him.

Other franchises such as Grand Theft Auto are renowned for their ability to introduce wholly new casts of characters between releases. The GTA universe is much more bombastic than Red Dead's, meaning the games can get away with portraying new characters thanks to the dizzying experiences that the game world offers.

The Red Dead games tell much more intimate and character-driven stories, with the world around the character seeming more of a secondary feature as opposed to the core allure of the titles. There is a wide range of potential stories that a Wild West setting could foster, yet the Van Der Linde gang have become as synonymous with the IP as the setting itself.

While it is expected that RDR3 will of course introduce some new characters, it is vital that the game remains anchored to the events of its predecessors. For example, RDR3 could explore Jack Marston as an older man, or even tell the tale of Charles following Red Dead Redemption 2's story. This would allow Rockstar to explore new pastures with the franchise while still anchoring RDR3 to the events of the first two Redemption titles.

Of course, an origin story of the Van Der Linde gang would allow Rockstar to re-use many of the same characters, yet there is equal debate regarding whether a Wild West setting is even something that RDR3 should explore at all. While RDR3 should explore new narratives and hear new voices, it is vital that a clear link to the beloved characters of previous games is present, and an entirely new gang would make the release feel too disconnected from its roots.

Red Dead Redemption 3 is not officially confirmed to be in development.

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